
Proverbs 16:9 - God Is Sovereign! Even Over Delays.

Proverbs 16:9: God Is Sovereign! " Even Over Delays.

Proverbs 16:9 (NIV) In his heart a man plans his course, but the 
LORD determines his steps.  


   No one likes to wait, but have you ever wondered why? It's 
because delays show us that we are not in control. Someone or something 
else is calling the shots. Although we may be able to identify the 
immediate cause - like a traffic light or the long checkout line - 
ultimately the One who controls all our delays is the Lord. Since He is 
sovereign over everything in heaven and on earth, even our time and 
schedules are in His hands. 
   This means that in every delay, we are actually waiting for 
God in one way or another. You might have thought that the 
expression "waiting upon the Lord" applies only to seeking guidance from 
Him or an answer to prayer. But it can mean so much more when you 
remember that He controls all your day-to-day inconveniences and 
   In the Christian life, learning to wait is vitally important 
because until you do, you'll never be able to walk in obedience to God, 
have an effective prayer life, or experience the peace of resting in 
His loving sovereignty. We must learn to trust His judgment - about 
not just the big events in our lives, but also the trivial ones 
which cause us to become irritated, impatient, or even angry. If we're 
sensitive to His instruction, each delay has a lesson. 
   The next time you face an unexpected or unwanted wait, 
remember that it comes as no surprise to God. He wants to teach you 
patience and increase your faith. He's more interested in developing 
godly character than He is in making sure your schedule runs according 
to your plans. [In Touch Daily Devotional by Charles Stanley at 


   Trust Me enough to spend ample time with Me, pushing back the 
demands of the day. Refuse to feel guilty about something that is so 
pleasing to Me, the King of the universe. Because I am omnipotent, I am 
able to bend time and events in your favor. You will find that you 
can accomplish more in less time, after you have given yourself to 
Me in rich communion. Also, as you align yourself with My 
perspective, you can sort out what is important and what is not.  
   Don't fall into the trap of being constantly on the go. Many, 
many things people do in My Name have no value in My kingdom. To 
avoid doing meaningless works, stay in continual communication with 
Me. I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I 
will counsel you with My eye upon you. (Luke 10:41, 42; Psalm 32:8) 
[Jesus Calling by Sarah Young] 

   I am with you and for you. When you decide on a course of 
action that is in line with My will, nothing in heaven or on earth can 
stop you. You may encounter many obstacles as you move toward your 
goal, but don't be discouraged - never give up! With My help, you can 
overcome any obstacle. Do not expect an easy path as you journey hand in 
hand with Me, but do remember that I, your very-present Helper, am 
   Much, much stress results from your wanting to make things 
happen before their times have come. One of the main ways I assert My 
sovereignty is in the timing of events. If you want to stay close to Me and 
do things My way, ask Me to show you the path forward moment by 
moment. Instead of dashing headlong toward your goal, let Me set the 
pace. Slow down, and enjoy the journey in My Presence. (Rom. 8:31; 
Psa. 46:1-3; Luke 1:37) [Jesus Calling by Sarah Young] 

   It is good that you recognize your weakness. That keeps you 
looking to Me, your Strength. Abundant life is not necessarily health 
and wealth; it is living in continual dependence on Me. Instead of 
trying to fit this day into a preconceived mold, relax and be on the 
lookout for what I am doing. This mind-set will free you to enjoy Me and 
to find what I have planned for you to do. This is far better than 
trying to make things go according to your own plan. 
   Don't take yourself so seriously. Lighten up and laugh with 
Me. You have Me on your side, so what are you worried about? I can 
equip you to do absolutely, anything, as long as it is My will. The 
more difficult your day, the more I yearn to help you. Anxiety wraps 
you up in yourself, trapping you in your own thoughts. When you look 
to Me and whisper My Name, you break free and receive My help. 
Focus on Me, and you will find Peace in My Presence. (Phi. 4:13; Pro. 
17:22) [Jesus Calling by Sarah Young] 





Most Important Decision in Life: 

A Man without Equal by Bill Bright: 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiVa7UoruIo [old, but one of the best] 

Importance of Choice: 
http://creationhealth.com/CREATION-Health/Choice [click on video]  

Seeking God Made Real: http://vimeo.com/31489782

Prayer Made Real: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tc8VdMV26VE

Musical Devotional On Christian Living: 

Medical Seminar on Healthful Living by David DeRose, MD, MPH: 


Lifting Up Jesus Bible Studies: http://www.liftingupjesus.net/

Amazing Facts Bible Studies: 

Discover Bible Studies: http://studies.itiswritten.com/discover/

Glow Tract Video Bible Studies: http://www.bibleresearch.info/

ABible.com: http://www.aBible.com


The Last Day of Prophecy by Pastor Doug Batchelor: 

Restoring The Power by John Bradshaw: 

Prophecies Decoded by Pastor Ron Clouzet: 

Last Day Prophecy: His Other Sheep by Pastor Gerald Babanezhad: 