
Micah 6:8 - What God Requires of Man.

Micah 6:8 - What God Requires of Man.

Micah 6:8 (KJV) He hath showed thee, O man, what is good; and 
what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love 
mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? 

Micah 6:8 (NLT) No, O people, the LORD has already told you what 
is good, and this is what he requires: to do what is right, to love 
mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. 

The most memorable statement in the OT defining a proper 
relationship to God (see Jer 22:16; Hos 6:6 and notes; cf. Jas 1:27). Micah 
here summarizes major themes found in the prophecies of his near 
contemporaries: Amos ("act justly"; cf. Am 5:24), Hosea ("love mercy"; cf. Hos 
6:6) and Isaiah ("walk humbly with your God"; cf. Isa 29:19). Cf. 
also Mt 23:23. [NIV SB 2008] 

These verses, probably the best known passage in Micah, are 
worth memorizing. The prophet proclaims an essential aspect of 
biblical religion. God does not desire sacrifice of material things--even 
of one's own firstborn, nor does He require us to follow a 
complicated system of rules and regulations (vv. 6, 7). He asks us to be 
just and merciful to our fellowman and to live in humble obedience to 
God. The message was also proclaimed by Jesus (see Matt. 22:36-40). 
[Passages Of Life SB re vv. 6-8] 

The Lord desires the primary forms of love--justice (do justice), 
mercy (love kindness), and faithfulness (walk humbly)--as the expressed 
response of his people to his redemptive acts (Matt. 23:23; cf. Deut. 
10:12-13; 1 Sam. 15:22; Isa. 1:11-17; Hos. 6:6). [ESV SB 2008]  

   Good means what is right in God's eyes; God is the source of 
all goodness (Gen 1; Exod 33:19; 34:6-7; Deut 12:28).  
   What Is Right (often translated "justice"): God's order in 
the world requires treatment of others in fair, non-manipulative, 
non-oppressive ways.  
   Mercy: This passionate, undeserved loyalty is the defining 
quality in God's holy character (see Ps 136). Those who know God will 
act in the same way toward others (see Gen 21:22-24; Josh 2:12-14; 
Matt 5:43-48).  
   Walk Humbly: Humility must characterize God's people. They 
must not live in a spirit of arrogance or special privilege. They 
must be humble and reverently fear God... God desires us to be in an 
on-going intimate relationship with him (a "walk"; cp. Deut 28:9; Josh 
22:5) that transforms the way we relate to other people. [NLT SB 2008] 

   Micah 6:8, a well-known and oft-memorized verse, answers a 
series of questions put forth by a confused people who had lost their 
moral and spiritual bearings. 
   The people of Israel wanted to know what they could do to be 
acceptable to the Lord. In an oppressive and deceitful society, they had 
lost a sense of what the Lord regards as good. God gave them a 
concrete answer: He is not seeking mechanical, ritualistic worship 
(6:5-6), but that his people do what is right in relationship with him 
and in their relationships with each other. As they are motivated by 
love, their actions will be tempered by justice, mercy, and humility 
(see 7:18-20). God's people are not to oppress others, but to do what 
is just, righteous, and honest toward one another. 
   Micah 6:8 summarizes what God had already made known in the 
past to Israel: Humility, faith, and obedience are pleasing to him. 
God declared this message to Abraham (Gen 15:6; 17:1, 9), to Moses 
at Sinai (Exod 20-23), through his prophets (e.g., Deut 6:1-8; Hos 
6:6), and through Israel's wise men (Prov 1:7). 
   It pleases God when his people walk humbly in faith before 
him, as exemplified by Moses (Num 12:3), Habakkuk (Hab 3:17-19), 
Daniel (Dan 9:1-19), and Ezra (Ezra 9:5-15). Real spirituality and 
devotion is in doing good, seeking justice, relieving oppression, 
defending orphans, and aiding widows (see Exod 22:21-24; 23:2-12; Deut 
15:4-11; 24:12-15; Neh 5:1-13; Jer 22:16; Amos 5:7-24; Dan 4:27; Jas 
1:27). These acts are marks of God's own character (Ps 146:9; Matt 
11:5). [NLT SB 2008]  

 "To do justly, and to love mercy" is to act with justice and 
kindness. These are manward virtues and sum up the intent of the second 
table of the Decalogue (see on Matt. 22:39, 40). "To walk humbly with 
thy God" is to live in harmony with the principles of the first 
table of the Decalogue (see on Matt. 22:37, 38). This is Godward 
virtue. Love expressed in action with respect to God and to our fellow 
men is "good"; it is all that God requires, for "love is the 
fulfilling of the law" (Rom. 13:10). [SDA Bible Commentary] 

The first two principles have to do with the horizontal 
human-to-human relationship, this final one deals with the vertical 
human-to-God relationship. [Andrews SB] 

God wants persons to have fellowship with Him and with one 
another. [Disciple SB] 

   What a tall order God's requirements are for those who have 
broken his covenant law and now ask what they should do. What a 
challenge for us today! Does God require his people to be successful? To 
build a big church? To develop a dynamic radio or TV program? To 
achieve a significant position in society? None of these makes the list 
of what the Lord requires of us. Though the requirements may sound 
simple, they are an important key to pleasing God: First, do what is 
right; this means not only rendering just decisions but also 
discovering our particular work and doing it faithfully. Second, love mercy. 
God expects us to practice steadfast love, pursue and value 
kindness, and act mercifully toward others, from the greatest to the 
least. Third, walk in obedience and humility with the Lord. Sound easy? 
Not in a fallen world. God knew this would be a tall order. But he 
demonstrated what is good through his merciful acts and steadfast love, and 
in Jesus he gave the ultimate model of how to live. Through his 
Spirit living within us he gives us the power to do what is right, to 
love mercy, and walk humbly with God. 
   LORD, you are not interested in outward show or performance, 
elaborate sacrifices, or religious acts. You want to develop in me the 
heart responses of humility, mercy, love, and justice. Work these 
attitudes in me. Thank you for showing me what is good through the example 
of your Son, who perfectly met all of your requirements so that 
through his Spirit I may abide in you. [Praying Through The Bible By 


Will This Be on the Final? by Pastor Bernard Taylor Of Loma 
Linda University: 
