
Isaiah 55:2,3 - Are You Really Living?

Why waste your money on what really isn't food?  Why work hard
for something that doesn't satisfy?  Listen carefully to me, and you
will enjoy the very best foods.  Pay close attention!  Come to me and
Isa 55:2,3 (CEV)

Food costs money, lasts only a short time, and meets only
physical needs. But God offers us 'free' nourishment that feeds our soul.
How do we get it? We come (55:1), listen (55:2), seek, and call on
God (55:6). God's salvation is freely offered, but to nourish our
souls we must eagerly receive it. We will starve spiritually without
this food as surely as we will starve physically without our daily
bread.  [Life Application SB]

God encourages men to place their primary interest in spiritual
rather than material things. Those who make first things first will
discover that their material needs are satisfied more easily and more
abundantly. [SDA Commentary]

Man was created with an inner longing for God that finds lasting
satisfaction only in fellowship with Him. . . The one who realizes his
spiritual need is well aware that he has no merits of his own to offer to
God as a price for the precious gift of salvation. But God invites
all such to come in spite of their spiritual poverty for the price
of their salvation has been paid by the Saviour. Yet those who
desire spiritual blessings must not only "hunger" and "thirst" for
them, but also put forth effort to secure them. The blessings of
salvation are free, yet they may be obtained only at the cost of all that
a man has. [SDA Commentary]

All the wealth and pleasure in the world, will not yield solid
comfort and content to the soul. They do not satisfy even the appetites
of the body; for all is vanity and vexation. Let the
disappointments we meet with in the world, help to drive us to Christ, and to
seek for satisfaction in him only. Then, and not before, we shall
find rest for our souls. Hear, and your soul shall live. [Matthew
Henry Commentary]

Only in Christ can men ever "have life" and "have it more
abundantly" (John 10:10). [SDA Commentary]