
Deuteronomy 31:8 - Knowing God's Presence More and More.

Deuteronomy 31:8 - Knowing God's Presence More and More.

Deuteronomy 31:8 (NLT) Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the 
Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will 
neither fail you nor abandon you."  

   God knows how to get people from point A to point B. We 
forget that sometimes. Even though we know He is technically "there," 
we may feel like we're traveling alone. And to be honest, we often 
wonder if we're going to get where we need to go.  
   God goes with us. That's a promise He gave to Moses (Exo. 
23:20) and that He gives to us. But His Presence alone - His angelic 
help, His Spirit within us, and His sovereignty over our situation - 
only takes care of our outward circumstances. Knowing His Presence 
takes care of our inward turmoil. We get the benefits of His Presence 
whether we sense it or not, but our awareness that He is with us - 
guiding us, dealing with our obstacles, and governing our steps - makes 
a tremendous difference in how we handle the process. Those who 
aren't certain of His Presence make it to their destination as nervous 
wrecks. Those who are certain make it there in peace.  
   Trust and follow God, and you will get to where you need to 
go. That's a given. But if you don't experience His being with you 
in each moment, the journey will be more painful than it needs to 
be. It's possible to go through a difficult process in peace, 
knowing and trusting that God is taking each step with you. He offers 
reassurance along the way that you are on the right track and gives comfort 
when the track hurts. Know that he is with you today and every day. 
And He is clearing the way before you.  
   Father, You have not abandoned me, and You never will. I know 
that and trust You to be with me in every step of my journey, even 
the painful ones. Please open my eyes to the ways You guide my path. 
[The One Year Experiencing God's Presence Devotional by Chris 




