
1 John 3:2 - We Shall Be Like Him!

1 John 3:2 (NIV) Dear friends, now we are 
children of God, and what we will be has not yet been 
made known. But we know that when he appears, we 
shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. 

1 John 3:2 (AMP) Beloved, we are [even here 
and] now God's children; it is not yet disclosed 
(made clear) what we shall be [hereafter], but we 
know that when He comes and is manifested, we  


The Christian life is a process of becoming 
more and more like Christ (see Romans 8:29). This 
process will not be complete until we see Christ 
face to face (1 Corinthians 13:12; Philippians 
3:21), but knowing that it is our ultimate destiny 
should motivate us to purify ourselves. To keep 
pure means to keep morally straight, free from 
the corruption of sin. God also purifies us, but 
there is action we must take to remain morally fit 
(see 1 Timothy 5:22; James 4:8; 1 Peter 1:22). 
[Life Application SB] 


   Recently, my sister erica texted me a 
baby picture of herself sandwiched between her 
two granddaughters' pictures. The three of them 
could have been triplets. Erica's daughter is glad 
her girls inherited their grandma's looks. I 
called Erica as soon as I saw the picture. "Girl, 
you've got some strong genes!" 
   My own boys don't look much like me, or 
Scott, or each other. They are uniquely their own 
people. But one thing we all have in common is our 
sense of humor. Our "funny gene" has been passed 
down to the next generation. Our sons may not 
physically look like us, but the humorous way they look 
at life is an inherited family trait. 
   Jesus's family traits are written on the 
hearts and in the behavior of everyone who follows 
Him. Loving kindness. Generous mercy. Outrageous 
generosity. Inexplicable power. 
   Steady faithfulness. Extravagant grace. 
When Jesus adopted me into His family, forgiving 
my sins and showering me with His grace, His 
traits began to rub off on me. His love has changed 
my outlook on life. More than anything, I yearn 
for His strong genes to be evident in me. 
   I want to be His look-alike. Susanna Foth 
   Faith Step: Which of Jesus's family 
traits have started to rub off on you? Make a list 
and thank Him for the ways you resemble Him. 
[Mornings With Jesus 2023 Devotional by Guideposts and 


New Name
   This morning I was reading about Jacob, 
Abraham's grandson, and how he wrestled with God. 
Jacob was one messed-up guy - a liar, deceiver, 
thief. He spent a good bit of his life carrying the 
weight of that identity. Imagine how amazing it was 
for Jacob when he finally quit wrestling with 
God and surrendered to his leadership. After 
that, the Bible tells us that God reached down and 
whispered these words: "Jacob, Jacob, you're no longer 
going to be identified as Jacob. I have given you 
a new name. You will now be called Israel" 
(Genesis 35:10).  
   Like Jacob, my name used to be Shameful, 
Guilty, Liar, Thief, Prideful, Selfish, and more. I 
also wrestled with God, and I'm happy to say he 
won. God also reached down and whispered in my 
ear: "John, I have given you a new name. You will 
now be called Forgiven and Beloved Child of 
   We all know that the best and most 
beautiful things in life cannot be seen or touched. 
They are felt by the heart. When we finally stop 
wrestling with God, when the struggle is over, we will 
be ready to hear him whisper to each of us, "I 
love you. I have given you a new name and a new 
identity. Come closer and I will tell you what you 
will now be called."  
   Father God, thank you for liberating me 
from the shameful identity I once carried. I 
cherish the new name you have given me. In Jesus' 
name, Amen. [Celebrate Recovery Daily Devotional 
by John & Johnny Baker]  


You'll Get There
   During my last two years of high school, 
I attended church with one of my high school 
teachers, Mr. G., and his family. On more than one 
occasion, Mr. G. would listen to my teenage troubles 
and say, "Don't worry. You'll get there." After 
graduation I joined the navy and lost contact with Mr. 
G. for many years. During that time, I became 
an atheist and spent the next eighteen years 
totally apart from God. But no matter how bad things 
seemed, I would always hear Mr. G. saying, "Don't 
worry. You'll get there. Sometimes that was the 
only hope I had. 
   Finally, in 1997. just when things 
couldn't have been worse, God began to reveal himself 
to me, and in January 1999, I placed my faith 
in Jesus Christ. Sometime later I began to 
understand how unlike Christ I was. It was then that I 
found 1 John 3:2 and realized that even though I'm 
not as much like Jesus as I want to be, there is 
coming a day when I will be. Then I remembered how 
Mr. G. would always say, "Don't worry. You'll 
get there." I was deeply moved. 
   In my youth, I didn't know where "there" 
was, but I do now. When I find myself worrying 
about how slow my progress seems or how often I 
fail, I remember God's promise that when Christ 
appears in that moment - I will finally be there. 
   Bea Kennedy, wife of Terry and mother of 
Aubrey, is a Sunday school teacher, an Awana leader, 
and the oldest daughter of third-generation 
Salvation Army officers. [The One Year Bible Live 
Verse Devotional] 


God Will Finish What He Started in You
   God always finishes what he starts - and 
that includes shaping your character. God has 
been molding your character to be like his 
   You were created to be like Christ.
   But heres the best part: God will 
complete what doesnt get finished in this life. 
Hell finish your character and bring you to 
perfection in heaven. 
   The Bible says, I am sure of this, 
that he who began a good work in you will bring 
it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ 
(Philippians 1:6 ESV). 
   That will be an amazing day! On that day, 
youll see Jesus face-to-face. Every neuron in your 
brain will go on overload. And youll be 
transformed to be like him. 
   All your weaknesses will be gone.
   All your limps will be gone.
   All your failures and frailties will be 
   All your insecurities will be gone.
You will be transformed into perfection that 
day. You will totally reflect the glory of God. 
   Right now youre not what you ought to 
be. You are only a fraction of what you will be. 
But God says, Thats okay. Im taking my 
time. Im cheering you on at every stage. Just 
take every step with purpose, because one day 
Im going to finish what I began. And youre 
going to be changed instantly into my 
   That will be a day like no other.
   The Bible describes that day like this: 
Dear friends, we are already Gods children, 
but he has not yet shown us what we will be like 
when Christ appears. But we do know that we will 
be like him, for we will see him as he really 
is (1 John 3:2 NLT). 
   We have all stumbled in this race of 
life. All of us have struggled. But our race is 
not over. 
   One day we will see Jesus face-to-face. 
And well never be the same again. [Daily 
Devotional by Rick Warren: 
https://pastorrick.com/devotional/ re Philippians 1:6] 


2 Corinthians 3:18 - More and More Like 


