
Psalm 21:6 - The Eternal Blessings of God and the Exceeding Joy of His Presence.

Psalm 21:6: The Eternal Blessings of God and the Exceeding Joy 
of His Presence. 

Psalm 21:6 (NLT) You have endowed him with eternal blessings and 
given him the joy of your presence.  


Joy comes from being in Gods presence. Davids heart was 
glad"he had found the secret to joy. True joy is far deeper than 
happiness; we can feel joy in spite of our deepest troubles. Happiness is 
temporary because it is based on external circumstances, but joy is 
lasting because it is based on Gods presence within us. As we 
contemplate his daily presence, we will find contentment. As we understand 
the future he has for us, we will experience joy. Dont base your 
life on circumstances, but on God. [Life Application SB] 


   David knew what it was like to seek God for rescue, defense, 
victory, provision, direction, and more. But he also knew what it was 
like to sit or even sleep in God's Presence. He thirsted and panted 
and longed for God. He believed someone could taste and see that the 
Lord is good. His greatest desire was to live in the Lord's house, 
delight in His perfections, and meditate on His Word. David knew that 
God - though mighty to save, provide, guide, and heal - is primarily 
relational. He is a Being. He calls Himself "I AM." He is before He does.  
   Those made in His image need to be the same way. We are 
simply to be in His Presence before doing things for Him or seeking 
things from Him. Our words aren't even necessary for Him - He knows our 
thoughts already - and they often aren't necessary for us, either. Like 
sitting in a room and enjoying a loved one's silent companionship, we 
can sit with God and just be. There's joy simply in a sense of His 
   Hear His voice: "Spend time with Me today. I don't just mean 
have conversations with Me, though our conversations are good. I mean 
spend time just being with Me. Learn to exist, to move in the 
knowledge of My Presence. Many of the answers and changes you long for 
come with seeking My Presence rather than seeking the answers and 
changes themselves. When you prioritize Me, I move on your behalf much 
more readily. I desire good things for you. But above all, I want 
your heart."  
   Lord, my heart is Yours. I want Your benefits, but I want You 
even more. Fill me with the joy of Your Presence as I seek You above 
all else. [The One Year Experiencing Gods Presence Devotional by 
Chris Tiegreen] 


   I continually call you to closeness with Me. I know the depth 
and breadth of your need for Me. I can read the emptiness of your 
thoughts when they wander away from Me. I offer rest for your soul, as 
well as refreshment for your mind and body. As you increasingly find 
fulfillment in Me, other pleasures become less important. Knowing Me 
intimately is like having a private wellspring of Joy within you. This 
spring flows freely from My throne of grace, so your Joy is independent 
of circumstances.  
   Waiting in My Presence keeps you connected to Me, aware of 
all that I offer you. If you feel any deficiency, you need to 
refocus your attention on Me. This is how you trust Me in the moments of 
your life. (Psa. 131:2; 21:6; 37:7) [Jesus Calling by Sarah Young] 

   No matter what your circumstances may be, you can find Joy in 
My Presence. On some days Joy is generously strewn along your 
life-path, glistening in the sunlight. On days like that, being content is 
as simple as breathing the next breath or taking the next step. 
Other days are overcast and gloomy; you feel the strain of the 
journey, which seems endless. Dull gray rocks greet your gaze and cause 
your feet to ache. Yet Joy is still attainable. Search for it as for 
hidden treasure.  
   Begin by remembering that I have created this day; it is not 
a chance occurrence. Recall that I am present with you whether you 
sense My Presence or not. Then, start talking with Me about whatever 
is on your mind. Rejoice in the fact that I understand you 
perfectly, and I know exactly what you are experiencing. As you continue 
communicating with Me, your mood will gradually lighten. Awareness of My 
marvelous Companionship can infuse Joy into the grayest day. (Psa. 21:6; 
Pro. 2:4) [Jesus Calling by Sarah Young] 

Bring Me the sacrifice of your time: a most precious commodity. 
In this action-addicted world, few of My children take time to sit 
quietly in My Presence. But for those who do, blessings flow like 
streams of living water. I, the One from whom all blessings flow, am 
also blessed by our time together. This is a deep mystery; do not try 
to fathom it. Instead, glorify Me by delighting in Me. Enjoy Me now 
and forever! (Psa. 21:6; John 7:38; Psa. 103:11) [Jesus Calling by 
Sarah Young] 

   Trust Me and don't be afraid, for I am your Strength and 
Song. Think what it means to have Me as your Strength. I spoke the 
universe into existence: My Power is absolutely unlimited! Human 
weakness, consecrated to Me, is like a magnet, drawing My Power into your 
neediness. However, fear can block the flow of My Strength into you. 
Instead of trying to fight your fears, concentrate on trusting Me. When 
you relate to Me in confident trust, there is no limit to how much I 
can strengthen you. 
   Remember that I am also your Song. I want you to share My 
Joy, living in conscious awareness of My Presence. Rejoice as we 
journey together toward heaven: join Me in singing My Song. (Isa. 12:2, 
3; Psa. 21:6) [Jesus Calling by Sarah Young] 


   John Wesley taught his followers to pray, "Let me abstain 
from all pleasures that don't prepare me for taking pleasure in 
   That doesn't mean he was a killjoy. When people accused him 
of being sour, he replied that he was convinced "true religion or 
holiness cannot be without cheerfulness. True religion has nothing sour, 
austere, unsociable, or unfriendly in it." 
   Wesley countered critics with questions: "Are you for having 
as much cheerfulness as you can? So am I. Do you try to keep alive 
your taste for innocent pleasures? So do I." He insisted that he 
enjoyed "every pleasure that leads to my taking pleasure in [God]." 
   Wesley denounced the idea that knowledge of our sinfulness 
makes us miserable. He insisted that dealing head-on with our 
tendencies toward "pride, self-will and peevishness" enables one to 
experience "peace and joy in the Holy Ghost." 
   Wesley wrote prayers for daily use, including these:
   "I know you are the end for which I was created, and I can 
expect no happiness but in thee." 
   "Let us take pleasure in your service and abound in your 
work, and in your love and praise evermore." 
   Father and Provider of all blessings, cleanse me and bring 
your holiness of joy and fulfillment into my life. Help me to seek 
you fervently and to enjoy all pleasures in your company. [The One 
Year Book of Encouragement by Harold Myra] 

   Sherwood Wirt tells us that the French poet Paul Claudel once 
remarked, after listening to Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, "Now I know that 
at the heart of the universe is joy." 
   That's a hopeful and optimistic perspective, but it seems to 
be contradicted by the vast emptiness of outer space and the 
agonies of humankind. To echo Einstein's question, Is the universe 
   In response, Wirt turns to the Scriptures where, amid the 
Bible's rugged realism, he finds repeated affirmations of joy. The 
psalmist speaks of "God my exceeding joy" (Psalm 43:4, KJV). Isaiah 
urges, "Sing, O heavens! Be joyful, O earth!" (Isaiah 49:13 NKJV). 
Jesus promised his disciples joy, and Peter writes of "inexpressible 
and glorious joy" (1 Peter 1:8 NIV). 
   The psalms are songs full of rejoicing and calls to rejoice. 
Woody observes that the words gladness, joyousness, delight, and 
jubilation appear 108 times. In the Psalms we find the full range of human 
experience, including despair and desperation. Yet the theme throughout is 
the call to "shout for joy  all the earth, burst into jubilant 
song with music" (Psalm 98:4, NIV). 
   Wirt turns to the word celebrate to capture the meaning for 
our times. "Let the heavens celebrate, and let the earth be glad." 
He calls for an injection of a spirit of jubilation. "The gospel is 
a message of grace and deliverance from sin by the death and 
resurrection of Jesus Christ, a call to repentance, commitment, and new life 
in the Spirit. It is a life not only victorious, but filled with 
the joy of heaven." 
   What is at the heart of the universe? The Bible affirms that 
"God is love" (1 John 4:8, 16 NLT) and that he lives in glory and 
joy. In our tragic, sinful world, that's often hard to comprehend. 
   Sherwood Win points us to the Good News: "The church has been 
given a joyful message, the greatest news that ever came to the human 
   Father in heaven, your salvation and joy are far beyond my 
comprehension. Infuse my mind and spirit, I pray, with the rejoicing and 
celebration that comes from you. Purify me, Lord, and draw me into your joy. 
[The One Year Book of Encouragement by Harold Myra] 


Our growth in grace, our joy, our usefulness,--all depend upon 
our union with Christ. It is by communion with Him, daily, 
hourly,--by abiding in Him, --that we are to grow in grace. He is not only 
the Author, but the Finisher of our faith. It is Christ first and 
last and always. He is to be with us, not only at the beginning and 
the end of our course, but at every step of the way. David says, "I 
have set the Lord always before me: because He is at my right hand, I 
shall not be moved." Psalm 16:8.  {SC 69.1} [Remnant SOP SB] 


Most Important Decision in Life: 

Importance of Choice: 
http://creationhealth.com/CREATION-Health/Choice [click on video]  

Seeking God Made Real: http://vimeo.com/31489782

Prayer Made Real: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tc8VdMV26VE

Musical Devotional On Christian Living: 


Lifting Up Jesus Bible Studies: http://www.liftingupjesus.net/

Amazing Facts Bible Studies: 

Discover Bible Studies: http://studies.itiswritten.com/discover/

Glow Tract Video Bible Studies: http://www.bibleresearch.info/

ABible.com: http://www.aBible.com


The Last Day of Prophecy by Pastor Doug Batchelor: 

Restoring The Power by John Bradshaw: 

Prophecies Decoded by Pastor Ron Clouzet: 