
Psalm 105:4 - Depending Upon God And His Strength. (addendum)

Psalm 105:4 - Depending Upon God And His Strength. (addendum)

Psalm 105:4 (NRSV)  Seek the LORD and his strength; seek his 
presence continually. 

   Henry Nouwen pondered this paradox of the spiritual life: 
it's at once a wonderful gift God gives us, yet we must work hard at 
it. The Holy Spirit lifts us, says Nouwen, "into the kingdom of 
God's love, yet forces keep pulling us back into a worry-filled life." 
   Because of this struggle, we are called to the discipline of 
constantly listening for the quiet voice of the Spirit, and then to the 
commitment to obey that voice.  
   Noise of all sorts in our crowded lives can make us deaf to 
God's voice. The danger is if we don't detect the nudges and whispers 
of the Holy Spirit, our lives may become what Nouwen calls 
"absurd," based on the Latin word for "deaf," surdus.  
   Absurd is a relevant word for modern times. Countless plays, 
books, and movies depict our lives as Shakespeare described them: "full 
of sound and fury, signifying nothing"-in a word, absurd.  
   Jesus, in stark contrast, lived a life of extreme 
significance. Far from living as if he were deaf, Jesus maintained constant 
communion with his Father. He was always listening and always obedient. He 
was fully in harmony with his Father's will.  
   If we are not in harmony with God, what is the meaning of all 
our efforts? What does it matter if our plans thrive or fail? Only 
as we listen for the voice of the Spirit do we sense that 
everything matters and that we are part of something far beyond what can be 
measured by the world's standards.  
   "Jesus was 'all ear,''' writes Henri Nouwen. "That is true 
prayer: being all ear for God."  
   Father in heaven, to be honest, I often do seem deaf. Yet, I 
want to hear your voice. Right now I invite you to whisper or shout 
or do whatever it takes to get me to hear you. And help me, I pray, 
to respond and obey.  
   Search for the LORD and for his strength; continually seek 
him. Psalm 105:4, NLT [The One Year Book of Encouragement by Harold 


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