
Matthew 1:22, 23 - God With Us.

Matthew 1:22, 23 " God With Us.

Matthew 1:22, 23 (NKJV) So all this was done that it might be 
fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying: 
"Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall 
call His name Immanuel," which is translated, "God with us."  


Jesus was to be called 'Immanuel' ("God with us"), as predicted 
by Isaiah the prophet (Isaiah 7:14). Jesus was God in the flesh; 
thus God was literally among us, "with us." Through the Holy Spirit, 
Christ is present today in the life of every believer. Perhaps not even 
Isaiah understood how far-reaching the meaning of "Immanuel" would be. 
[Life Application SB] 


   The prophet Isaiah predicted that a child named Immanuel 
would be born as a sign of God's power and presence with his people 
(Isaiah 7:14). Seven centuries later, Jesus was born of a virgin, and 
one of the names the Bible gives him is Immanuel, which means God 
with us.  
   Jesus is fully God, and he became a mortal man to take on 
everything we experience. He became human to show us that God is not far 
away in heaven, indifferent to what we're going through, but is in 
fact God with us every moment.  
   As you take this journey in life, call out to him as 
Immanuel. He is with you, and he cares about what you're going through. He 
has experienced every aspect of human life that you will go through. 
He is with you every step of the way. 
   Jesus is God with us at every moment, encouraging and 
strengthening us to keep pursuing this adventure of being fully his. [The 
Daniel Plan 365-Day Devotional] 

   The incarnation of the Son of God was accomplished by a 
creative act of the Holy Spirit in the body of Mary, a virgin. It was a 
special miracle performed by the third person of the Holy Trinity - the 
Holy Spirit - which enabled the second person of the Trinity - the 
eternal Son of God - to take upon Himself a genuine, although sinless, 
human nature. He was born of a virgin, as a man, without surrendering 
any aspect of His deity.. 
   One with us, yet one with God. He had to become man because 
man was the one who had sinned. He had to be God because God was the 
only One who could do anything about the sin of man. Humanity had 
tried for centuries, and the situation only got worse! The only way 
God could bring about the salvation of the fallen human race was to 
assume the form of the race He was to redeem.  
   God has given us the means to know the truth. Jesus is the 
way to the Father, because He is our Redeemer. He is the truth 
because He is the fulfillment of all the prophecies concerning Him. He 
is the life because He overcame death.. Jesus has the fullness 
of God dwelling in Him bodily forever and ever. The Son of God 
became the Son of man so that the sons of men might become the sons of 
God. Terry Fullam [Time With God SB] 

   Our imagination is a tricky thing when it leads us off on 
tangents into unreal fantasies or wishful thinking. But God gave us the 
ability to imagine for a reason. Our minds don't always conjure up 
fiction. The imagination is a God-given blessing when it helps us picture 
what is true. So imagine this: Jesus is in the room.  
   Are you aware of that? The same feet that walked the dusty 
roads of Galilee are walking with you on this day in the twenty-first 
century. The same Spirit who hovered over the deep at the foundation of 
the world is breathing into you right now. The Father is looking 
into every corner of your heart at this very moment and is not 
discouraged about you. Jesus is sitting next to you with love in His heart 
and a welcoming smile on His face. The Spirit is hovering over you 
and welling up within you. You are accompanied by the divine 
Three-in-One as you read this, and He will be with you in anything you face 
today. The eternal One inhabits every passing moment of your life.  
   Think about these things. Let them sink in. Picture the Jesus 
of the Gospels by your side wherever you go. Take a few deep 
breaths and envision the Spirit rushing in and pouring out of you. Know 
that you are surrounded by the Father's love. God called His Son 
"Immanuel" for a reason: His desire is to be with you. Not against you, not 
observing you from a distance, not just with people in general or 
theoretically omnipresent. Not just in the big picture of your life but right 
now in the details. He is with you in every way.  
   Jesus, help me see what is already true - that You are here 
with me right now, that You are a constant companion throughout every 
minute of my days. Please remind me to remind myself often that You are 
in the room.  [The One Year Experiencing Gods Presence 
Devotional by Chris Tiegreen] 


I am God with you, for all time and throughout eternity. Don't 
let the familiarity of that concept numb its impact on your 
consciousness. My perpetual Presence with you can be a continual source of Joy, 
springing up and flowing out in streams of abundant Life. Let your mind 
reverberate with meanings of My Names: Jesus - the Lord saves, and Immanuel 
- God with us. Strive to remain conscious of My Presence even in 
your busiest moments. Talk with Me about whatever delights you, 
whatever upsets you, whatever is on your mind. These tiny steps of daily 
discipline, taken one after the other, will keep you close to Me on the path 
of Life. (Mat. 1:21, 23; Acts 2:28) [Jesus Calling by Sarah Young] 

   I am ever so near you, hovering over your shoulder, reading 
every thought. People think that thoughts are fleeting and worthless, 
but yours are precious to Me. I smile when you think lovingly of Me. 
My Spirit, who lives within you, helps you to think My thoughts. As 
your thinking goes, so goes your entire being.  
   Let Me be your positive Focus. When you look to Me, knowing 
Me as God with you, you experience Joy. This is according to My 
ancient design, when I first crafted man. Modern man seeks his positive 
focus elsewhere: in sports, sensations, acquiring new possessions. 
Advertising capitalizes on the longing of people for a positive focus in 
their lives. I planted that longing in human souls, knowing that only 
I could fully satisfy it. Delight yourself in Me; let Me become 
the Desire of your heart. (Mat. 1:23; Psa. 37:4) [Jesus Calling by 
Sarah Young] 

Learn to enjoy life more. Relax, remembering that I am God with 
you. I crafted you with enormous capacity, to know Me and enjoy My 
Presence. When My people wear sour faces and walk through their lives with 
resigned rigidity, I am displeased. When you walk through a day with 
childlike delight, savoring every blessing, you proclaim your trust in Me, 
your ever-present Shepherd. The more you focus on My Presence with 
you, the more fully you can enjoy life. Glorify Me through your 
pleasure in Me. Thus you proclaim My Presence to the watching world. 
(Mat. 1:23; John 10:10, 11) [Jesus Calling by Sarah Young] 


   Wow! The Creator came to dwell with His creation. The 
all-knowing One came to teach teachers and students limited by their lack of 
knowledge and understanding. The ever-present One came to comfort hurting 
people stuck in their suffering. The all-powerful One came to serve 
weak people, empowering them with His Spirit. The Almighty sent His 
only son Jesus into the world, fully God and fully man. Yes, the Word 
became flesh! 
   God is with us to face down our fears by faith. God is with 
us in our doubts. God is with us in our hurts, applying His healing 
balm of grace. God is with us in our transitions to grow our trust in 
Him. God is with us at work and at home. God is with us in our 
uncertainty. God is with us when we feel His presence and when we don't feel 
Him near. God is with us in our successes and in our failures. God 
is with us and for us for His glory! 
   "And surely I [Jesus] am with you always, to the very end of 
the age. (Matthew 28:20 NIV) 
   God is with us in our modern technology and our antiquated 
activities. The Lord is with us in our big cities and our small towns. Jesus 
is with us when we feel joy, laughter and loss. Christ is with us 
to comfort us in our pain and encourage us to persevere for Him. He 
is with us in the ups and the downs. He is with us and He is in us 
to work through us! 
   Therefore, because Christ is with you, you can be confident 
of His wisdom and direction. Fools flounder for lack of faith, but 
you have the Faithful One as the facilitator of your circumstances. 
Immanuel entered the earth by birth and entered your heart by new birth. 
Your Savior Jesus has saved you from your sins and your Lord Jesus 
commands you to follow His ways and experience His life. He gave His life 
and came to life for your life! by Boyd Bailey. 

Down from His Glory by Larry Wayne Morbitt; 




Most Important Decision in Life: 

Importance of Choice: 
http://creationhealth.com/CREATION-Health/Choice [click on video]  

Seeking God Made Real: http://vimeo.com/31489782

Music Devotional On Christian Living: 


Glow Tract Video Bible Studies: http://www.bibleresearch.info/
