
Proverbs 8:17 - Seeking And Finding God.

Proverbs 8:17 (KJV) I love them that love 
me; and those that seek me early shall find me. 

Proverbs 8:17 (ESV) I love those who love 
me, and those who seek me diligently find me.  

Proverbs 8:17 (AMP) I love those who love 
me, and those who seek me early and diligently 
shall find me.  


Seek me early: This means to seek so 
diligently that one rises early in the morning to press 
the search. Because of the distractions of 
worldly affairs, and the deceitfulness of the human 
heart, persevering diligence is required to 
maintain a saving relationship with true wisdom and 
with God. [SDA Bible Commentary] 

The word "early" sticks out in this verse:  
does the Lord mean early in the morning?  early 
in your life?  early in your Christian walk?  
Early seems to denote a time set aside before 
other things push in ahead.  Could God be saying 
that He wants top priority in your life?  Could 
the Lord want to spend time with you when you 
are fresh and unencumbered from the cares of the 
day?  God is a jealous God.  He commands that you 
have nothing in your life that is more important 
to you.  Are you in line with God on this?  Or 
do you need to realign your priorities in order 
to seek Him early?  [In His Time; Walk With 


Consecrate yourself to God in the morning; 
make this your very first work. Let your prayer 
be, "Take me, O Lord, as wholly Thine. I lay all 
my plans at Thy feet. Use me today in Thy 
service. Abide with me, and let all my work be 
wrought in Thee." This is a daily matter. Each 
morning consecrate yourself to God for that day. 
Surrender all your plans to Him, to be carried out or 
given up as His providence shall indicate. Thus 
day by day you may be giving your life into the 
hands of God, and thus your life will be molded 
more and more after the life of Christ.  SC70 


   The very first outbreathing of the soul 
in the morning should be for the presence of 
Jesus. Without Me, He says, ye can do 
nothing. It is Jesus that we need; His light, His 
life, His spirit, must be ours continually. We 
need Him every hour. And we should pray in the 
morning that as the sun illuminates the landscape, 
and fills the world with light, so the Sun of 
Righteousness may shine into the chambers of mind and 
heart, and make us all light in the Lord. We cannot 
do without His presence one moment. The enemy 
knows when we undertake to do without our Lord, 
and he is there, ready to fill our minds with 
his evil suggestions that we may fall from our 
steadfastness; but it is the desire of the Lord that from 
moment to moment we should abide in Him, and thus 
be complete in Him..  
   God designs that every one of us shall be 
perfect in Him, so that we may represent to the 
world the perfection of His character. He wants us 
to be set free from sin, that we may not 
disappoint Heaven, that we may not grieve our divine 
Redeemer. He does not desire us to profess 
Christianity, and yet not avail ourselves of that grace 
which is able to make us perfect, that we may be 
found wanting in nothing.  
   Prayer and faith will do what no power on 
earth can accomplish. We are seldom, in all 
respects, placed in the same position twice. We 
continually have new scenes and new trials to pass 
through, where past experience cannot be a sufficient 
guide. We must have the continual light that comes 
from God. Christ is ever sending messages to 
those who listen for His voice. {OFC 40-41 re Psa. 

   For many of us, every morning is a 
battle. Between the time the alarm clock rings and 
when our feet hit the floor, our thoughts can 
spiral downward. Today's to-do list and potential 
hurdles combine with leftover fatigue from 
yesterday, all seeming to conspire to overwhelm us and 
beat us down. In a few very short minutes, our 
attitude can shift drastically from neutral to 
   Though the morning battle is real for 
many, it isn't unwinnable. The key is to turn the 
downward spiral into upward momentum, and the best 
way to do that is by inviting Jesus into your 
internal conversation as soon as you wake up. Before 
thinking about to-do lists, potential hurdles, 
lingering problems from the day before, or anything 
else, have a conversation with Him - not about 
issues, but just for the pleasure of His company. 
Enjoy the fellowship. Lie still in His Presence. 
Utter some words of worship and gratitude. Listen 
to His words of affection and encouragement. 
Let Him shape your internal environment before 
you get up to face your external world. Make Him 
the priority of your day.  
   When you do that, the day can take on a 
whole different tone. And the tone of a day can 
have lasting impact. Decisions are made in a 
different light, long-term relationships are 
strengthened rather than weakened, ideas and innovation 
come much more easily, and obstacles lose their 
power. Winning the morning battle day after day can 
radically impact a lifetime.  
   Whatever it takes, invite Jesus into your 
morning. Before your feet hit the floor, enjoy His 
Presence. The earlier you make Him the center of your 
day, the more profoundly He will shape it.  
   Jesus, I know my attitude needs an 
adjustment every morning. I invite You to adjust it - 
to hold me, fill me with Your Presence, and 
transform me. You are more important than any issues 
I'll face on any given day - and fully able to 
handle them. [The One Year Experiencing Gods 
Presence Devotional by Chris Tiegreen re Psalm 


There are certain times of the day when it 
not only seems easier, but it is easier to meet 
God. If you have ever prayed in the dawn you will 
ask yourself why you were so foolish as not to 
do it always; it is difficult to get into 
communion with God in the midst of the hurly-burly of 
the day. George MacDonald said that if he did 
not open wide the door of his mind to God in the 
early morning he worked on the finite all the rest 
of the day - "stand on the finite, act upon the 
wrong." It is not sentiment but an implicit reality 
that the conditions of dawn and communion with 
God go together. When the day of God appears 
there will be no night, always dawn and day. There 
is nothing of the nature of strain in God's 
day; it is all free and beautiful and fine. 
Oswald Chambers HGM 87 


Proverbs 8:17 - Seeking And Finding God.


Proverbs 8:17 - How To Find God.


Proverbs 8:17 - Loving and Seeking God 
Diligently and Early. 


Proverbs 8:17 - Give God Your Best !!!



If anyone has a paraphrase, commentary or 
testimony on this passage of Scripture, either 
personal or otherwise, I would be interested in 
hearing from you.  Thanks in advance and let's keep 
uplifting Jesus that all might be drawn to Him. Fred 


Most Important Decision in Life: 

A Man without Equal by Bill Bright: 

Steps to Peace by Billy Graham: 

Seeking God Made Real: 

Prayer Made Real: 


Lifting Up Jesus Bible Studies: 

Amazing Facts Bible Studies: 

Voice of Prophecy Discover Bible Study 

Glow Tract Video Bible Studies: 


Unlocking Bible Prophecies by Cami Oetman of 
Adventist World Radio: https://www.awr.org/bible 

Panorama of Prophecy with Pastor Doug 
Batchelor: https://www.panoramaofprophecy.com/  

Hope Awakens by John Bradshaw of IIW: 

Prophecies Decoded by Pastor Ron Clouzet: 