Judges 6:14 - Faithful with the Impossible!
Judges 6:14 - Faithful with the Impossible!
Judges 6:14 (NLT) Then the Lord turned to him and said, "Go with
the strength you have, and rescue Israel from the Midianites. I am
sending you!"
Like others called to be prophets or judges, Gideon was
reluctant to obey. He questioned God's presence and his own adequacy. [NLT
Gideon was an unlikely candidate for God's "Hall of Fame"
(Heb. 11:32). When God called him, he was hiding. When God spoke to
him, he raised problems instead of trusting promises. One of his
favorite words was if (vv. 13, 17, 36; Mark 9:22-23). When Gideon did
start to obey God, he worked at night (v. 27) and had to have repeated
reassurance that the Lord was with him.
But God saw the potential in Gideon and even called him a
"mighty man of valor" (v. 12). God sees the potential in you and says to
you as He did to Simon, "You are ... You shall be" (John 1:42). He
knows your weaknesses and will accommodate Himself to your needs so
that He might develop your faith. [Chapter by Chapter Bible
Commentary by Warren Wiersbe]
"I will be with you," God told Gideon, and God promised to
give him the strength he needed to overcome the opposition. In spite
of this clear promise for strength, Gideon made excuses. Seeing
only his limitations and weaknesses, he failed to see how God could
work through him.
Like Gideon, we are called to serve God in specific ways.
Although God promises us the tools and strength we need, we often make
excuses. But reminding God of our limitations only implies that he does
not know all about us or that he has made a mistake in evaluating
our character. Don't spend time making excuses. Instead spend it
doing what God wants. [Life Application SB]
In Gideon's mind, victory over the Midianites was an
impossibility, and he was absolutely right! The Midianites, along with their
allies, overwhelmed the feeble Hebrews. Yet the moment God told Gideon
to fight them, victory was no longer an impossibility!
When Jesus commanded His small group of followers to make
disciples of all nations, was that possible (Mt 28:19)? Certainly, if
Jesus said it was! When Jesus told His disciples to love their
enemies, was He being realistic? Of course, because He was the One who
would achieve reconciliation through them (2Co 5:19-20).
Do you treat commands like these as implausible? Do you modify
God's word to find an interpretation that seems reasonable to you?
Don't discount what is possible with God (Php 4:13). When God gives an
assignment, it is no longer an impossibility, but rather it is an absolute
certainty. When God gives you a seemingly impossible task, the only thing
preventing it from coming to pass is your disobedience. When God speaks, it
can scare you to death! He will lead you to do things that are
absolutely impossible in your own strength. But God will grant you victory,
step by step, as you obey Him. How do you respond to assignments that
seem impossible? Do you write them off as unattainable? Or do you
immediately adjust your life to God's revelation, watching with anticipation
to see how He will accomplish His purposes through your obedience?
God wants to do the impossible through your life. All He requires is
your obedience. [Experiencing God Day by Day by Henry and Richard
Blackaby re Jdg. 6:14]
"Putting out the fleece" (asking God to do some special thing to
verify His will) is evidence of unbelief and not of faith. God stooped
to Gideon's weakness and did what he asked, and He may do that for
you; but this is not the level on which God wants to meet you.
Immature faith needs signs for reassurance; mature faith takes God at His
Word and obeys. [Chapter by Chapter Bible Commentary by Warren