
Proverbs 1:7a - 'Secrets' of Knowledge.

Pro.1:7a; "Secrets" of Knowledge.

Pro. 1:7a (KJV)  The fear of the LORD is the beginning of 

"God is the Creator of the universe and of life; it is 
consequently impossible to obtain an understanding of man's place in the 
design and purpose of living without a humble approach to Him." [Victor 
Bible Reader's Companion] 

No man can ever become truly wise, who does not begin with God, 
the fountain of knowledge; and he whose mind is influenced by the 
fear and love of God will learn more in a month than others will in a 
year. (Adam Clarke Commentary) 

In this motto one finds the overall theme of the book. "Wisdom" 
begins with a relationship to the Creator God, i.e., a "fear" or 
submissive reverence to Yahweh. Man fell prey to Satan and separated 
himself from God when he sought the "pride of life" (Gen. 3:6; cf. 1 
John 2:16) and by his very act of disobedience flouted the first 
principle for attaining wisdom, i.e., fear of God. The "fool" in Proverbs 
is not one lacking in intelligence, but rather one who is obstinate 
(13:16; 17:10), stubborn (v. 7; 17:28; 20:3; 22:15), even boorish 
(naval, Heb.; cf. Prov. 17:7; 1 Sam. 25:17). The root of the fool's 
foolishness is not mental but spiritual. He begins by rejecting "the fear of 
the Lord" (v. 29) and determining to go his own way (v. 31), closing 
his mind to God. [Believer's SB] 

The phrase the fear of the LORD is the beginning of ... wisdom is 
the cornerstone of Proverbs. Fear is actually another word for 
reverence or worship, suggesting that wisdom begins when we properly 
acknowledge who God is and offer him the worship he deserves. It reminds us 
that life's true significance is discovered when we approach God with 
an attitude of humility and awe, not dread and fright. 
The remainder of Proverbs explains how we can fear God in our 
daily lives. Whether the topic is wealth, work, or marriage, we are 
called to give God the honor due him by obeying his will in each of 
these areas. A wise person will humbly seek God's perspective on a 
matter before acting, but the fool will throw caution to the wind and 
act on his own impulses. What's the result of ignoring God and doing 
it our way? There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the 
end it leads to death (14:12). 
But the person who fears God, who daily worships and honors him, 
has nothing to fear in either life or death. [Quest SB] 

The "fear of the LORD"... Rather than sending you fleeing from 
God's presence in terror, it causes deep, abiding reverence and awe at 
the thought of God's power and glory. It stimulates you to pay 
attention when He speaks--and obey when He commands. Look up 2:1-5; 
14:26-27; 23:17-18 to discover how and why you can live each day in the 
"fear of the LORD." [Your Daily Walk SB] 

In this age of information, knowledge is plentiful, but wisdom 
is scarce. Wisdom means far more than simply knowing a lot. It is a 
basic attitude that affects every aspect of life. The foundation of 
knowledge is to fear the Lord--to honor and respect God, to live in awe of 
his power, and to obey his Word. Faith in God should be the 
controlling principle for your understanding of the world, your attitudes, 
and your actions. Trust in God--he will make you truly wise.  [Life 
Application SB] 

The fear of the Lord not only is the first step in the 
acquirement of all true knowledge but is also the central emphasis of 
knowledge. If knowledge does not lead to a surrender of life to Jesus 
Christ, it has missed its aim. "Call no man brilliant who has not the 
wisdom to choose the Lord Jesus Christ--the light and life of the world. 
The excellence of a man is determined by his possession of the 
virtues of Christ" (EGW letter 106, July 15, 1902). [SDA Commentary] 

"Fear" in this context is not terror but respect. The person who 
has a deep respect for God, who acknowledges Him as Creator and 
Lord, is the one who will listen attentively to God's Words and will 
apply them daily. For this reason wisdom begins with faith in God. But 
for a person of faith to be wise, he must act with full trust in God 
and live according to that Word. [Victor Teacher's Commentary] 

A loving reverence for God that includes submission to his 
lordship and to the commands of his word (Ecc 12:13). [NIV SB] 

Let us give our thoughts completely to knowing God.  The more 
one knows him, the more one wants to know him, and since love is 
measured commonly by knowledge, then, the deeper and more extensive 
knowledge shall be, so love will be the greater, and, if love is great, we 
shall love him equally in suffering and consolation. -- Brother 
Lawrence [Parsons Bible Illustrator] 

The love of God, and the love of man; the former producing all 
obedience to the divine will; the latter, every act of benevolence to 
one's fellows. The love of God shed abroad in the heart by the Holy 
Spirit produces the deepest religious reverence, genuine piety, and 
cheerful obedience. (Adam Clarke Commentary)