Romans 12:1, 2 - Surrender and Transformation. [addendum]
Romans 12:1, 2 - Surrender and Transformation. [addendum]
Romans 12:1, 2 (TEV) So then, my brothers, because of God's
great mercy to us I appeal to you: Offer yourselves as a living
sacrifice to God, dedicated to his service and pleasing to him. This is
the true worship that you should offer. Do not conform yourselves
to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly
by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know
the will of God--what is good and is pleasing to him and is
Romans 12:1, 2 (CWR) Therefore I plead with you, my brothers,
because of God's kindness and mercy toward you, offer your lives as
living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to Him. This is both reasonable
and the spiritual way to worship God. Don't pattern your life after
this world, but let God transform you from the inside out and give
you a new way of thinking. Then you will know what is good and
pleasing to Him and what is not.
CONTEXT: Surrender and Transformation: Romans 12:1, 2.
The biblical pattern is to relate doctrine and duty, for what
you believe must determine how you behave. In these closing
chapters, Paul discusses your relationship with the Lord (12:1-2),
yourself (12:3), the church (12:4-16), your enemies (12:17-21),
government (chap. 13), and believers who disagree (chaps. 14-15).
Transformation (vv. 1-2). The Spirit of God transforms your
life by renewing your mind (2 Cor. 3:18), but He cannot do this
unless you give Him your body. When you give yourself to God in
spiritual worship, you become a living sacrifice to the glory of God.
Evaluation (3). To think more highly of yourself, or less
highly, is sin, so have a proper estimate of who you are and what God
has given you (Gal. 6:3-5).
Cooperation (4-16). You are part of the body of Christ with a
ministry to fulfill, so do your part lovingly and joyfully.
Vindication (17-21). If yours is a godly life, you are bound
to have enemies (Matt. 5:10-12; 2 Tim. 3:12); but leave all
judgment to the Lord. If you let the Lord have His way, He will use your
enemies to build you and make you more like Christ. [Chapter by Chapter
Bible Commentary by Warren Wiersbe]
APPLICATION COMMENTARY With Emphasis On Verses 1, 2.
I was the "good girl." I didn't do any of the things my mother
scolded against. "Good girls don't drink, smoke, or run around," she
repeated often. I knew how not to drink or smoke, but I had no idea what
running around meant, although I was pretty sure I wasn't doing it. I
married a religious man from a denomination that taught there is no sin,
disease, or death--those things are only in our minds. This optimistic
doctrine kept us happy and smiling until I gave birth to two sons a year
apart, both of whom had an incurable brain disease that took their
lives. Fred and I were left with no hope and no future. Our bodies had
both disease and death. We quit church and gave up on God.
But God didn't give up on me. One day at a Christian Women's
Club, the speaker told us to present ourselves to God as living
sacrifices, and God would accept us as we are. Then came the words that hit
me hard: "We should stop conforming to the world." I had always
been a master social conformist. But that day I began to ask God to
transform me and give me a new mind. Only then did I begin to see the
perfect plan he had designed for my life.
Florence Littauer, international speaker, trainer, Bible
teacher, and founder of CLASSeminars, is the author of more than fifty
books, including Journey to Jesus, Silver Boxes, and Personality Plus.
[The One Year Bible Live Verse Devotional re Rom. 12:1, 2]
The other six hundred guys at the Fellowship of Christian
Athletes youth camp seemed eager to read their Bibles. But I grew up in a
church blatant with hypocrisy, and in my mind that ancient book had
nothing to say to me. Still, because it was "quiet time," I arbitrarily
opened my Bible and began to read Romans 12. Unexpectedly, I was
overwhelmed by the painfully clear picture of my life: I was a phony. In the
locker room I was the tough guy. To the girls, I was sweet. I totally
conformed to the world. And this verse diagnosed the fact that I needed to
be transformed.
Best of all, Paul's letter to the Christians in Rome
prescribed the treatment: I needed to renew my mind. That was the only way
to become a living sacrifice. Since then, I have been drawn to
memorize hundreds of verses and am almost fanatical about what I allow
into my mind. Let me be clear. I didn't change me. All I did was
position myself so the Spirit of God could use the Word of God to work in
the life of a pagan guy who didn't have a clue.
Now I've come full circle. Out of my pain came a passion for
the church and a vision for people everywhere to renew their minds
and know God's perfect will for their lives.
Chip Ingram, a radio teaching pastor on Living on the Edge, is
the president and CEO of Walk Thru the Bible. He is the author of
God, As He Longs for You to See Him; Love, Sex, and Lasting
Relationships; and Effective Parenting in a Defective World [The One Year Bible
Live Verse Devotional re Rom. 12:1, 2]