
1 John 4:19 - LOVE BEGETS LOVE.

1 John 4:19 (NKJV) We love Him because He 
first loved us.  

1 John 4:19 (NIV) We love because he first 
loved us. 


God's love is the source of all human love, 
and it spreads like fire. In loving his 
children, God kindles a flame in their hearts. In 
turn, they love others, who are warmed by God's 
love through them. [Life Application SB] 

   Love is evidence of salvation. If you are 
born of God through faith in Jesus Christ, you 
have His nature within (2 Pet. 1:4). Since "God 
is love" (vv. 8, 16), His children who have His 
nature should also manifest His love. The children 
should be like the Father! 
   Our love for others makes God's love real 
and visible to them (v. 12) so we can better 
witness to them about Christ. It also makes God real 
and personal to us. Merely reading in the Bible 
about God's love is not enough. Seek to experience 
that love in your heart by sharing it with 
   Just as truth is victorious over lies 
(vv. 1-6), love is victorious over fear (vv. 
17-19). As you mature in your love for God, you 
realize that you have nothing to fear, for your 
Father has everything under control. You trust 
those you love, and faith and love will give 
victory over fear. [Chapter by Chapter Bible 
Commentary by Warren Wiersbe] 


Jesus did not come to men with commands and 
threatenings, but with love that is without a parallel. 
Love begets love; and thus the love of Christ 
displayed upon the cross woos and wins the sinner, and 
binds him, repenting, to the cross, believing and 
adoring the matchless depths of a Saviour's love. 
Christ came to the world to perfect a righteous 
character for many, and to elevate the fallen race. 
But only a few of the millions in our world will 
accept the righteousness and excellency of his 
character, and fulfill the requirements given to secure 
their happiness. RH03-04-75 

Channels of Blessing 1 John 4:19
   Love is the basis of godliness. Whatever 
the profession, no man has pure love to God 
unless he has unselfish love for his brother. But 
we can never come into possession of this 
spirit by trying to love others. What is needed is 
the love of Christ in the heart. When self is 
merged in Christ, love springs forth spontaneously. 
The completeness of Christian character is 
attained when the impulse to help and bless others 
springs constantly from within--when the sunshine of 
heaven fills the heart and is revealed in the 
countenance.  {COL 384.2}  
   It is not possible for the heart in which 
Christ abides to be destitute of love. If we love 
God because He first loved us, we shall love all 
for whom Christ died. We cannot come in touch 
with divinity without coming in touch with 
humanity; for in Him who sits upon the throne of the 
universe, divinity and humanity are combined. 
Connected with Christ, we are connected with our 
fellow men by the golden links of the chain of 
love. Then the pity and compassion of Christ will 
be manifest in our life. We shall not wait to 
have the needy and unfortunate brought to us. We 
shall not need to be entreated to feel for the 
woes of others. It will be as natural for us to 
minister to the needy and suffering as it was for 
Christ to go about doing good.  {COL 384.3} 
[Remnant SB] 


   There is no light in the planet but that 
which proceedeth from the sun; and there is no 
true love to Jesus in the heart but that which 
cometh from the Lord Jesus himself. From this 
overflowing fountain of the infinite love of God, all 
our love to God must spring. This must ever be a 
great and certain truth, that we love Him for no 
other reason than because He first loved us. Our 
love to Him is the fair offspring of His love to 
us. Cold admiration, when studying the works of 
God, anyone may have, but the warmth of love can 
only be kindled in the heart by God's Spirit. How 
great the wonder that such as we should ever have 
been brought to love Jesus at all! How marvellous 
that when we had rebelled against Him, He should, 
by a display of such amazing love, seek to draw 
us back. No! never should we have had a grain 
of love towards God unless it had been sown in 
us by the sweet seed of His love to us. Love, 
then, has for its parent the love of God shed 
abroad in the heart: but after it is thus divinely 
born, it must be divinely nourished. Love is an 
exotic; it is not a plant which will flourish 
naturally in human soil, it must be watered from 
above. Love to Jesus is a flower of a delicate 
nature, and if it received no nourishment but that 
which could be drawn from the rock of our hearts 
it would soon wither. As love comes from 
heaven, so it must feed on heavenly bread. It cannot 
exist in the wilderness unless it be fed by manna 
from on high. Love must feed on love. The very 
soul and life of our love to God is His love to 
   "I love thee, Lord, but with no love of 
   For I have none to give;
   I love thee, Lord; but all the love is 
   For by thy love I live.
   I am as nothing, and rejoice to be
   Emptied, and lost, and swallowed up in 
thee." [Morning and Evening by Charles H. 

   One reason God wants us to love is 
because he is love, and he created us to be like him 
- to love. The only reason were able to 
love is because God loves us: Love comes from 
God  because God is love (1 John 4:7-8 
   We were created in Gods image to do 
two things on Earth: Learn to love God and learn 
to love other people. Life is all about love. 
   But love all started with God. He loved 
us first, and that gives us the ability to love 
others (1 John 4:19). The only reason you can love 
God or love anybody else is because God first 
loved you. He showed that love by creating you. He 
showed that love by everything you have in life; 
its all a gift of Gods love. And he showed 
that love by sending Jesus Christ to Earth to die 
for you. 
   In order to love others well, we first 
need to understand and experience how much God 
loves us. We dont want to just talk about love, 
read about love, or discuss love; we need to 
encounter the love of God. 
   We need to reach a place when we truly 
understand how God loves us completely and 
unconditionally. We need to become secure in the truth that 
we cannot make God stop loving us. 
   Once were secure inside Gods 
unconditional love, well start cutting people a lot 
more slack. We wont be as angry as weve 
been. Well be more patient. Well be more 
forgiving. Well be more merciful. Well give 
others grace. 
   But you cannot give others something you 
havent received yourself. I hope that as you learn 
how much God loves you, youll also let him 
heal your heart so that his love can flow freely 
through you. Its impossible to love others until 
you really feel loved yourself. [Daily 
Devotional by Rick Warren: 

Love Creating Love
   Although the love of God is clearly laid 
out in the Old Testament, why did humankind have 
to wait so long to have the message spelled out 
in such clear terms as John uses: "God is love" 
(1Jn 4:8)? People could not see this sufficiently 
clearly until they had looked into the face of 
Jesus. In the life of Jesus is the clearest 
revelation that God is love.  
   So few of us open ourselves to the love 
of God. We have more fear of Him than we have 
love for Him. There is, of course, a godly fear 
(or reverence), but that is not what I mean. If 
we fail to comprehend how much we are loved by 
God, then there will be no energy to turn the 
machinery of our lives in the way they were meant to 
   Whenever I doubted the love of God as a 
young Christian, I was told I should go to 
Calvary. I never quite understood what that meant 
until one day I complained to God that He could 
not really love me; if He did, He wouldn't let 
such things happen as were befalling me. He gave 
me no answer but showed me the Cross. And as I 
saw His Son dying there for me, the scales fell 
from my eyes and I found love for Him flowing out 
of His love for me. I discovered what 1 John 
4:19 means: "We love because He first loved us." 
   Love for God is not the fruit of labor 
but the response of our hearts to being loved. 
It is not something we manufacture; it is 
something we receive.  
   O God my Father, save me from believing 
that my problem is "I don't love You enough," 
when the real problem is "I don't know how much I 
am loved by You." Let the scales fall from my 
eyes right now and let me see - really see. In 
Jesus' name. Amen. [Every Day With Jesus Bible with 
Selwyn Hughes devotional re John 19:17-18] 

A Reasonable Response
   Some people imagine the God of the Old 
Testament as harsh and mean, while the God of the New 
Testament is loving and kind. But that is nonsense. 
There is only one God of both the Old and New 
Testaments, and He is a God of love. 
   He is a God who is gracious and a God who 
is full of mercy. But He is also a holy God and 
a righteous God. And He gives us absolutes to 
live by. 
   We find those absolutes in the Ten 
Commandments. And when God gave these commandments to the 
people of Israel, He also gave the motive for 
keeping them: I am the Lord your God, who rescued 
you from the land of Egypt, the place of your 
slavery (Exodus 20:2 NLT). 
   Notice the Lord didnt begin by 
threatening or scaring them. He started by reminding 
them of what kind of God He is: a loving, caring 
God who delivered them from their misery. 
   God was saying, loosely paraphrased, 
Hey, I took care of you guys. I delivered you 
from your bondage in Egypt. You were a slave 
   We might think, Well, thats nice, 
but Im not an Israelite who was delivered 
from bondage in Egypt. 
   Yes, thats true, but if you have put 
your faith in Jesus Christ, then you were a 
sinner who was delivered from the bondage of your 
sin, were you not? 
   Think about all that God has done for 
you. Because of that, you should want to 
reciprocate. You should want to honor Him in the way that 
you live. The apostle John reminds us, We 
love Him because He first loved us (1 John 
4:19 NKJV). 
   He has certain expectations of us. Our 
love for God should be a response to His love for 
us. [Greg Laurie from Harvest Ministries; 

We're told throughout Scripture to love 
others. In fact, according to Jesus, loving our 
neighbors as ourselves is one of the two greatest 
commandments, right next to loving God wholeheartedly. But 
we can't have God's kind of love for others 
unless we've experienced it ourselves. A person 
whose wounds have never been healed by God's love 
will relate to others with whatever needs and 
distortions those wounds have created. A person who has 
never experienced unconditional love will never be 
able to give unconditional love. So immersing 
ourselves in God's love is one of the greatest things 
we can do for others. Whenever we bask in his 
love and let it truly sink into our hearts, we 
not only are enjoying him - we are equipping 
ourselves to love others well. [NIV Once A Day Bible] 


Workshop Prayer
   Ole Hallesby describes our times of 
prayer when the Spirit works in us as wonderful 
times of rest we can anticipate with joy. He also 
says the time of prayer should be not only a 
resting place but also a workshop.  
   Power and grace from heaven come through 
prayer, and Hallesby urges us to avail ourselves of 
what God wants to give. He paints a picture of 
Jesus after his ascension to heaven, reaching his 
arm so far down to us that we who are small and 
sinful can reach it every time we pray. "Whenever 
we touch his almighty arm, some of his 
omnipotence streams in upon us, into our souls and into 
our bodies. And not only that, but through us, 
it streams out to others."  
   When Hallesby gets specific about 
prayer's workshop practicality, it cuts close to the 
bone: "We should say to God as we mingle with our 
dear ones each day, 'God, give them each thy 
blessing. They need it, because they live with me, and 
I am very selfish and unwilling to sacrifice 
very much for them, although I do love them.'"  
   Whatever we may feel about that 
self-indicting prayer, his prediction that such prayers 
would bring "a good spirit to our homes" rings 
   Hallesby points out something we'll 
seldom admit - we sometimes make critical remarks 
in our minds about people we see. He challenges 
us with this exhortation:  
   "Just think if the Spirit of God could 
make the new nature within us so strong that we 
would automatically lift our hearts in prayer to 
God every time we met someone."  
   Instead of critical thoughts, we would 
pray God's blessing on others. "Wherever we go," 
Hallesby says, "we meet people who are in need of 
something. If the Spirit could give us that open eye of 
love, we would turn to the Lord and tell him the 
needs of both our friends and of our enemies. That 
is how he would like to have us pray."  
   Father, as I meet people today, help me 
to see them with your eyes. I pray for your 
Spirit to love them through me. Instead of judging 
others, help me to pray for them.  
   We love each other because he loved us 
first. 1 John 4:19, NLT [The One Year Book of 
Encouragement by Harold Myra re vs. 19] 

Moe Or Joe?
   Contrast the situation of Moe and Joe. 
Moe expects everyone to serve him. The moment he 
awakens he thinks, Is someone going to bring me 
coffee? If the service of the convenience store 
clerk is slow, Moe is mad. If the employees at 
work need more time than Moe wants to give them, 
Moe lets them know. 
   Moe expects people to cater to his plans, 
meet his needs, and reward him. Consequently, Moe 
is seldom happy. 
   Joe, on the other hand, measures the 
success of his day with this standard: Whom can I 
help today? He serves his wife by bringing her 
coffee. He serves the convenience store clerk by 
giving him a smile. He keeps a positive attitude at 
   The world doesn't exist to take care of 
him. He exists to take care of others. Joe goes 
to bed with a smile on his face. 
   Which one are you? Moe? Joe? Or a little 
of both, Mo-Jo? 
   Make your happiness dependent on how 
others serve you, and you will always be 
disappointed. Find happiness in serving others, and ... 
well, you can complete the sentence. [You Can 
Count On God by Max Lucado] 


Life Is An Echo
   A son and his father were walking in the 
   Suddenly, his son falls, hurts himself 
and screams: "AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" 
   To his surprise, he hears the voice 
repeating, somewhere in the mountain:  
   Curious, he yells: "Who are you?"
   He receives the answer: "Who are you?"
   Angered at the response, he screams: 
   He receives the answer: "Coward!"
   He looks to his father and asks: "What's 
going on?" 
   The father smiles and says: "My son, pay 
   And then he screams to the mountain: "I 
admire you!" 
   The voice answers: "I admire you!"
   Again the man screams: "You are a 
   The voice answers: "You are a champion!"
   The boy is surprised, but does not 
understand. Then the father explains: "People call this 
echo, but really this is life. It gives you back 
everything you say or do. Our life is simply a 
reflection of our actions. If you want more love in the 
world, create more love in your heart. If you want 
more competence in your team, improve your 
   This relationship applies to everything, 
in all aspect of life; life will give you back 
everything you have given to it. [source unknown] 


John 3:16 - LOVE SUPREME!



If anyone has a paraphrase, commentary or 
testimony on this passage of Scripture, either 
personal or otherwise, I would be interested in 
hearing from you.  Thanks in advance and let's keep 
uplifting Jesus that all might be drawn to Him. Fred 