Psalm 47:2 - There Is But One God.
Psalm 47:2 - There Is But One God.
Psalm 47:2 (NLT) For the Lord Most High is awesome. He is the
great King of all the earth.
This festive song celebrated the universal reign of God.
[Inspirational SB re Psalms 47:1-48:14]
If you prefer quiet meditative worship, this psalm will
challenge you, for it describes a praise celebration that involves
hand-clapping, shouting, and loud singing. The cause of this excitement is the
greatness of Christ our King. (If that does not excite you, what will? Get
excited about these things:
His great victory (1-4). We do not know what military victory
the psalmist was celebrating, but as believers today, we walk in
Christ's spiritual victory (2 Cor. 2:14). Like Joshua, we submit to our
Captain and trust Him to win the battle (Josh. 5:13-15). That is
something to shout about!
His great throne (5-7). What a picture of the ascension of our
Lord, returning to heaven and sitting at the right hand of God! Satan
may be the god of this age, but Jesus is King of all the earth. That
is something to shout about!
His great reign (8-9). His kingdom is a spiritual kingdom
today, but He still rules in the affairs of men. One day, Christ will
reign on earth, and His people shall reign with Him (Rev. 1:5-6;
5:9-10; 11:15-18). That is something to shout about! [Chapter by Chapter
Bible Commentary by Warren Wiersbe]
Some people claim Christians are too narrow. "Don't all roads
lead to God?" they say. God's Word makes it clear that "the great
King of all the earth" is the one true God. From the book of Isaiah
come these words, "I am the LORD; there is no other God. I have
equipped you for battle, though you don't even know me, so all the world
from east to west will know there is no other God. I am the LORD, and
there is no other" (Isaiah 45:5-6, September 24). He is the one true
God and he is sovereign over all things, including the nations.
While other religions may have their gods, prophets, and
saviors, no other religion has one who died to save his followers and
then rose again from the dead. There is only one God, and Jesus is
the only way to him. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the
life. No one can come to the Father except through me" (John 14:6, May
24). Give thanks today that the one true God loves you. [The One Year
Bible for New Believers re Psa. 47:2]
Do you hunger for Jesus Christ? Do you yearn to spend time
alone with Him in prayer? Is He the most important person in your
life? ... Do you eagerly turn to His.... Gospels to learn more of Him?
Are you making the effort to die to anything and everything that
would inhibit, diminish, or threaten your friendship?
To discern where you really are with the Lord, recall what has
saddened you recently. Was it the realization that you don't love Jesus
enough? ... That you can't honestly say that the greatest thing that
ever happened in your life is that Jesus came to you and you heard
His voice?...
Or have you been saddened and depressed over a lack of human
respect, criticism from an authority figure, financial problems, lack of
friends, your bulging waistline?
On the other hand, what has gladdened you recently? Reflection
on your election to the Christian community? .. The afternoon you
stole away with the Gospel as your only companion? The thrilling
awareness that God loves you unconditionally just as you are and not as
you should be?...
When our lives are governed not by a network of laws but by
the fire of the Spirit that burns within,.. when we respond to the
call of Jesus, which is not, "Come to the ice cream party," but "Come
to Me," then the limitless power of the Holy Spirit will be
unleashed with astonishing force. (From Lion and Lamb by Brennan Manning)
Take a Saturday or Sunday afternoon retreat. Grab your Bible, a
notebook, and a blanket and spend the day in the park. Read through a
Gospel. Read a handful of psalms. Pray. Do it soon. [Inspirational SB re
Psalms 47:1-48:14]