
Romans 3:12 - Jesus; Our Greatest Need!

Rom.3:12; Jesus; Our Greatest Need!

Rom 3:12 (TEV) All have turned away from God; they have all gone 
wrong; no one does what is right, not even one. 

Paul uses these Old Testament references to show that humanity 
in general, in its present sinful condition, is unacceptable before 
God. Have you ever thought to yourself, Well, I'm not too bad. I'm a 
pretty good person? Look at these verses and see if any of them apply 
to you. Have you ever lied? Have you ever hurt someone's feelings 
by your words or tone of voice? Are you bitter toward anyone? Do 
you become angry with those who strongly disagree with you? In 
thought, word, and deed, you, like everyone else in the world, stand 
guilty before God. We must remember who we are in his sight--alienated 
sinners. Don't deny that you are a sinner. Instead, allow your desperate 
need to point you toward Christ. [Life Application SB] 

In the KJV "There is no one righteous" means "no one is 
innocent." Every person is valuable in God's eyes because God created us in 
his image and he loves us. But no one is righteous (that is, no one 
can earn right standing with God). Though valuable, we have fallen 
into sin. But God, through Jesus his Son, has redeemed us and offers 
to forgive us if we return to him in faith. [Life Application SB] 

Lambs are wont to lag behind, prone to wander, and apt to grow 
weary, but from all the danger of these infirmities the Shepherd 
protects them with His arm of power.  He finds new-born souls, like young 
lambs, ready to perish - He nourishes them till life becomes vigorous; 
He finds weak minds ready to faint and die - He consoles them and 
renews their strength.  All the little ones He gathers, for it is not 
the will of our heavenly Father that one of them should perish.  
What a quick eye He must have to see them all!  What a tender heart 
to care for them all!  What a far-reaching and potent arm, to 
gather them all!  In His lifetime on earth He was a great gatherer of 
the weaker sort, and now that He dwells in heaven, His loving heart 
yearns towards the meek and contrite, the timid and feeble, the fearful 
and fainting here below.  How gently did He gather me to Himself, to 
His truth, to His blood, to His love, to His church!  With what 
effectual grace did He compel me to Himself!  Since my first conversion, 
how frequently has He restored me from my wanderings, and once again 
folded me within the circle of His everlasting arm!  The best of all 
is, that He does it all Himself personally,  not delegating the task 
of love, but condescending Himself to rescue and preserve His most 
unworthy servant.  [Charles Spurgeon; Time with God devotional SB]