
Romans 8:28 - All Things Work Together For Good.

Romans 8:28 - All Things Work Together For Good.

Romans 8:28 (NIV) And we know that in all things God works for 
the good of those who love him, who have been called according to 
his purpose.  

Romans 8:28 (CWR) We know that God will make all things work out 
for our eventual good, as long as we trust Him and remain true to 
the purpose for which He called us.  


Romans 8:18-30: From Suffering to Glory. [Remnant SOP SB]
Romans 8:18-30: Present Suffering and Future Glory. [NIV SB]


   If you're alive, you have problems. You will continue to face 
tough times of one kind or another. Christians are not exempt from 
hardship. So where is God in the tough times? Can he really be trusted 
when things turn bad?  
   In those difficult times, you may feel set aside by God, 
unloved, forgotten. But that's not possible. You see, the Bible tells us 
that God is always at work behind the scenes of our lives, fulfilling 
his purposes and using "all things," even hard times, to mature and 
shape our faith. This does not mean that all that happens to us is 
good. Evil is prevalent in our fallen world, but God is able to turn 
every circumstance around for our long-range good. This promise is not 
for everybody; it can be claimed only by those who love God and are 
called according to his purpose.  
   As a believer, you are one of those "called" people. As such, 
you can trust that no matter how big your problems are, God will 
work them together for good. He will redeem trouble. Nothing - 
nothing!--can separate you from God's love. Whether you live or die, you 
cannot be separated from him. [The One Year Bible for New Believers re 
Rom. 8:28-31, 38-39] 

   Rock climbers are a unique group of people. Some of them are 
extremely adventurous and like to climb without the aid of a rope. Others 
are a little more cautious and climb with the security a rope 
provides. This added confidence helps them scale the most difficult 
surfaces, even those that jut out and require them to hang over empty 
   In many ways, going through tough times is like climbing a 
sheer rock face. Trying to get through these times without God is like 
climbing without a rope. In this reading, Paul makes Christians aware of 
the "rope" that God extends to all his followers. That rope is God's 
promise to never let anything separate us from his love. As you read, 
take hope in God's rope.  
   Read Romans 6-8.
   Like Paul, we face hardships in many areas of life. We may be 
unemployed or working under strenuous conditions. Some may be punished for 
doing right. Others may be going through a debilitating illness or 
even facing death. These experiences, or the idea of having to face 
them, often cause us to fear that God has abandoned us or no longer 
loves us. But the truth is that nothing can separate us from Christ's 
love. The fact that he died for us proves it, and this promise reminds 
   When you experience doubt about God's constant love for you, 
remember Paul's experience. Then reread and meditate on Romans 8:31-39. 
If it will help you, try memorizing verse 38: "Nothing can ever 
separate us from God's love." Do not think that your troubles somehow 
mean the end of his love. You can always feel totally secure that he 
loves you and will be with you. [The One Year Through the Bible 
Devotional by Dave Veerman re vv. 28-33] 

God's Still Small Voice
   A woman who had made rapid progress in her understanding of 
the Lord was once asked the secret of her seemingly easy growth. Her 
brief response was, "Mind the checks. " 
   The reason many of us do not know and understand God better 
is that we do not heed His gentle "checks"--His delicate restraints 
and constraints. His voice is "a gentle whisper." A whisper can 
hardly be heard, so it must be felt as a faint and steady pressure upon 
the heart and mind, like the touch of a morning breeze calmly moving 
across the soul. And when it is heeded, it quietly grows clearer in the 
inner ear of the heart. 
   God's voice is directed to the ear of love, and true love is 
intent upon hearing even the faintest whisper. Yet there comes a time 
when His love ceases to speak, when we do not respond to or believe 
His message. "God is love" (1 John 4:8), and if you want to know Him 
and His voice, you must continually listen to His gentle touches. 
   So when you are about to say something in conversation with 
others, and you sense a gentle restraint from His quiet whisper, heed 
the restraint and refrain from speaking. And when you are about to 
pursue some course of action that seems perfectly clear and right, yet 
you sense in your spirit another path being suggested with the force 
of quiet conviction, heed that conviction. Follow the alternate 
course, even if the change of plans appears to be absolute folly from 
the perspective of human wisdom. 
   Also learn to wait on God until He unfolds His will before 
you. Allow Him to develop all the plans of your heart and mind, and 
then let Him accomplish them. Do not possess any wisdom of your own, 
for often His performance will appear to contradict the plan He gave 
you. God will seem to work against Himself, so simply listen, obey, 
and trust Him, even when it appears to be the greatest absurdity to 
do so. Ultimately, "we know that in all things God works for the 
good of those who love him" (Rom. 8:28), but many times, in the 
initial stages of the performance of His plans: In His own world He is 
content to play a losing game. 
   Therefore if you desire to know God's voice, never consider 
the final outcome or the possible results. Obey Him even when He 
asks you to move while you still see only darkness, for He Himself 
will be a glorious light within you. Then there will quickly spring 
up within your heart a knowledge of God and a fellowship with Him, 
which will be overpowering enough in themselves to hold you and Him 
together, even in the most severe tests and under the strongest pressures 
of life. from Way of Faith [Streams In The Desert By Cowman] 

God Speaks through His Activity
   Christians habitually seek God's voice through prayer, 
through His word, or through His messengers. Yet sometimes we fail to 
hear God speak through His activity, even though He is working all 
around us. Unbelievers see God's activity without understanding what 
they see. God encourages His people to watch for His activity so they 
will know how they should respond and adjust their lives. 
   The disciples discovered much about God's power by witnessing 
Jesus calming a raging storm with a command. Seeing Jesus dine with 
the notorious sinner, Zacchaeus, taught them a poignant message 
about God's love for sinners. Watching Jesus hang upon the cross 
communicated a compelling message of what God was willing to do to free 
people from sin. Discovering the empty tomb revealed an astounding 
truth of God's victory over death. To those with spiritual 
discernment, God's activity is a significant revelation about His heart and 
His will. 
   If you are sensitive to what God is doing around you, He will 
clearly speak to you through His activity. You will know that God is at 
work, because what you see will astound you, and human power and 
wisdom will not explain it. If things happen that are direct answers to 
your prayers, God is speaking to you. When you experience events that 
surpass your understanding and ability, it may be that God is 
communicating a critical message to you. 
   If you want to hear God's voice, look around you to see what 
He is doing. When you are watching for God at work, what you see 
will reveal His character, and you will have a fresh understanding of 
how to respond to Him. [Experiencing God Day by Day by Henry and 
Richard Blackaby re Hab. 1:5 and Providence] 

God and Circumstances 1
   The circumstances of a saint's life are ordained of God. In 
the life of a saint there is no such thing as chance. God by His 
providence brings you into circumstances that you cannot understand at all, 
but the Spirit of God understands. God is bringing you into places 
and among people and into conditions in order that the intercession 
of the Spirit in you may take a particular line. Never put your 
hand in front of the circumstances and say--'I am going to be my own 
providence here; I must watch this, and guard that.' All your circumstances 
are in the hand of God, therefore never think it strange concerning 
the circumstances you are in. Your part in intercessory prayer is 
not to enter into the agony of intercession, but to utilize the 
commonsense circumstances God puts you in, and the commonsense people He 
puts you amongst by His providence, to bring them before God's throne 
and give the Spirit in you a chance to intercede for them: In this 
way God is going to sweep the whole world with His saints. 
   Am I making the Holy Spirit's work difficult by being 
indefinite, or by trying to do His work for Him? I must do the human side of 
intercession, and the human side is the circumstances I am in and the people I 
am in contact with. I have to keep my conscious life as a shrine of 
the Holy Ghost, then as I bring the different ones before God, the 
Holy Spirit makes intercession for them. 
   Your intercessions can never be mine, and my intercessions 
can never be yours, but the Holy Ghost makes intercession in our 
particular lives, without which intercession someone will be impoverished. 
[My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers] 

God and Circumstances 2
   It is only the loyal soul who believes that God engineers 
circumstances. We take such liberties with our circumstances, we do not believe 
God engineers them, although we say we do; we treat the things that 
happen as if they were engineered by men. To be faithful in every 
circumstance means that we have only one loyalty, and that is to our Lord. 
Suddenly God breaks up a particular set of circumstances, and the 
realization comes that we have been disloyal to Him by not recognizing that 
He had organized them. We never saw what He was after, and that 
particular thing will never be repeated all the days of our life. The test 
of loyalty always comes just there. If we learn to worship God in 
the trying circumstances, He will alter them in two seconds when He 
   Loyalty to Jesus Christ is the thing that we 'stick at' 
today. We will be loyal to work, to service, to anything, but do not 
ask us to be loyal to Jesus Christ. Many Christians are intensely 
impatient of talking about loyalty to Jesus. Our Lord is dethroned more 
emphatically by Christian workers than by the world. God is made a machine 
for blessing men, and Jesus Christ is made a Worker among workers. 
   The idea is not that we do work for God, but that we are so 
loyal to Him that He can do His work through us--'I reckon on you for 
extreme service, with no complaining on your part and no explanation on 
Mine.' God wants to use us as He used His own Son. [My Utmost for His 
Highest by Oswald Chambers] 


   Ice glazed the road on January 18, 1979, as we drove home 
from a birthday party for our five-year-old son. I heard my husband 
shout, "Look out!" and looked up just in time to see headlights looming 
out of the darkness in our lane. Time slowed as I realized that I 
could face eternity that night - an eternity of regret. I'd grown up 
in church but had never accepted Christ as my Savior, and I knew 
what death without him meant. I don't remember the next instant, but 
when I became aware again, the horn blared into the night as tiny 
pellets of ice struck us through the broken T-Top in our car. We were 
all alive. 
   Moments later a car stopped to help us, and the passengers 
were Christians. They rode to the hospital with our three-year-old 
daughter, who had suffered a broken jaw. Their church brought in food for 
two weeks after we got out of the hospital. We witnessed 
Christ-with-skin-on through those wonderful people. 
   At the time we couldn't see anything good in the accident, 
which had killed a teenager in the other car. But within a year after 
the accident, ten people - including my husband and me - had been 
saved as a direct result of that event. It was an illustration of 
Romans 8:28 in my life. God truly worked all things together for my 
good. When bad times come, I know he holds me close and that he'll 
turn those times around for good in some way. 
   Colleen Coble is the best-selling author of thirty books, 
including two Women of Faith titles, Alaska Twilight and Midnight Sea. 
[The One Year Bible Live Verse Devotional] 

   I was born into a family of heavy drinkers. It wasn't until 
later in life that I learned my father had killed two or possibly 
three people. He went to jail, and my mother turned to other men for a 
source of income in her failed efforts to care for me and my sister. 
She regularly left the two of us, both under eight, to fend for 
ourselves for days at a time. By God's grace, we survived. 
   We were eventually placed in foster care with a Christian 
couple. That's where I learned about - but chose not to accept - the 
gift of God's grace. Hate for my birth parents still darkened my 
heart, and at age fifteen, I became a drinker and a drug user. I went 
to jail a couple of times, and I was consumed with thoughts of how 
messed up my life was. I finally surrendered to Christ and began 
reading the Bible. When I read Romans 8:28, I was stunned by its truth. 
   I am now a minister on the verge of starting a church, and I 
continue to see how God is causing all things to work together for good. 
Looking back, I see how my early days, my foster parents, my brokenness, 
and God's healing have given me an opportunity to love all people - 
from my own precious family to the least of my brothers and sisters - 
in the same way that God loved me through all of my pain. 
   Calvin Jenkins, an associate pastor, is blessed with a strong 
marriage and three wonderful children - a son and twin daughters, [The 
One Year Bible Live Verse Devotional] 

   Years ago, when our pastor's family was in an accident that 
left the wife seriously injured, their daughter asked her mom if the 
words of Romans 8:28 were still true. When Sarah's mom said yes, Sarah 
never again questioned why her mother had been so badly hurt. 
   In January 1998 I had a car accident. I spent a week in the 
hospital and then a month in a wheelchair. That's where God really got my 
attention. There was a time early in my long recovery when I questioned 
God, but then I remembered Sarah. If that young girl could accept his 
Word as true, I could too. I stopped whining and started listening to 
what God had to teach me. 
   I learned humility in relying on others to meet my basic 
needs. I learned understanding and patience as I faced struggles that 
turned everyday tasks into major accomplishments. I learned enough to 
look back on those days of pain and realize how much God's hand was 
on me. Now when something "bad" happens in our family, I 
confidently claim that Romans 8:28 is still - and always will be - true. 
   Angie Garrett is a writer, proud mom, graphic designer, and 
speaker. [The One Year Bible Live Verse Devotional] 

Study the history of Joseph and of Daniel. The Lord did not 
prevent the plottings of men who sought to do them harm; but He caused 
all these devices to work for good to His servants who amidst trial 
and conflict preserved their faith and loyalty.  {MH 487}   









Lifting Up Jesus: http://www.liftingupjesus.net/