
Isaiah 41:10 - Fear Not!

Isaiah 41:10 (NKJV) Fear not, for I am with 
you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will 
strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you 
with My righteous right hand. 


   My three teenage boys are constantly 
trying to talk me into watching scary movies. I 
will have none of it. I get anxious enough 
watching the news. There are enough things to be 
scared about in this world without watching 
terrifying cinema.  
   The older I get, the easier it is to give 
in to fear. Fear. Such a small word with such 
an enormous impact. It fills up the fissures of 
our hearts and the nooks and crannies of our 
minds. Fear will take up any and all space that we 
give it in our lives. I know this because I have 
battled with it for so long. But the truth is? There 
is one person who has conquered fear. His name 
is Jesus, and He has an alternative to living 
scared. He invites us to live out our lives with Him 
 surrounded by His love. When we crack open 
the door to Jesus and His love? His love 
shatters fear. Love. Such a small word has such an 
enormous impact. The more that His love occupies the 
fissures in our hearts and nooks and crannies of our 
minds, the less scary life seems. This is because 
we are not alone. Ever. Jesus will take up any 
and all space that we give Him in our lives. His 
words calm the chatter of anxiety and regret. His 
power emboldens the faintest of heart and gives 
strength to the weary. His voice thunders out across 
the universe, Dont be afraid! Do you hear 
me? I am right here! by Susanna Foth Aughtmon 
   Faith Step: Fear can overwhelm you if you 
let it. Name your fears out loud to Jesus. Ask 
Him to show you His love at work in your life. 
[Mornings With Jesus 2020 Devotional by Guideposts and 


   I have been dealing with a situation that 
I definitely don't want to deal with anymore, 
and this morning, as that same situation 
presented itself once again, I felt fear grip my 
heart. The next thing that happened was God 
interrupting my misery and reminding me that fear is the 
worst thing I can do. Why? Because fear says I am 
not sure that God is with me and I don't know if 
He will help me; therefore, I have to try and 
handle the situation on my own and I have no idea 
what to do. 
   There are numerous places in the Word of 
God that simply read, "Fear not, for I am with 
you." God doesn't say what He is going to do or 
when He will do it; He simply wants it to be 
sufficient that He is with us, and knowing that, we 
should be able to trust that all things will turn 
out well in the end. 
   We can do all things through Christ who 
is our strength (see Philippians 4:13), but we 
have to keep reminding ourselves of that fact 
when we feel weary and overburdened. "I will not 
fear is the believer's only proper response to 
fear. The next time fear knocks on your door, 
answer with faith. Know that God loves you and that 
He is with you and He has a plan even if you 
don't know what it is. 
   Father, I know that fear will knock on my 
door, and when it does, let me answer with 
courage. Make me fully aware of Your presence at all 
times and let that be enough to overcome fear. [My 
Time with God by Joyce Meyer] 


No Fear
   Nighttime is the best time to hunt for 
krill and fish in Antarctic waters, the main food 
of penguins. So it makes sense that penguins 
should fish at night. But penguins hunt for food 
only during the day, when it is actually harder 
to catch their food. David Ainley and Grant 
Ballard published a June 2011 report in the journal 
Polar Biology concluding that the danger of 
predators prevents penguins from entering the water at 
night. Leopard seals, their main enemies, sleep 
during the day. 
   It seems that most animals have a fear of 
one type or another, though silverback gorillas, 
elephants, and hippos may show no fear, and such top 
predators as lions and tigers will appear fearless. 
Perhaps they exhibit less fear because they have 
more control. Fear is most often associated with 
the loss of control - one reason that people 
become especially fearful after earthquakes or 
tornadoes or terrorist attacks. Big animals and top 
predators seem to have more mastery over their lives. 
Prey species, being weaker, have to use their 
wits and develop strategies (such as hunting 
during the day) to survive. 
   One experimental psychologist tested the 
concept of fear and control in rats this way. She 
sounded a tone and then shocked the feet of rats. 
Half of the rats had a ledge they could step on 
that turned off the shock in one second - a way 
of controlling the situation. The others 
didn't. Later, just playing the tone would elicit 
fear in the rats without control much more than 
in those who had the control. 
   Therapists who work with fear and phobias 
in humans have learned that exposure therapy or 
systematic desensitization, a form of cognitive 
behavioral therapy, is quite effective in calming 
fears. Clients start off by talking about their 
fears in the safety of the office. Later they 
visit frightening situations accompanied by the 
therapist who can help them realize their fears are 
unfounded and irrational. My God is big enough, 
powerful enough, and wise enough to control each and 
every situation. By staying close to Him and 
trusting Him fully, I need not fear. 
   Lord, You are my light and my salvation - 
whom shall I fear? You are the stronghold of my 
life - of whom shall I be afraid? [God of Wonders 
by David Steen] 


   Do not fear, for I am with you. I will 
uphold you with My righteous right hand. Let these 
words enfold you like a warm blanket, sheltering 
you from the coldness of fear and 
discouragement. When trouble seems to be stalking you, grip 
My hand tightly and stay in communication with 
Me. You can trust and not be afraid, for I am 
your Strength and Song. My powerful Presence is 
with you always. You face nothing alone! 
Moreover, I have promised to strengthen you and help 
   My strong hand supports you in both good 
times and bad. When things are going well in your 
life, you may not be attentive to My sustaining 
Presence. But when you are walking through the valley 
of the shadow of death, you become keenly aware 
of your neediness. During these difficult 
times, holding onto Me keeps you standing - and 
able to put one foot in front of the other. As 
you endure this adversity patiently - in 
trusting dependence on Me - I bless you with abundant 
Joy in My Presence. (Isa. 41:10; 12:2; Psa. 
23:4) [Jesus Always by Sarah Young] 

   Hold My hand - and trust. So long as you 
are conscious of My Presence with you, all is 
well. It is virtually impossible to stumble while 
walking in the Light with Me. I designed you to 
enjoy Me above all else. You find the deepest 
fulfillment of your heart in Me alone.  
   Fearful, anxious thoughts melt away in 
the Light of My Presence. When you turn away 
from Me, you are vulnerable to the darkness that 
is always at work in the world. Don't be 
surprised by how easily you sin when you forget to 
cling to My hand. In the world, dependency is seen 
as immaturity. But in My kingdom, dependence on 
Me is a prime measure of maturity. (Isa. 41:10; 
Psa. 62:5, 6) [Jesus Calling by Sarah Young] 

   I am training you in steadiness. Too many 
things interrupt your awareness of Me. I know that 
you live in a world of sight and sound, but you 
must not be a slave to those stimuli. Awareness 
of Me can continue in all circumstances, no 
matter what happens. This is the steadiness I 
desire for you.  
   Don't let unexpected events throw you off 
course. Rather, respond calmly and confidently, 
remembering that I am with you. As soon as something 
grabs your attention, talk with Me about it. Thus 
I share your joys and your problems; I help 
you cope with whatever is before you. This is 
how I live in you and work through you. This is 
the way of Peace. (Psalm 112:7; Isa. 41:10) 
[Jesus Calling by Sarah Young] 

   The world is too much with you, My child. 
Your mind leaps from problem to problem to 
problem, tangling your thoughts in anxious knots. 
When you think like that, you leave Me out of 
your world-view and your mind becomes darkened. 
Though I yearn to help, I will not violate your 
freedom. I stand silently in the background of your 
mind, waiting for you to remember that I am with 
   When you turn from your problems to My 
Presence, your load is immediately lighter. 
Circumstances may not have changed, but we carry your 
burdens together. Your compulsion to "fix" 
everything gives way to deep, satisfying connection 
with Me. Together we can handle whatever this day 
brings. (Isa. 41:10; Zep. 3:17; Psa. 34:19) [Jesus 
Calling by Sarah Young] 


Isaiah 41:10 - God's Empowering Presence. 


1 John 4:18 - Love and Fear Don't Mix!



If anyone has a paraphrase, commentary or 
testimony on this passage of Scripture, either 
personal or otherwise, I would be interested in 
hearing from you.  Thanks in advance and let's keep 
uplifting Jesus that all might be drawn to Him. Fred 


Most Important Decision in Life: 

A Man without Equal by Bill Bright: 

Seeking God Made Real: 

Prayer Made Real: 

Importance of Choice: 
http://creationhealth.com/CREATION-Health/Choice [click on video]  

Medical Seminar on Healthful Living by David 
DeRose, MD, MPH: 


Lifting Up Jesus Bible Studies: 

Amazing Facts Bible Studies: 

Hope Awakens Bible Study Guides: 

Glow Tract Video Bible Studies: 


Revelation Now by Pastor Doug Batchelor 
(live now): https://www.revelationnow.com/ 

Unlocking Bible Prophecies by Cami Oetman of 
Adventist World Radio (recent): 

Hope Awakens by John Bradshaw of IIW: 

Prophecies Decoded by Pastor Ron Clouzet: 