Numbers 6:24-26 - The Lord's Prayer of the Old Testament.
Num.6:24-26; The Lord's Prayer of the Old Testament
Num 6:24 (KJV) The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:
Num 6:25 (KJV) The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be
gracious unto thee:
Num 6:26 (KJV) The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and
give thee peace.
Num 6:24 (TEV) May the LORD bless you and take care of you;
Num 6:25 (TEV) May the LORD be kind and gracious to you;
Num 6:26 (TEV) May the LORD look on you with favor and give you
Num 6:24 (NCV) "May the LORD bless you and keep you.
Num 6:25 (NCV) May the LORD show you his kindness and have
mercy on you.
Num 6:26 (NCV) May the LORD watch over you and give you peace."'
Num 6:24 (EAV) The Lord bless you and watch, guard, and keep
Num 6:25 (EAV) The Lord make His face to shine upon and
enlighten you and be gracious (kind, merciful, and giving favor) to you;
Num 6:26 (EAV) The Lord lift up His [approving] countenance
upon you and give you peace (tranquility of heart and life
In 1979, a silver amulet was discovered by archaeologists in a
Jerusalem tomb. Inscribed on the silver foil, which dates to the seventh
century B.C., were the words of this benediction, making this the oldest
known quotation from Scripture (Barkay). [Jamieson, Fausset, And Brown
The great Aaronic blessing: God desired his blessings to fall
upon those who were faithful so that they could experience peace and
wholeness in their relationship with their redeeming God. [New Bible
Referred to as "the Lord's Prayer of the O.T.," [Believer's SB]
It was a pattern to gospel ministers, the masters of assemblies,
who are in like manner to dismiss their solemn assemblies with a
blessing. (Matthew Henry's Commentary)
This short blessing can be recited much like the Serenity Prayer
when we need a reminder of who God is and how he acts toward us. He
blesses us; he cares for us; he is gracious to us; he is present with
us; and he brings peace into our lives. [Life Recovery Devotional
Each verse conveys two elements of benediction, and the verses
are progressively longer (in the Hebrew text, the first verse has
three words, the second has five and the third has seven). [NIV SB]
A blessing is a hopeful prayer. A blessing was one way of asking
for God's divine favor to rest upon others. The ancient blessing in
these verses helps us understand what a blessing was supposed to do.
Its five parts conveyed hope that God would (1) bless and keep them
(favor and protect); (2) make his face shine upon them (be pleased);
(3) be gracious (merciful and compassionate); (4) turn his face
toward them (give his approval); (5) give peace. When you ask God to
bless others or yourself, you are asking him to do these five things.
The blessing you offer will not only help the one receiving it, it
will also demonstrate love, encourage others, and provide a model of
caring to others. [Life Application SB]
The blessing invokes the power of the divine name Yahweh three
times, causing many Christians, from the church fathers on, to see in
it a foreshadowing of the doctrine of the Trinity. [Believer's SB]
That the name Jehovah is three times repeated in it, and (as the
critics observe) each with a different accent in the original; the Jews
themselves think there is some mystery in this, and we know what it is, the
New Testament having explained it, which directs us to expect the
blessing from the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of the Father,
and the communion of the Holy Ghost, each of which persons is
Jehovah, and yet they are "not three Lords, but one Lord," (Matthew
Henry's Commentary)
The blessing consists of three distinct parts, and mounts by
gradual stages to that peace which forms the last and most consummate
gift which God can give His people. From a Christian point of view,
and comparing the counterpart benediction of 2 Cor. 13:14, it is
impossible not to see shadowed forth the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. And
the three several sets of terms correspond fittingly to the office
of the Three Persons in Their gracious work for the redemption of
man. (Barnes' Notes)
Several wise and learned men believe that the mystery of the
Holy Trinity is not obscurely hinted at in it. God the FATHER blesses
and keeps his followers. God the SON is gracious unto sinners in
remitting their offences, which he died to blot out. God, the HOLY SPIRIT
takes of the things which are Christ's, and shows them unto genuine
Christians, and diffuses the peace of God in their hearts. In a word,
Christ, the gift of the Father by the energy of the Holy Spirit, came to
bless every one of us by turning us away from our iniquities: (Adam
Clarke Commentary)
Those who confess God as their Savior are blessed with His
keeping, grace, and peace. [Disciple SB]
Keep thee. Protection from loss and sin. [SDA Commentary]
The fruits of this favour conveyed by this blessing are
protection, pardon, and peace. (Matthew Henry's Commentary)
Combining these divine gifts, one experiences God's peace or
"state of wholeness".[Jamieson, Fausset, And Brown Commentary]
Peace, is a comprehensive word, including the concepts of
completeness, security, health, tranquillity, contentment, friendship, and
peace with God and man. [Wycliffe Bible Commentary]
Peace, here seen in its most expressive fullness--not the
absence of war, but a positive state of rightness and well-being. Such
peace comes only from the Lord. [NIV SB]
The simple words of this blessing reflect God's desire for an
his people. He is the source all blessings, grace, and peace in
life; only through a relationship with this God can we hope to
experience the fullness of life described here. The blessing seems to build
to its final word - peace. The beautiful Hebrew word shalom used
here means much more than an absence of conflict. It implies a
complete sense of well-being, health, and contentment. God offers this to
anyone who is willing to follow him, and especially to those whose
lives have been bruised and broken. [Life Recovery SB]
To be under the almighty protection of God our Saviour; to enjoy
his favour as the smile of a loving Father, or as the cheering beams
of the sun; while he mercifully forgives our sins, supplies our
wants, consoles the heart, and prepares us by his grace for eternal
glory; these things form the substance of this blessing, and the sum
total of all blessings. In so rich a list of mercies worldly joys are
not worthy to be mentioned. [Matthew Henry Commentary]
The gospel is a gospel of peace and our God is a God of peace,
not of contention. The wicked know nothing of peace. There is no
peace saith the Lord, for the wicked; they are like the troubled sea -
but you don't need to go to the Bible to find that out; if you will
look around you, you will see it. If you have not got peace, it is a
sure sign you have not found the true God, for the Peace of God will
keep your hearts and minds if you have found him. Look in the 6th
chapter of Numbers, 26th verse: "The Lord lift up his countenance upon
thee, and give thee peace." The Lord will keep thee; the Lord will
give thee peace,.. solid, real peace such as the world cannot give or
take away. When a man has left a will, how eagerly we read it! We
don't care much for a dry law paper, but if it has got our name in it
with a legacy we never find it dry. Now God says, "My peace I leave
with you." Oh, child of God, have you got it? None of us have enough
of it. I get angry and disturbed and make a fool of myself very
often; I wish I had peace enough to keep me from it, but God gives good
measures, shaken up, pressed down, full measure. Let our hearts be open to
receive the peace of God. D. L. Moody [Spirit Filled Life Devotional