
1 John 4:8, 16 - GOD IS LOVE.

1 John 4:8b, 16b (KJV, NKJV, NASB, NRSV, 
NIV, ESV, HCSB, NLT) God is love.  


The greatest truth in all of Scripture is 
this: God is love. [Experiencing God Day by Day by 
Henry and Richard Blackaby.] 

Love, in this passage, is absolutely not 
human.  The human heart is a complete stranger to 
the kind of love described here. The definition 
for God's agape love can be found in John 3:16, 
it is self-sacrificial in nature; in I 
Corinthians 13, agape love is patient, kind, not 
jealous, doesn't brag, isn't arrogant, doesn't act 
unbecomingly, doesn't seek its own, isn't provoked, 
doesn't take into account a wrong suffered, doesn't 
rejoice in unrighteousness but in truth, bears all 
things, believes all things, hopes all things, 
endures all things and never, never fails. And last, 
agape love has Almighty God as its source.  Love 
is not God, God is love. We cannot exercise 
this love without a personal relationship with 
Jesus Christ. If you don't see it in your life, 
ask God for it today and be prepared for a 
radical change in your life. [In His Time; Walk With 

Everyone believes that love is important, 
but love is usually thought of as a feeling. In 
reality, love is a choice and an action, as 1 
Corinthians 13:4-7 shows. God is the source of our love: 
he loved us enough to sacrifice his Son for us. 
Jesus is our example of what it means to love; 
everything he did in life and death was supremely 
loving. The Holy Spirit gives us the power to love; 
he lives in our hearts and makes us more and 
more like Christ. God's love always involves a 
choice and an action, and our love should be like 
his. How well do you display your love for God in 
the choices you make and the actions you take? 
[Life Application SB] 

John says, "God is love," not "Love is God." 
Our world, with its shallow and selfish view of 
love, has turned these words around and 
contaminated our understanding of love. The world thinks 
that love is what makes a person feel good and 
that it is all right to sacrifice moral 
principles and others' rights in order to obtain such 
"love." But that isn't real love; it is the exact 
opposite - selfishness. And God is not that kind of 
"love." Real love is like God, who is holy, just, 
and perfect. If we truly know God, we will love 
as he does. [Life Application SB] 


Knowing God
   How can we pray to Him without being with 
Him? How can we be with Him but in thinking of 
Him often? And how can we often think of Him, 
but by a holy habit which we should form of it? 
You will tell me that I always say the same 
thing. It is true, for this is the best and easiest 
method I know. I use no other. I advise all the 
world to do it. 
   We must know before we can love. In order 
to know God, we must often think of Him. And 
when we come to love Him, we shall then also 
think of Him often, for our heart will be with our 
treasure. -Letter 9 
   Your ability to love and trust someone is 
directly related to how well you know them. Brother 
Lawrence reasoned that before we can love and trust 
God, we must know Him, and to know Him, we must 
think of Him often. Since we were made in God's 
image and He is love, then knowing God better 
should help us better understand ourselves and in 
turn love others. But knowing someone on a deeper 
level takes time and opportunity. Do you think of 
Him often? [The Practice of the Presence of God: 
40 Day Devotional by Brother Lawrence/Alan 

   For us, knowledge means information, 
facts, and concepts. But in biblical times, 
knowledge was centered in personal relationships. To 
know someone is to enter into a close 
relationship with that person. Knowing God involves much 
more than simply mastering facts and information 
about him. It even transcends discussions about 
the nature and character of God, as important as 
those are.  
   Knowing God means entering into an 
intimate relationship with him. It means identifying 
with God and learning to view everything as God 
does. Knowing God will transform our thoughts and 
actions, our priorities and values, and our 
relationships with fellow human beings. It is far more 
important than religious rites, sacrifices, burnt 
offerings, or any other religious activity (Jeremiah 
9:23-24; 31:34}. [One Year NLT SB re Hosea 4:1, 6] 

   Knowing God through experience is 
radically different than knowing about God from a 
theology textbook. According to the Bible, you cannot 
say you know God unless you have experienced Him 
(Php 3:8, 10). Biblical knowledge always involves 
   If you have not experienced Gods power 
at work in and through your life, do not settle 
for a secondhand knowledge of Gods power, 
rejoicing in what He has done in others. Jesus 
prayer was that you would come to know God and His 
presence in your life and experience. Dont 
discount the power of God as described in Scripture 
simply because you have not experienced it. Bring 
your experience up to the standard of Scripture, 
never reduce Scripture to the level of your 
experience. Dont settle for a head knowledge of 
Gods love. Jesus prayed that you would experience 
the depth and width and height of His love and 
that you would enjoy Gods full and unending 
love in the day-to-day experiences of your life. 
[Experiencing God Day by Day by Henry and Richard Blackaby 
re John 17:3] 

   The aim of conversion is to bring one 
into daily fellowship with the Father in heaven. 
   For the believer, taking time each day 
with God's Word and in prayer is indispensable. 
Each day we need to wait upon God for His 
presence and His love to be revealed. 
   It is not enough at conversion to accept 
forgiveness of sins or even to surrender to God. That is 
only a beginning. We must understand that we have 
no power on our own to maintain our spiritual 
life. We need to receive daily new grace from 
heaven through fellowship with the Lord Jesus. This 
cannot be obtained by a hasty prayer or a 
superficial reading of a few verses from God's Word. We 
must take time to come into God's presence, to 
feel our weakness and our need, and to wait on 
God through His Holy Spirit to renew our 
fellowship with Him. Then we may expect to be kept by 
the power of Christ throughout the day. 
   We must see the absolute necessity of 
spending time with the Lord Jesus. Without this, the 
joy and power of God's Holy Spirit in daily life 
cannot be experienced. [Andrew Murray 365-Day 
Devotional Bible mod.] 

   There is more to becoming a Christian 
than accepting a set of doctrines and striving to 
live out a particular lifestyle.  Being a 
Christian involves allowing God to become a living 
presence in your life ... A Christian is a person who 
is possessed by Christ in such a way that 
feelings, thoughts, and attitudes are all changed.  
For the Christian person, loving becomes a 
spiritual exercise because God is love, and the 
Christian knows that "every one that loveth is born of 
God."  God wants to indwell you and affect your 
consciousness for many reasons, but above then all is His 
desire to be able to reach other people with His 
love through you ... If you will pray and ask Him 
to be an indwelling reality and if you are 
willing to yield to His will in all things, He will 
enter into your consciousness and begin to effect 
a transformation in your life.  Most 
important, you will, little by little, begin to relate 
to other people as He would relate to them You 
will recognize that being a Christian involves a 
commitment to treat others as He would treat them... 
   If you want to do something that will 
cause you to become a more loving person, 
surrender yourself to Jesus.  He has a way of making 
lovers out of people.  [Tony Campolo; Time With God 


Accepting God's Gift of Love
   Many people simply can't believe that the 
Lord loves them. Others believe that He loves 
them, but only when they are pleasing Him in some 
way. Why is it so hard for us to accept His 
unconditional love? 
   One reason is that we have a hard time 
loving others without condition. We might say the 
words "I love you" to our spouse, children, 
friends, co-workers, or fellow believers but all too 
often are calculating in our mind whether or not 
they've lived up to our standard. We sometimes 
excuse ourselves from loving certain people because 
their behavior upsets or annoys us. The fact that 
we place restrictions on extending favor causes 
us to wrongly assume that the Lord does 
   Another reason is poor self-image. 
Considering ourselves unworthy, we refuse to accept 
God's love. You know what? None of us are worthy 
of the heavenly Father's goodness and mercy - 
so you can let go of that excuse once and for 
all. We're not coming to Him based on our worth. 
Rather, we're coming to Him based on His grace, and 
our position is secure in Christ. To put 
yourself down as "beneath His grace" is to trample on 
His loving, generous gift. God arranged an 
awesome divine way for us to be reconciled to Him, 
and His greatest desire is for relationship with 
each of us. 
   If you feel unloved or struggle to accept 
yourself, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth of 
our heavenly Father's love for you - and to sink 
it deep into your heart. Receive the truth that 
He reveals. It will be a completely different 
story about your value as an individual. [In Touch 
Daily Devotional by Charles Stanley at 

"God is love" is written upon every opening 
bud, upon every spire of springing grass. The 
lovely birds making the air vocal with their happy 
songs, the delicately tinted flowers in their 
perfection perfuming the air, the lofty trees of the 
forest with their rich foliage of living green -- 
all testify to the tender, fatherly care of our 
God and to His desire to make His children 
happy.  SC10 

God is love. Like rays of light from the 
sun, love and light and joy flow out from Him to 
all His creatures. It is His nature to give. His 
very life is the outflow of unselfish love. We 
are to be centers of light and blessing to our 
little circle, even as He is to the universe. We 
have nothing of ourselves, but the light of His 
love shines upon us, and we are to reflect its 
brightness. If you are the children of God you are 
partakers of His nature, and you cannot but be like 
Him. Every child lives by the life of his father. 
If you are God's children, begotten by His 
Spirit, you live by the life of God. In Christ 
dwells "all the fullness of the Godhead bodily" 
(Colossians 2:9); and the life of Jesus is made manifest 
"in our mortal flesh" (2 Corinthians 4:11). That 
life in you will produce the same character and 
manifest the same works as it did in Him. {MB 77}  

   Love is power. Intellectual and moral 
strength are involved in this principle, and cannot 
be separated from it. The power of wealth has a 
tendency to corrupt and destroy; the power of force 
is strong to do hurt; but the excellence and 
value of pure love consist in its efficiency to do 
good, and to do nothing else than good. Whatsoever 
is done out of pure love, be it ever so little 
or contemptible in the sight of men, is wholly 
fruitful; for God regards more with how much love one 
worketh than the amount he doeth. Love is of God. 
The unconverted heart cannot originate nor 
produce this plant of heavenly growth, which lives 
and flourishes only where Christ reigns.  
   Love cannot live without action, and 
every act increases, strengthens, and extends it. 
Love will gain the victory when argument and 
authority are powerless. Love works not for profit nor 
reward; yet God has ordained that great gain shall 
be the certain result of every labor of love. 
It is diffusive in its nature and quiet in its 
operation, yet strong and mighty in its purpose to 
overcome great evils. It is melting and transforming 
in its influence, and will take hold of the 
lives of the sinful and affect their hearts when 
every other means has proved unsuccessful..... 
Jesus was the Prince of Peace. He came into the 
world to bring resistance and authority into 
subjection to Himself. Wisdom and strength He could 
command, but the means He employed with which to 
overcome evil were the wisdom and strength of love.  

   When the heavenly principle of eternal 
love fills the heart, it will flow out to others, 
not merely because favors are received of them, 
but because love is the principle of action, and 
modifies the character, governs the impulses, 
controls the passions, subdues enmity, and elevates 
the affections. This love is not contracted, so 
as merely to include "me and mine," but is as 
broad as the world and as high as heaven. It is in 
harmony with that of the angel workers. This love, 
cherished in the soul, sweetens the entire life, and 
sheds a refining influence on all around. 
Possessing it, we cannot but be happy, let fortune 
smile or frown. And if we love God with all the 
heart, we must love His children also. This love is 
the spirit of God. It is the heavenly adorning 
that gives true nobility and dignity to the soul. 
   A soul filled with the love of Jesus 
lends to the words, the manners, the looks, hope, 
courage, and serenity.... It awakens a desire for a 
better life; souls ready to faint are strengthened; 
those struggling against temptation will be 
fortified and comforted. The words, the expression, 
the manners, throw out a bright ray of sunshine, 
and leave behind them a clear path toward 
heaven.... Every one of us has opportunities of helping 
others. We are constantly making impressions upon 
the youth about us. The expression of the 
countenance is itself a mirror of the life within. Jesus 
desires that we shall become like Himself, filled 
with tender sympathy, exerting a ministry of love 
in the small duties of life....   
   Our duty is to live in the atmosphere of 
Christ's love, to breathe His love deeply, and to 
reflect its warmth around us. Oh, what a sphere of 
influence is open before us! How carefully we should 
cultivate the garden of the soul, so that it may bring 
forth only pure, sweet, fragrant flowers! Words of 
love, tenderness, and charity sanctify our 
influence over others. {OHC 175}  


   I have a favorite restaurant where I 
often meet people for lunch. I'm probably there 
three or four times a week, and I always order the 
same thing. As good as the food is, there's 
something about the restaurant that I like almost as 
much - they know me. They know what I'm going to 
order, where I want to sit, and what I'll want to 
drink. In fact, if I decide to order something 
else, they get a little shaken up. I love this 
feeling. I love feeling like I'm known, like I'm 
   At Celebrate Recovery, we can honor God 
by making others feel known and welcome. We can 
remember their names and offer a hello, maybe even a 
hug. We can let them know we're glad they came 
and hope they'll come back. These small gestures 
could make the difference between someone staying 
bound by addiction and someone finding freedom and 
   Celebrate Recovery is a family, a big 
family with open arms. It's spread out and maybe a 
little crazy, but we love it when people come in 
and get involved. Most of all, this is a place 
where people can come to find a relationship with 
God and receive all the benefits that come with 
knowing him. Let's show God's love to everyone who 
comes through the doors.  
   Thank you, Lord, for using us to reach 
people with a message of hope and let them know 
that they can be whole again. In Jesus name, 
Amen. [Celebrate Recovery Daily Devotional by John 
& Johnny Baker re 1 John 4:7] 


The Heart Of The Matter " You Are Loved!
   It was Valentine's Day evening and we 
were celebrating our "You Are Loved" Banquet with 
our clients, when I had an interesting 
interaction with one of the ladies we serve. We spoke 
briefly, and like I do so often with our clients, I 
looked her in her eyes and said, "I love you." In 
an instant she replied, "Why?" and in another 
instant, before I could respond she disappeared into 
the crowd.  
   The question she asked me reminded me of 
so many other times I have been asked about 
ministering here at Western Carolina Rescue Ministries. 
A decade ago, people asked me, "Why 
Asheville?" A few years later: "Why the Rescue Mission?" 
And even now people question why I want to 
   The answer to all those questions is The 
same: "I love people." 
   Over a dozen years ago God began stirring 
in my heart and calling me to Asheville. I 
would drive through the mountains from Johnson 
City, TN where I had a financial services firm, 
and He would show me the needs of this area. The 
more He moved in my heart, the more He called me 
to pray. 
   I remember an old pastor once saying, 
"You become intimate with those that you pray 
with and those that you pray for." He was right! 
The more I began to pray, the more I fell in 
love with the marginalized people of Asheville, 
the poor people who find themselves trapped on 
the streets thinking they have nowhere to go and 
no one to care about them. 
   The more I prayed, the stronger God's 
call became, and it didn't take long for our 
family to follow God's call to relocate here to 
Asheville. We left everything - our house, 
our-businesses, and all of the relationships we had built - 
to follow God here to serve these people I had 
grown to love. 
   The longer I've been here, the stronger 
love grows. That's why I came, and that's why 
I've stayed. I stay motivated because God called 
me to use this love He placed in my heart to 
awaken His destiny and purpose inside of our people 
so they can live the life that He always 
intended for them. 
   Because of that call, my chief desire is 
to personally love people unconditionally, and 
I want to make loving people the overarching 
goal of Western Carolina Rescue Ministries. 
   Unconditional love is an idea that is 
foreign to many people. It motivates the questions I 
get asked about why I serve here. It also 
motivated that lady on Valentine's Day to ask me why I 
would love her. 
   The beauty of unconditional love is that 
regardless of whether a person deserves love - or 
thinks they deserves love - it is always available. 
A love like that is a game-changer in this 
world. Most people only have experience with 
transactional affection, a fake love that is only offered 
when a price has been paid or an expectation has 
been satisfied. True love on the other hand, is 
always available, and it is without limit. 
   In the Amplified translation of the 
Bible, First John 4:7 says, "Beloved, let us 
[unselfishly] love and seek the best for one another, for 
love is from God; and everyone who loves [others] 
is born of God and knows God [through personal 
experience]. The one who does not love has not become 
acquainted with God [does not and never did know Him], 
for God is love. [He is the originator of love, 
and it is an enduring attribute of His 
   I offer you that same challenge. Beloved, 
let us love one another! Why should we? We 
should love unconditionally because we know God and 
we have experienced His love in a way that 
moves us to pass it on to others. 
   Love is powerful. Love is the 
manifestation of God in this broken world. That's what 
called me here, what keeps me here, and what 
motivates us to do all that we do to speak life into 
so many people who need to hear God's voice. 
   The more we experience God's love, the 
more we should reflect it to others. The more we 
see Him loving us when we don't deserve it, we 
should overflow with unconditional love to the 
people around us. Like little children who imitate 
their parents, may we imitate our heavenly Father 
and love in a way that changes lives every day! 
   It is an honor to serve this community 
alongside you! Let's love well together! [Micheal 
Woods, Executive Director of Western Carolina 
Rescue Ministries] 


   If you want to know how to be a good 
parent and build a strong family, you dont have 
to look online or go to a bookstore. Look no 
further than the greatest book ever written on 
parenting: Gods Word, the Bible. 
   The Bible says in 1 John 4:7, Let us 
love one another, for love comes from God 
   More than anything else, kids need 
unwavering and unconditional love. There needs to be a 
place where theyre accepted - warts and all. 
   What is compassion? Compassion is a 
combination of love and understanding. Compassion is 
where you know everything about someone and you 
still like that person. 
   Love is not natural. You have to learn to 
love. You learn by practicing. What better place 
to practice than with the people youre 
forced to live with all your life? If you can learn 
to love your family, you can love anybody. Why? 
Because its easy to love people at a distance, 
but when youre with them all the time, you 
dont always get along. When you practice love in 
the family, youre learning to really love. 
   A lot of times we love our kids, but we 
dont express it in a way they can understand it. 
Children understand love in three ways: affection, 
affirmation, and attention. 
   1. Affection. Children need lots of hugs 
and touch and kisses. They need to feel your 
   2. Affirmation. You need to tell your 
kids every day - and more than once a day - how 
much you love them. Affirm them, and build them 
up with love. 
   3. Attention. One of the greatest gifts 
you can give others is listening to them. When 
you look at children on their level, youre 
saying, You matter to me. Youre important to 
me. I want to hear what you have to say. In 
doing this, you show compassion. [Daily Devotional 
by Rick Warren: 


1 John 4:8, 16 - God Is Love.


1 John 4:16 - God Is Love.



If anyone has a paraphrase, commentary or 
testimony on this passage of Scripture, either 
personal or otherwise, I would be interested in 
hearing from you.  Thanks in advance and let's keep 
uplifting Jesus that all might be drawn to Him. Fred 


Most Important Decision in Life: 

A Man without Equal by Bill Bright: 

Steps to Peace by Billy Graham: 

Seeking God Made Real: 

Prayer Made Real: 


Lifting Up Jesus Bible Studies: 

Amazing Facts Bible Studies: 

Voice of Prophecy Discover Bible Study 

Glow Tract Video Bible Studies: 


Unlocking Bible Prophecies by Cami Oetman of 
Adventist World Radio: https://www.awr.org/bible 

Panorama of Prophecy with Pastor Doug 
Batchelor: https://www.panoramaofprophecy.com/  

Hope Awakens by John Bradshaw of IIW: 

Prophecies Decoded by Pastor Ron Clouzet: 

Islam and Christianity in Prophecy, The 
Third and Final Conflict by Tim Roosenberg: 