
Colossians 3:15 - Let the Peace of God Rule in Your Hearts.

Colossians 3:15 (NIV) Let the peace of 
Christ rule in your hearts...  

Colossians 3:15 (NLT) And let the peace that 
comes from Christ rule in your hearts...  


The word 'rule' comes from the language of 
athletics: Paul tells us to let Christ's peace be 
umpire or referee in our hearts. Our hearts are the 
center of conflict because there our feelings and 
desires clash - our fears and hopes, distrust and 
trust, jealousy and love. How can we deal with 
these constant conflicts and live as God wants? 
Paul explains that we must decide between 
conflicting elements by using the rule of peace - which 
choice will promote peace in our souls and in our 
churches. [Life Application SB] 


Christians should live in peace. To live in 
peace does not mean that suddenly all differences 
in opinion are eliminated, but it does require 
that loving Christians work together despite 
their differences. Such love is not a feeling, but 
a decision to meet others' needs (see 1 Cor. 
13). To live in love leads to peace between 
individuals and among the members of the body of 
believers. Do problems in your relationships with other 
Christians cause open conflicts or mutual silence? 
Consider what you can do to heal those relationships 
with love.  [Life Application SB] 


Abiding Peace
   Do you know the peace of God? Everyone 
who knows the Lord Jesus Christ can go through 
any problem, and face death, and still have the 
peace of God in his heart. When your spouse dies, 
your children get sick, or you lose your job, you 
can have a peace that you don't Understand. You 
may have tears at a graveside, but you can have 
an abiding peace, a quietness. 
   A psychiatrist was quoted in the 
newspaper as saying that he could not improve upon the 
apostle Paul's prescription for human worry in 
Philippians 4:6-7. Be anxious for nothing. How many 
times do you and I fret and turn, looking for a 
little peace? God's peace can be in our hearts - 
right now. 
   Colossians 3:15 says, "Let the peace of 
God rule in your hearts." Some of you believe 
that you know Jesus Christ as your Savior, but 
you haven't really made Him your Lord. You're 
missing the peace of God in your struggles and 
turmoils and trials and pressures of life. Is the 
peace of God in your heart? 
   When in your life have you experienced 
God's peace? [Peace for Each Day by Billy Graham] 


Colossians 3:15 - Let the Peace of God Rule 
in Your Hearts. 


Philippians 4:6-7 - Peace Beyond 


Isaiah 26:3 - Peace That Surpasses All 


