
Philippians 2:9-11 - JESUS The Name Above Every Name.

Philippians 2:9-11 (NKJV) Therefore God also 
has highly exalted Him and given Him the name 
which is above every name, that at the name of 
Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, 
and of those on earth, and of those under the 
earth, and that every tongue should confess that 
Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the 


   When my three brothers and I were babies, 
our dad settled on a nickname for each of us. 
The names didn't have any reasoning behind them, 
and a couple of my brothers' nicknames were 
downright odd. As we grew older, Dad stopped using the 
boys' nicknames on a regular basis, but he kept on 
calling me "Lulu" or "Lu." As an adult, I found it a 
little annoying, until I read this Chinese proverb: 
"The child with many names is much loved." 
   Maybe that's one reason I love how the 
Bible is filled with names for Jesus, each one 
revealing a specific aspect of His character or role. 
Just a single verse in Isaiah labels Jesus 
"Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, 
Prince of Peace" (9:6). And one of my favorites is 
found in Matthew 1:23, "Immanuel, which means God 
with us." 
   God knew that specific names for Jesus 
would comfort and sustain us during different 
seasons of our lives. When we're hungry for 
something more, we can find nourishment from the Bread 
of Life (John 6:35). When we need guidance, we 
can talk to the Good Shepherd (John 10:11). When 
we go through dark days, the Light of the World 
is there for us (John 8:12). When we're missing 
a loved one, we can find comfort from the 
Resurrection and the Life (John 11:25). 
   Yes, God gave Jesus the "name that is 
above every name." He also gave Him every name 
that we will ever need to know Him by. by Dianne 
Neal Matthews 
   Faith Step: Which name for Jesus do you 
most need to meditate on today? [Mornings With 
Jesus 2019 Devotional by Guideposts and 


2:6"11 This early Christian hymn is about 
Christs preexistence and divine nature, incarnation 
and death, exaltation and lordship. NLTSB 

Jesus Christ is Lord of all. And thats 
because He is the Creator of all: All things were 
made by him; and without him was not any thing 
made that was made (John 1:3). Thus, He is 
Lord of every nation, kindred, tongue, and 
people. Though not everyone currently recognizes Him 
as Lord, the day is coming when every knee will 
bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus 
Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. 
[Adult SS Quarterly 6/25/05] 

What does the Christ Hymn tell us about the 
nature of Christ? 
   Philippians 2:6-11, often called the 
Christ Hymn, reveals early Christian beliefs about 
the nature of Jesus Christ. This hymn affirms 
that the early Christians believed that Christ 
was divine and existed before God created the 
world (John 1:1-2; Colossians 1:15-20; 2:9; 
Hebrews 1:1-3). Christ is not simply another human 
prophet. He was present with God the Father from the 
very beginning, and he is the one through whom 
the universe was created. As the Son of God, he 
shares the nature of God himself.  
   The hymn also affirms that Jesus Christ 
came to earth in an act of immense humility - the 
infinite God became human (John 1:10-14; Colossians 
1:15; Hebrews 2:14,17). Jesus Christ, the glorious 
Creator of the universe, died as a sacrificial 
offering for the sins of human beings so that we 
might be forgiven and be reconciled to God, as the 
Scriptures had foretold (Isaiah 53:3-12; Colossians 
1:20, 22; 2:13-14; Hebrews 10:12).  
   This hymn also affirms that God raised 
Jesus from the dead, has given him the place of 
highest honor" in heaven, and conferred on him the 
title Lord. One day, all created beings will 
bow before him and acknowledge that he is Lord 
of the entire universe, deserving of the 
worship that God alone is worthy to receive 
(Revelation 5:8-14). [One Year NLT SB] 


   How many names do you have? Most people 
have three - a first, middle, and last. In 2012 a 
woman in Great Britain set a world record by 
legally changing her name to include 161 names! 
That's a lot, but Jesus was known by even more. He 
was called the Son of God, Holy One, King, 
Emmanuel, Prince of Peace, Messiah, Master, Lamb of 
God, Bread of Life, Rock, Deliverer, and the 
names go on and on. All of Jesus names have a 
special meaning and allow you to know more about his 
character. He's the Chief Shepherd and your Advocate. 
Similarly, your names give people an idea of who you 
are. Do you know the meaning of your name? If 
not, ask a parent to tell you what it means. In 
addition to your given name, you're probably known by 
many other names: student, child, brother or 
sister, athlete, musician, and friend. Jesus even 
calls you "friend." John 15:15 says, "I have 
called you friends, for everything that I learned 
from my Father I have made known to you." It's 
nice to think about Jesus being your friend, but 
he's a lot more than that. 
   Bible scholar Daniel B. Wallace believes 
Christians need to do two things to grow in depth and 
understanding of their faith. 
   "First, we have to quit marginalizing 
scripture," he says. "We really need to wrestle with the 
issues, because our faith depends on it. And second, 
we need to quit turning Jesus into our buddy. 
He's the sovereign Lord of the universe, and we 
need to understand that and respond accordingly." 
Christian writer C. S. Lewis may have explained it 
best. When he described Aslan, the lion who 
symbolizes Jesus Christ in the Chronicles of Narnia 
books, Lewis wrote, "Course he isn't safe. But he's 
good. He's the King." 
   Not surprisingly, one of Jesus' names is 
Lion of the Tribe of Judah (Revelation 5:5). He 
is powerful, good ... and a little dangerous. 
Jesus is the most powerful name in the history of 
the world. Just the mention of his name causes 
people to bow in reverence (Philippians 2:10). We 
should show similar reverence as we serve Christ 
and interact with him through prayer. He is, 
after all, the King of Kings. [Case For Christ For 
Kids by Les Strobel] 


Hail the Incarnate Deity
   On that still winter's night, something 
was up  something extraordinary  something 
supernatural. The shepherds raced to the City of David and 
found their Savior, just as the angel had said  
swaddled and lying in a feeding trough. This was the 
Promised One, the Messiah! God had finally come to 
dwell with His people, but in such an unexpected 
   Just who was this holy Child the 
shepherds gazed upon? Make no mistake: He was 
incarnate deity. The newborn Jesus existed in eternity 
past as God the Son. He was coequal, coeternal, 
and coexistent with God the Father and God the 
Holy Spirit. However, Jesus relinquished the 
privileges and the pleasures of His existence in heaven 
when He took upon Himself the limitations of 
humanity (Philippians 2:6-7). In emptying Himself, 
Jesus voluntarily set aside the prerogatives and 
prerequisites of life as He had known it, an existence He 
had enjoyed; He released His right to that kind 
of life, saying to the Father, "I will go." 
   Go where? To Bethlehem. He took "the form 
of a bond-servant, and [was] made in the 
likeness of men." Allow yourself to picture what the 
shepherds saw. There He is, the baby. Do you see His 
ten fingers and ten toes? His button nose? Can 
you hear the cries? There's humanity. In this 
holy infant is the beginning of an earthly life. 
Look deep into His eyes and see the beginning of 
life itself. 
   Later, this divine man, completely unique 
in His nature and in the perfect life that He 
lived, "humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the 
point of death, even death on a cross." Isn't that 
amazing? Of all ways to die, He died on a cross - the 
most humiliating and painful kind of death. 
   God the Son lowered Himself. He took on 
the flesh of an infant. He died a humiliating 
death. As a result, God the Father "highly exalted 
Him." One day, all will bow in worship of the 
risen Lord, "to the glory of God the Father." 
   It's all about His glory. What a plan. 
What an execution. What a perfect, awesome 
wrapping! The God-man. Jesus is undiminished deity and 
true humanity, two distinct natures in one 
person, forever. That's the baby in the manger! 
[Chuck Swindoll www.insight.org.] 

He Loves to Be with the Ones He Loves
   Holiday travel. It isnt easy. Then why 
do we do it? Why cram the trunks and endure the 
airports? You know the answer. We love to be with the 
ones we love. 
   The four-year-old running up the sidewalk 
into the arms of Grandpa. 
   The cup of coffee with Mom before the 
rest of the house awakes. 
   That moment when, for a moment, everyone 
is quiet as we hold hands around the table and 
thank God for family and friends and pumpkin pie. 
   We love to be with the ones we love.
   May I remind you? So does God. He loves 
to be with the ones he loves. How else do you 
explain what he did? Between him and us there was a 
distance - a great span. And he couldnt bear it. 
He couldnt stand it. So he did something 
about it. 
   Before coming to the earth, Christ 
himself was like God in everything. But he gave 
up his place with God and made himself nothing. 
He was born to be a man and became like a 
servant (Phil. 2:6"7 NCV). 
   Why? Why did Jesus travel so far?
   I was asking myself that question when I 
spotted the squirrels outside my window. A family of 
black-tailed squirrels has made its home amid the roots 
of the tree north of my office. Weve been 
neighbors for three years now. They watch me peck the 
keyboard. I watch them store their nuts and climb the 
trunk. Were mutually amused. I could watch them 
all day. Sometimes I do. 
   But Ive never considered becoming one 
of them. The squirrel world holds no appeal to 
me. Who wants to sleep next to a hairy rodent 
with beady eyes? (No comments from you wives who 
feel you already do.) Give up the Rocky 
Mountains, bass fishing, weddings, and laughter for a 
hole in the ground and a diet of dirty nuts? 
Count me out. 
   But count Jesus in. What a world he left. 
Our classiest mansion would be a tree trunk to 
him. Earths finest cuisine would be walnuts on 
heavens table. And the idea of becoming a squirrel 
with claws and tiny teeth and a furry tail? 
Its nothing compared to God becoming a 
one-celled embryo and entering the womb of Mary. 
   But he did. The God of the universe 
kicked against the wall of a womb, was born into 
the poverty of a peasant, and spent his first 
night in the feed trough of a cow. The Word 
became flesh and lived among us (John 1:14 
NRSV). The God of the universe left the glory of 
heaven and moved into the neighborhood. Our 
neighborhood! Who could have imagined he would do such a 
   Why? He loves to be with the ones he 
loves. [Max Lucado Daily Devotional at 




1st of 28: Divine Dining: 
2nd of 28: Pictures of the Divine: 
3rd of 28: A Dirty Bible: 
4th of 28: Cared For: 
5th of 28: Saved: 
6th of 28: You Can Change: 
7th of 28: Reprogramming Our Brains: 
8th of 28 Our Holy Father: 
9th of 28 Gifts of Service: 
10th of 28 The Holy Spirit: 
11th of 28 The Law of God: 
12th of 28 The Sabbath: 
13th of 28 The Church: 
14th of 28 The Gift of Prophecy: 
15th of 28 Stewardship: 
16th of 28 Marriage and the Family: 
Live ongoing series in progress.


If anyone has a paraphrase, commentary or 
testimony on this passage of Scripture, either 
personal or otherwise, I would be interested in 
hearing from you.  Thanks in advance and let's keep 
uplifting Jesus that all might be drawn to Him. Fred 