
John 3:16 - LOVE SUPREME!

John 3:16 (KJV) For God so loved the world, 
that he gave his only begotten Son, that 
whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have 
everlasting life. 


   God loves you so much that he sent Jesus 
on a mission of love with a message of love. 
The Bible doesnt say God has love; it says 
God is love. Love is his nature; God is love. 
   God created the entire universe. He 
created this planet; he created the human race. And 
he created you because he loves you. 
   It could be said the reason youre 
alive is because God created you as an object of 
his love. God made you so he could love you and 
so that you could love him. Gods love for 
you is the reason your hearts beating right 
now; its the reason youre breathing. 
   Gods amazing news is that he loves you 
on your good days as much as he loves you on 
your bad days. He loves you when you can feel his 
love, and he loves you when you cant seem to 
feel his love. He loves you whether or not you 
think you deserve his love. 
   Nothing you can do will make God stop 
loving you. You could try, but you simply 
couldnt do it because his love for you is based upon 
his character and not on anything you do or say 
or feel. 
   God loves you so much that he sent his 
only Son, Jesus, into this world, so that 
anyone who believes in him shall not perish but 
have eternal life (John 3:16 TLB). 
   When Jesus stretched his arms out as wide 
as the cross, he was saying, I love you this 
much! I love you so much it hurts. I love you so 
much Ill die for you so that I wont have to 
live without you. 
   Gods love surpasses all human 
knowledge - and as Ephesians 3:17-19 tells us, it is 
impossible for any of us to fully grasp the width and 
length and height and depth of Gods love for 
each one of us. Thats how much God loves you! 
[Daily Devotional by Rick Warren: 


   Untethered by time, [God] sees us all. 
From the backwoods of Virginia to the business 
district of London; from the Vikings to the 
astronauts, from the cave-dwellers to the kings, from 
the hut-builders to the finger-pointers to the 
rock-stackers, he sees us. Vagabonds and ragamuffins all, 
he saw us before we were born. 
   And he loves what he sees. Flooded by 
emotion. Overcome by pride, the Starmaker turns to 
us, one by one, and says, You are my child. I 
love you dearly. Im aware that someday 
youll turn from me and walk away. But I want you 
to know, Ive already provided you a way 
   And to prove it, he did something 
   Stepping from the throne, he removed his 
robe of light and wrapped himself in skin: 
pigmented, human skin. The light of the universe 
entered a dark, wet womb. He who angels worship 
nestled himself in the placenta of a peasant, was 
birthed into the cold night, and then slept on 
cows hay. 
   Mary didnt know whether to give him 
milk or give him praise, but she gave him both 
since he was, as near as she could figure, hungry 
and holy. 
   Joseph didnt know whether to call him 
Junior or Father. But in the end called him Jesus, 
since thats what the angel said and since he 
didnt have the faintest idea what to name a God he 
could cradle in his arms. 
   Neither Mary nor Joseph said it as 
bluntly as my Sara, but dont you think their 
heads tilted and their minds wondered, What in 
the world are you doing, God? Or, better 
phrased, God, what are you doing in the world? 
   Can anything make me stop loving 
you? God asks. Watch me speak your language, 
sleep on your earth, and feel your hurts. Behold 
the maker of sight and sound as he sneezes, 
coughs, and blows his nose. You wonder if I 
understand how you feel? Look into the dancing eyes of 
the kid in Nazareth; thats God walking to 
school. Ponder the toddler at Marys table; 
thats God spilling his milk. 
   You wonder how long my love will last? 
Find your answer on a splintered cross, on a 
craggy hill. Thats me you see up there, your 
maker, your God, nail-stabbed and bleeding. Covered 
in spit and sin-soaked. Thats your sin Im 
feeling. Thats your death Im dying. Thats 
your resurrection Im living. Thats how much 
I love you. [Max Lucado Daily Devotional at 

   Holiday travel. It isnt easy. Then why 
do we do it? Why cram the trunks and endure the 
airports? You know the answer. We love to be with the 
ones we love. 
   The four-year-old running up the sidewalk 
into the arms of Grandpa. 
   The cup of coffee with Mom before the 
rest of the house awakes. 
   That moment when, for a moment, everyone 
is quiet as we hold hands around the table and 
thank God for family and friends and pumpkin pie. 
   We love to be with the ones we love.
   May I remind you? So does God. He loves 
to be with the ones he loves. How else do you 
explain what he did? Between him and us there was a 
distance - a great span. And he couldnt bear it. 
He couldnt stand it. So he did something 
about it. 
   Before coming to the earth, Christ 
himself was like God in every-thing. But he gave 
up his place with God and made himself nothing. 
He was born to be a man and became like a 
servant (Phil. 2:6"7 NCV). 
   Why? Why did Jesus travel so far?
   I was asking myself that question when I 
spotted the squirrels outside my window. A family of 
black-tailed squirrels has made its home amid the roots 
of the tree north of my office. Weve been 
neighbors for three years now. They watch me peck the 
keyboard. I watch them store their nuts and climb the 
trunk. Were mutually amused. I could watch them 
all day. Sometimes I do. 
   But Ive never considered becoming one 
of them. The squirrel world holds no appeal to 
me. Who wants to sleep next to a hairy rodent 
with beady eyes? (No comments from you wives who 
feel you already do.) Give up the Rocky 
Mountains, bass fishing, weddings, and laughter for a 
hole in the ground and a diet of dirty nuts? 
Count me out. 
   But count Jesus in. What a world he left. 
Our classiest mansion would be a tree trunk to 
him. Earths finest cuisine would be walnuts on 
heavens table. And the idea of becoming a squirrel 
with claws and tiny teeth and a furry tail? 
Its nothing compared to God becoming a 
one-celled embryo and entering the womb of Mary. 
   But he did. The God of the universe 
kicked against the wall of a womb, was born into 
the poverty of a peasant, and spent his first 
night in the feed trough of a cow. The Word 
became flesh and lived among us (John 1:14 
NRSV). The God of the universe left the glory of 
heaven and moved into the neighborhood. Our 
neighborhood! Who could have imagined he would do such a 
   Why? He loves to be with the ones he 
loves. [Max Lucado Daily Devotional at 


   You've seen the picture before. Three 
crosses silhouetted on a hill. All appears peaceful 
and calm.  
   The scene at the actual cross where Jesus 
died was anything but calm. It was gruesome, sad, 
horrible ... and yet awe-inspiring. After being 
beaten by Roman soldiers, Jesus was forced to carry 
his cross up the hill to Golgotha. He was too 
weak to make it, so soldiers grabbed somebody 
from the crowd to take Jesus' cross to the top. 
He was nailed to the wooden beams and lifted 
into the air. Breathing was difficult. Talking 
strained. Yet Jesus managed to look down at his mother 
and tell one of his disciples to care for her. 
Jesus heard the taunts from soldiers and the 
criminals being executed next to him. When one of 
those men recognized the truth of who Jesus was, 
Jesus told him, "Truly I tell you, today you will 
be with me in paradise." Jesus forgave those 
who tortured him, cried out to God, and died on 
that rough cross. 
   Was it a terrible scene? Yes. Was it also 
magnificent? Absolutely. 
   Some books have been written that say 
Jesus merely fainted on the cross and then revived 
in the tomb. That's simply not true. Numerous 
historians report Jesus died. The Romans were good at 
many things - killing was one of them. The 
soldiers at the cross made sure Jesus was dead before 
taking him down. Talking about Jesus' death is sad, 
but it's also necessary. Jesus came to die for 
our sins so that we could live. He was the 
ultimate sacrificial lamb. John 3:16 tells us, "For 
God so loved the world that he gave his one and 
only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not 
perish but have eternal life." 
   Have you prayed to ask Jesus to be your 
Savior? He suffered so you could be forgiven. If 
you've never prayed to give your life to Christ, 
you can do that right now by saying: "Jesus, I'm 
sorry for all the times I've sinned by doing what 
I wanted instead of following your rules. I 
believe you took my punishment and suffered in my 
place by dying on the cross. Help me to follow 
you. Please come into my life. Thank you for 
saving me. Amen." 
   If you just prayed that prayer, go tell 
someone. A parent, a youth pastor, the person who 
gave you this book. Then commit to learning more 
about Jesus and serving him with your life. [Case 
For Christ For Kids by Les Strobel] 




1st of 28: Divine Dining: 
2nd of 28: Pictures of the Divine: 
3rd of 28: A Dirty Bible: 
4th of 28: Cared For: 
5th of 28: Saved: 
6th of 28: You Can Change: 
7th of 28: Reprogramming Our Brains: 
8th of 28 Our Holy Father: 
9th of 28 Gifts of Service: 
10th of 28 The Holy Spirit: 
11th of 28 The Law of God: 
12th of 28 The Sabbath: 
13th of 28 The Church: 
14th of 28 The Gift of Prophecy: 
15th of 28 Stewardship: 
16th of 28 Marriage and the Family: 
17th of 28 The Remnant and Its Mission: 
18th of 28 Christian Behavior: 
Live ongoing series in progress.


If anyone has a paraphrase, commentary or 
testimony on this passage of Scripture, either 
personal or otherwise, I would be interested in 
hearing from you.  Thanks in advance and let's keep 
uplifting Jesus that all might be drawn to Him. Fred 