
Romans 8:32 - Will Not God Give Us All Things That Are For Our Good.

Romans 8:32: Will Not God Give Us All Things That Are For Our 

Romans 8:32 (NKJV) He who did not spare His own Son, but 
delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us 
all things? 

Romans 8:32 (NIV) He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him 
up for us all - how will he not also, along with him, graciously 
give us all things? 


What Are We Worth?
   How do we know how much something is worth? Well, I'm not an 
economist, but I think the simplest answer is, something is worth as much 
as someone is willing to pay for it. It doesn't matter if it's a 
house, a comic book, a vintage record, or anything else. Considering 
that, how much are we worth?  
   According to the Bible, God's holy Word, we are priceless 
because God was willing to pay an unimaginable price for us - the 
lifeblood of his own Son, Jesus Christ. We see this again and again in 
Scriptures, as in John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one 
and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have 
eternal life." 
   Father God, I can't imagine why you would pay such a price 
for me, but I'm so glad you did. Thank you for your inexplicable and 
incomparable love for me. In Jesus' name, Amen. [Celebrate Recovery Daily 
Devotional by John & Johnny Baker] 

The It Factor
   If God loves you enough to send Jesus to die for you on the 
cross, why wouldn't he give you whatever else you need in life? Take a 
moment to think about God sending Jesus to die for you. Let it soak in 
that God did this for you. If he went to such an extreme measure for 
you, won't he give you the power to make good choices as you 
continually look to him and draw upon his strength?  
   Yes, Philippians 2:13 says that God will give you both the 
power and the will to become all he intends for you to be. This is the 
factor not found in any secular program. God's power, love, and grace 
is the it factor in our lives. 
   God loves you so much that he sent Jesus for you - so take 
great encouragement in the plans he has for you. [The Daniel Plan 
365-Day Devotional] 


He Spared Not His Own Son
   If you ever feel that you are so insignificant that God does 
not care about you or that He does not want to listen to your 
prayers, you will be encouraged by Ro 8:32. There, you are assured that 
your heavenly Father loves you unconditionally. There was nothing so 
precious to Him that He would not give it up in order to provide for your 
salvation. When the Father gave His precious Son to save you, He proved 
once for all that His love is boundless. 
   The apostle Paul concluded that if God would not spare His 
own Son in order to provide for our salvation, how would He not 
willingly give anything else at His disposal in order to care for us? He 
sacrificed so much to give us eternal life that we can rest secure in the 
knowledge that He also wants to give us abundant life (John 10:10). 
   In light of what God did for us at the cross, should we not 
approach the throne of grace with confidence? Gods response to our 
prayers is not based upon our worthiness but upon His love and grace. 
Our confidence in prayer comes not from who we are but from who He 
is. Nothing we could ask of Him could ever compare with the price He 
paid for us at the cross. 
   How wonderful to know that God loves us so much! We can live 
with confidence and anticipation knowing that almighty God is willing 
not only to give us eternal life, but also to help us experience it 
fully! [Experiencing God Day by Day by Henry and Richard Blackaby] 

   God makes extravagant promises about our prayers. He assures 
us that if we ask anything according to His will, He answers. He 
tells us that if we believe, we will receive. He urges us to keep 
asking, keep seeking, and keep knocking. And He always encourages faith. 
   Still, we are reluctant to believe with certainty that He 
would respond in a tangible way to our request for His Presence. Sure, 
we know He's there and always will be; He promised us that, and we 
believe it. But tangibly there? Palpably present? Practically at our 
side? No, we're much more comfortable with theology than experience. 
We tend to accept the truth without expecting His touch. We don't 
want to ask too much.  
   We forget that there is no such thing as "too much" with God. 
He has already given us the most enormous gift He could give; every 
other request we have pales in comparison. God sacrificed His own Son 
in order to pursue intimacy with us. Why would He make such a huge 
sacrifice and then withhold the very kind of relationship that sacrifice 
was meant to secure? When we pray a prayer for more relational 
closeness, we don't have to tack an "if it be Your will" on the end of it. 
It's His will already. It's His purpose for creating us. This is a 
prayer we can know He will answer.  
   Yes, you were born to ask such things. You were designed not 
just to know about God but to know Him - experientially. You were 
created to connect with Him, heart to heart, spirit to Spirit, 
face-to-face. When you pray for closeness, you are praying according to His 
desires as well as yours. How will He not give you what you ask for?  
   Lord, I know it's a bold request, but I can't settle for less 
than this. I want to feel You, to sense Your Presence, to know 
without a doubt that I am being held in Your arms. Please touch me in a 
way that lets me feel connected to You. [The One Year Experiencing 
Gods Presence Devotional by Chris Tiegreen] 


   I am King of kings and Lord of lords, dwelling in dazzlingly 
bright Light! I am also your Shepherd, Companion, and Friend - the One 
who never lets go of your hand. Worship Me in My holy Majesty; come 
close to Me, and rest in My Presence. You need Me both as God and as 
Man. Only My Incarnation on that first, long-ago Christmas could 
fulfill your neediness. Since I went to such extreme measures to save 
you from your sins, you can be assured and I will graciously give 
you all you need. 
   Nurture well your trust in Me as Savior, Lord, and Friend. I 
have held back nothing in My provision for you. I have even deigned 
to live within you! Rejoice in all that I have done for you, and My 
Light will shine through you into the world. [1 Tim. 6:15, 16; Psa. 
95:6, 7; Rom. 8:32; 2 Pet. 1:19] [Jesus Calling by Sarah Young] 

   I, the creator of the universe, am with you and for you. What 
more could you need? When you feel some lack, it is because you are 
not connecting with Me at a deep level. I offer abundant Life; your 
part is to trust Me, refusing to worry about anything.  
   It is not so much adverse events that make you anxious as it 
is your thoughts about those events. Your mind engages in efforts 
to take control of a situation, to bring about the result you 
desire. Your thoughts close in on the problem like ravenous wolves. 
Determined to make things go your way, you forget that I am in charge of 
your life. The only remedy is to switch your focus from the problem 
to My Presence. Watch to see what I will do. I am the Lord! (Rom. 
8:31, 32; Mic. 7:7) [Jesus Calling by Sarah Young]  

   This is a time of abundance in your life. Your cup runneth 
over with blessings. After plodding uphill for many weeks, you are 
now traipsing through lush meadows drenched in warm sunshine. I want 
you to enjoy to the full this time of ease and refreshment. I 
delight in providing it for you.  
   Sometimes My children hesitate to receive My good gifts with 
open hands. Feelings of false guilt creep in, telling them they don't 
deserve to be so richly blessed. This is nonsense-thinking, because no 
one deserves anything from Me. My kingdom is not about earning and 
deserving; it's about believing and receiving.  
   When a child of Mine balks at accepting My gifts, I am deeply 
grieved. When you receive My abundant blessings with a grateful heart, I 
rejoice. My pleasure in giving and your pleasure in receiving flow 
together in joyous harmony. (Psa. 23:5; John 3:16; Luke 11:9, 10; Rom. 
8:32) [Jesus Calling by Sarah Young] 


The Holy Spirit longs to reveal to you the deeper things
of God. He longs to love through you. He longs to work
through you. Through the blessed Holy Spirit you may
have: strength for every duty, wisdom for every
problem, comfort in every sorrow, joy in
from His overflowing service. T.J. Bach 
[Chapter by Chapter Bible Commentary by Warren Wiersbe]

The God of the universe has blessed us with everything.  He gave 
up his Son so that we could have life. If he gave us Jesus, what 
would he possibly withhold from us? [source unknown] 


Most Important Decision in Life: 

Seeking God Made Real: http://vimeo.com/31489782

Prayer Made Real: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tc8VdMV26VE


Glow Tract Video Bible Studies: http://www.bibleresearch.info/
