
Numbers 6:24-26 - The Priestly Blessing.

Numbers 6:24-26 - The Priestly Blessing.

Numbers 6:24-26 (KJV) The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: 25 The 
LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: 26 The 
LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. 

This famous Aaronic benediction is a blessing on all of the 
people. The idea of the phrase make His face shine is that of pleasure 
in the presence of God. The idea of the phrase lift up His 
countenance is that of sensing God's smile. [Nelson SB] 

   The priest's blessing is one of the most familiar and 
best-loved passages in the Hebrew Bible. Through the centuries, worshipers 
have found comfort in its brief but profound lines. This famous text 
is simple and elegant.  
   The priest's blessing invokes the Lord's blessing by 
repeating his name, Yahweh, in each appeal, which is generally translated 
"the LORD" (see Exodus 3:15). The repetition of God's name reminds 
God's people of his interest and involvement in their lives. This 
benediction emphasizes the relationship between God and his people and helps 
them to remember the source of their blessings.  
   Many Old Testament passages refer to blessings pronounced by 
God and by people (Genesis 12:1-3; 27:1-40; Deuteronomy 7:14-16; 
28:1-14). The Israelites needed God's blessings - his help and favor - as 
they prepared to leave Sinai. Modern readers tend to think of a 
blessing in general terms, but the Israelites out in the wilderness must 
have understood it in terms of food, water, health, children, 
protection from enemies, and settlement in the Promised Land. Throughout 
the book of Numbers, God dealt with Israel in these earthly 
   The Lord blessed Israel through the good words of Aaron and 
his sons, the priests. In addition to their work in the Tabernacle 
(and later the Temple), the priests played an important role in 
Israelite life. For example, the priests helped administer justice in the 
land (Deuteronomy 17:8-12) and assisted the king in his duties, 
according to a principle established in Deuteronomy 17:8-20. Eli the 
priest comforted Hannah and took an active role in the spiritual 
formation of young Samuel (1 Samuel 1:1-3:21). The priests and Levites 
were active in Israel's spiritual instruction (see Nehemiah 8:9-12; 
Malachi 2:6-9). [One Year NLT SB] 

   Preparing for a vacation can be more stressful than actually 
going on the trip, but there's no escaping it. Without preparation, 
the trip will probably not go smoothly - or worse, it may not happen 
at all.  
   In this reading, the Israelites continue their preparations 
for entering the Promised Land. God gives them numerous 
instructions. Moses and Aaron bless them. The people dedicate the Tabernacle 
and celebrate Passover. Then God provides guidance for the journey. 
As you read, learn that especially at the onset of great plans, a 
right relationship with God comes first.  
   In this passage, you will find these lessons as well: making 
restitution; dealing with suspicion in marriage; avoiding foolish vows; 
pitching in to help; and doing what is right when compromise is 
   Read Numbers 5:1-10:10 
   As part of Israel's preparation for entering the Promised 
Land, Moses instructed Aaron to bless the people. A blessing was one 
way of asking for God's divine favor to rest upon others, and that's 
what Aaron and his sons did for the people of Israel here (Numbers 
6:24-26). This blessing's five parts conveyed hope that God would (1) 
bless and protect them; (2) smile upon them (be pleased); (3) be 
gracious (merciful and compassionate); (4) show them his favor (give his 
approval); and (5) give peace.  
   When you ask God to bless others or yourself, you are asking 
him to grant these five requests. The blessing you offer will not 
only help the ones receiving it, but it will also demonstrate love, 
encourage them, and provide a model of caring for them. You can bless 
others through prayer and in person, face-to-face. Who can you bless in 
this way today? [The One Year Through the Bible Devotional by Dave 
Veerman re Numb 6:22-7:3] 

   We often think of blessings as nice words, a "best wishes" 
sentiment appropriate for greeting cards and special occasions. But from a 
biblical perspective, a blessing is much more than a happy thought, and 
spoken words are much more than just words. Words - and especially 
words spoken in a blessing, curse, or prophetic declaration - carry a 
lot of weight. They are tangible expressions that shape reality.  
   In light of that perspective, it makes sense that God would 
tell His people to pronounce blessings on each other. A blessing like 
Aaron's in Numbers 6 sets people up to encounter God. It invokes Him for 
His protection, His favor, and even His smile. It appeals to His 
grace. And it promises His shalom.  
   If you want to upgrade your sense of God's Presence, try 
blessing others. Ask God to bless them and, when appropriate, pronounce a 
blessing on them. God's favor and shalom will increase in their lives, 
and it will also increase in yours. A blessing can create a pathway 
into someone's life for fullness, completeness, abundance, and 
well-being. It benefits not only the one being blessed but also the one who 
blesses. Why? Because God enjoys watching His people align their words 
with His heart and His purposes. The God who desires to bless 
responds to words declaring that He will.  
   Many Christians have lost the art of blessing others 
verbally, but you can regain it. In fact, it's still God's desire for the 
encouragement and building up of His people.Words carry weight, even the power 
of life and death (Proverbs 18:21).And in a very real sense, they 
can carry His Presence.  
   Lord, may my tongue be an instrument of Your shalom. May I 
impart Your goodness to others through my words, and may Your Spirit 
inhabit those words in power. [The One Year Experiencing God's Presence 
Devotional by Chris Tiegreen] 

   You are a delight to Me! I know you find it difficult to 
receive this blessing. It is based on the unconditional Love I have for 
all of My followers. I love you more than you can begin to imagine, 
so just relax in the Light of My Presence - and take time to soak 
in this luminous Love. Relax with Me and listen while I rejoice 
over you with singing.  
   Living in a fallen world is a constant challenge. There is 
brokenness all around you, as well as within you. Each moment, you can 
choose to focus on what is wrong or to seek My Face and enjoy My 
approval. Even in the midst of important activities, you can breathe this 
short prayer: "I seek You, Jesus."  
   Remember that My delight in you is based on My finished work 
on the cross. So don't fall into the trap of trying to earn My 
Love. Instead, live as the one you truly are - My beloved - and let 
your gratitude keep you close to Me, eager to follow wherever I lead. 
I delight in you! (Zep. 3:17; Psa. 27:8; Num. 6:25, 26) [Jesus 
Today by Sarah Young]  

   I give strength to the weary and increase the power of the 
weak. You live in a world where weakness is often pitied - or even 
despised. People spend vast amounts of time, energy, and money on efforts 
to strengthen their bodies. They also use various stimulants to 
avoid or disguise weariness. However, weakness and weariness are 
simply part of the reality of living in a fallen world - and in a 
fallen body.  
   I invite you to come into My Presence confidently, with all 
your weariness and weakness. I have experiential understanding of 
fatigue because I lived in your world for thirty-three years. You can 
let down your guard with Me and admit how tired you really are.  
   Take time just to be with Me - basking in the Light of My 
Love. As My Face shines upon you, I bless you and give you Peace. Do 
not skimp on this time with Me, for I use it to strengthen you 
spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Lift up wide-open arms, seeking My 
Presence in the present moment. Be prepared to receive abundantly - Joy, 
Peace, unfailing Love. (Isa. 40:29-31; Num. 6:25, 26; Psa. 31:16) 
[Jesus Today by Sarah Young] 

Bring Me your weakness, and receive My Peace. Accept yourself 
and your circumstances just as they are, remembering that I am 
sovereign over everything. Do not wear yourself out with analyzing and 
planning. Instead, let thankfulness and trust be your guides through this 
day; they will keep you close to Me. As you live in the radiance of 
My Presence, My Peace shines upon you. You will cease to notice how 
weak or strong you feel, because you will be focusing on Me. The best 
way to get through this day is step by step with Me. Continue this 
intimate Journey, trusting that the path you are following is headed for 
heaven. (Psalm 29:11; Num. 6:24-26; Psalm 13:5) [Jesus Calling by Sarah 

   Wait patiently with Me while I bless you. Don't rush into My 
Presence with time-consciousness gnawing at your mind. I dwell in 
timelessness: I am, I was, I will always be. For you, time is a protection; 
you're a frail creature who can handle only twenty-four-hour segments 
of life. Time can also be a tyrant, ticking away relentlessly in 
your mind. Learn to master time, or it will be your master.  
   Though you are a time-bound creature, seek to meet Me in 
timelessness, As you focus on My Presence, the demands of time and tasks will 
diminish. I will bless you and keep you, making My Face shine upon you 
graciously, giving you Peace. (Mic. 7:7; Rev. 1:8; Num. 6:24-26) [Jesus 
Calling by Sarah Young] 


The Lord's Prayer of the Old Testament: 


We're All Infected by Ivan Blake: 
http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/59362241 [last half of video] 


I Then Shall Live by The Gaithers: 


Seeking God Video Clip: http://vimeo.com/31489782

Importance of Choice: 

Prophecies Decoded Sermon Series: 