
Matthew 16:15 - Who Do You Say I Am?

Matthew 16:15 (NLV) "But what about you?" he 
asked. "Who do you say I am?"  


   My daughter has her own apartment now, 
and she often texts to ask questions. How often 
should I water my houseplant? Should I set the 
Crock-Pot on high or low? Her queries remind me of her 
preschool years, another season when she was full of 
questions. Why is the moon so bright? Where is heaven? 
One answer produced another question and so the 
cycle began. 
   I've been caught in the asking cycle 
myself. Why is this happening, Jesus? When are You 
going to take care of this problem? Where are You? 
I fret and pray and doubt my faith as I force 
one trusting foot in front of the other. 
   Can't you see Jesus shaking His head? "O 
ye of little faith," He must be saying to me. 
I'm like the hungry disciples who once again 
found themselves without anything to eat. They 
worried they'd forgotten bread, but Jesus had them 
remember something greater. They'd watched Him 
multiply a few loaves and feed thousands - twice! 
After reminding them of the miracles they not only 
witnessed but participated in, Jesus posed a question 
of His own, quite possibly the most important 
question in the history of mankind: "Who do you say I 
am?" Peter knew the right answer: "You are the 
Messiah, the Son of the living God" (Matthew 16:16). 
   Within Jesus's single question lies the 
answers to all of mine: Jesus. Jesus is all-knowing 
when I don't know, all-powerful when I am 
powerless, and ever present even when I don't feel Him. 
How could I have forgotten? Karen Sargent 
   Faith Step: Are you waiting for answers? 
Write down your questions and pray. Look at each 
of them and whisper your answer; Jesus. 
[Mornings With Jesus 2023 Devotional by Guideposts and 


Matthew 16:16 - You Are The Christ, The Son 
of The Living God. 


