
Psalm 42:1 - Longing and Thirsty for God.

Psalm 42:1 - Longing and Thirsty for God.

Psalm 42:1 (NCV) As a deer thirsts for streams of water, so I 
thirst for you, God. 


As the life of a deer depends upon water, so our lives depend 
upon God. Those who seek him and long to understand him find 
never-ending life. Feeling separated from God, this psalmist wouldn't rest 
until he restored his relationship with God because he knew that his 
very life depended on it. [Life Application SB] 

The point here is that people are given a spiritual nature which 
leads them to seek God. Despite philosophical and atheistic claims to 
the contrary, the human being is by nature religious. Particularly 
in times of trouble we search for the higher Power who can deliver 
us. In Jesus Christ we find the fulfillment of our longing for God. 
[Disciple SB] 

The presence of God is a fact of life. St. Paul rightly said of 
God, "in Him we live, and move, and have our being." Jesus said, "the 
kingdom of God is within you." we may, by defying the purpose of God, 
insulate ourselves from that presence. We may, by unrepented sin, cut off 
the sense of God because we are clouded by a sense of guilt. We may, 
through no fault of our own, be unable to sense the God who is all about 
us. But the fact remains that He is with us all the time. J. B. 
Phillips (1906-1982)  


   When God created us in the beginning, He designed us to have 
a relationship with Him. This means that deep within our being is 
a thirst for God which will not go away. It can be ignored, 
disguised, misunderstood, wrongly labeled, or submerged underneath a wealth 
of activity, but it will not disappear. And for good reason. We 
were designed to enjoy something better than this world can give us, 
particularly in the sphere of relationships. No human relationship can 
satisfy in the way that a relationship with God does.  
   This deep thirst for God that resides within us makes us 
dependent on God for satisfaction, and that is something our sinful human 
nature deeply resents. You see, due to Adam and Eve's sin in the garden 
of Eden, we have all been left a legacy called "Do It Yourself." 
There is something within every single one of us that wants to take 
charge and have a hand in bringing about our own salvation. So here is 
the problem: facing the fact realistically that we inwardly thirst 
after God puts us in touch with a level of helplessness from which our 
sinful human nature shrinks. It reinforces the conviction that we are 
dependent on someone outside of ourselves for satisfaction. And that is 
something we don't care to acknowledge. [Every Day With Jesus Bible with 
Selwyn Hughes devotional re Psa. 42:1 and Dan. 5:23] 

   A human being can go without food for about thirty to forty 
days, but he or she can go only about three days without water. 
Extreme thirst will put you on a single-minded hunt for water. That 
makes thirst a good word for describing deep cravings, doesn't it?  
   In Psalm 42 we see a person thirsting for God, craving his 
presence, and still feeling alone or even abandoned by him. This person 
has longed for God's presence and found no ready source of relief.  
   Do you ever feel alone in your faith? There come times in 
life when we thirst for God, weep for his help, or even endure 
ridicule for our faith while waiting for him to answer our prayers (Psalm 
42:1-3).We want desperately to feel God's presence or to have some other 
tangible sign of his help and support. Times like these can lead to 
depression and discouragement for any Christian.  
   The writer of Psalm 42 discovered a remedy for these 
spiritually dry times. He remembered God's great blessings on his life. He 
realized that although God seemed silent, he was there and was worthy to 
be praised (42:4-5). He soaked in God's beautiful creation (42:6). 
He realized that he was never adrift from God's love (42:7-8). He 
faithfully expected God to act (42:11). [The One Year Through the Bible 
Devotional by Dave Veerman re Psa. 42:1-6] 

   The writer of this psalm was feeling low. He wondered, Where 
are you, God? Have you forgotten me? Yet somehow he was able to 
remember what God had done for him, and somehow he was able to praise God 
in the dark times.  
   We all face times of discouragement, times when we wonder if 
God is really there. Some of us even face extended periods of 
depression. When you feel yourself slipping into the zone of doubt, one 
antidote is praise--remembering God's goodness to you. Read the Bible to 
recall what God has done for others in the past. If you have kept a 
journal of your Christian walk, review your own personal record of God's 
answered prayer in your life.  
   Just as a deer depends upon water for life, so we believers 
depend upon God for spiritual life. When you begin to feel separated 
from God or wonder if he cares about your situation, take advantage 
of the psalmist's "antidepressant": praise. Think about how much 
God blesses you and takes care of you day by day. Dwell upon his 
goodness and mercy. You'll be amazed by what happens when you start 
praising instead of doubting. [The One Year Bible for New Believers] 

   Sometimes we long to be rescued. Or healed. Or provided for. 
And sometimes we simply long for God. We recognize our need, even 
when we've been fully satisfied with the best the world has to offer. 
Money, possessions, status, recognition, accomplishments, and even 
meaningful human relationships aren't enough. Virtually everyone, no matter 
how successful, has asked the question, "Is this all there is?" We 
have deeper needs than we know how to satisfy. 
   So we thirst. Sometimes we can't put a finger on what we're 
thirsting for, but we know it's beyond our own resources. If we're 
spiritually minded, we realize that we're thirsting for God Himself, longing 
for the one our hearts were designed to connect with. And it's more 
than just a connection we desire. It's a deep, meaningful, lasting 
relationship that goes beyond superficial interaction. We need two-way 
communication, shared thoughts and dreams, a bond that can't be broken. We need 
to be known at the deepest level and embraced there.  
   God designed us with this thirst for a reason. It's what 
drives us closer to Him. Many give up the quest, thinking that if God 
hasn't shown Himself more fully, He can't be more fully known. But that 
isn't true. We hear Him by longing for Him. His voice resonates within 
us when we have decided He is more important to us than anything 
   Never forget: The ability to hear God is not a matter of 
technique; it's a matter of desire. Yes, there are ways to listen, 
attitudes that position us to hear, and perspectives that put His words in 
the right light. But before all that is the thirst. If it's strong 
enough, we won't stop listening, even if hearing is difficult. We will 
long for streams of water until we find them.  
   Lord, satisfy this quest. My relentless thirst is for You. 
Quench it with gushing streams of Your wisdom and inspiration. Let Your 
words fulfill my deepest desires. [The One Year Hearing His Voice 
Devotional by Chris Tiegreen] 


   Seek My face and you will find all that you have longed for. 
The deepest yearnings of your heart are for intimacy with Me. I 
know, because I designed you to desire Me. Do not feel guilty about 
taking time to be still in My Presence. You are simply responding to 
the tugs of divinity within you. I made you in My image, and I hid 
heaven in your heart. Your yearning for Me is a form of homesickness: 
longing for your true home in heaven.  
   Do not be afraid to be different from other people. The path 
I have called you to travel is exquisitely right for you. The more 
closely you follow My leading the more fully I can develop your gifts. 
To follow Me wholeheartedly, you must relinquish your desire to 
please other people. However, your closeness to Me will bless others by 
enabling you to shine brightly in this dark world. (Psa. 42:1, 2; 34:5; 
Phi. 2:15) [Jesus Calling by Sarah Young] 


   "From Troubled Teen to Teacher of the Year" read the headline 
when I was inducted into the National Teachers Hall of Fame along 
with four other teachers. Who would have believed that a suicidal, 
two-hundred-fifty-pound, high school dropout could lose a hundred pounds and then turn 
around and become a successful teacher who helps troubled teens of the 
next generation? My own high school English teacher believed that, 
and because of her faith, I placed my faith in Christ. 
   Psalm 42 describes my anxious, thirsty soul when I was trying 
to fulfill the desires of my heart by stuffing my feelings with 
food, alcohol, drugs, relationships, and whatever else could give me a 
temporary high. I never want to forget my past hopeless feelings, for I 
have come to believe that where we have been hurt the most is where 
God can use us to help others--that what the enemy meant for harm, 
God will use for good. Our true joy in life is to lead others to the 
Living Water. Only Christ satisfies the deepest recesses of our parched 
souls. In him, we thirst no more! 
   Dr. Debra Peppers, a retired English teacher, is an inductee 
in the National Teachers Hall of Fame, a university instructor, an 
Emmy Award-winning playwright, and a radio and television host. [The 
One Year Bible Live Verse Devotional] 


   Where is God when we're in the emergency room with a severely 
injured loved one? Where was God in the bombing of the Murrah Federal 
Building in Oklahoma City in 1995? Where was God in the terrorist attacks 
of September 11, 2001? When trouble or tragedy strikes, we long for 
God, the living God. Who can tell us where God is? His Word tells us 
over and over: he is in the one who visits those in prison; he is in 
those who give food to the hungry; he is in the comfort of a loving 
arm extended around those who are hurting. He is in the prayers of a 
mother for her sick child. He is in the rescuers who work to save lives 
and in the missionaries who leave family and friends and personal 
comforts to share the gospel with those in darkness. He is demonstrated 
best, though, at the Cross, where he gave his only Son, Jesus Christ, 
for our sakes that we might have hope for this life and for 
   LORD, I praise you that you are Emmanuel - God with us - in 
everything we experience as we walk through this broken, hurting world. 
Help me to be your hands and feet today, your words of comfort and 
encouragement to those who need to know "where you are" in their times of deep 
need. [Praying Through The Bible By Fuller re Psa. 42:1-3, 11] 




Seeking God Video Clip: http://vimeo.com/31489782

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