
Galatians 6:2 - Sharing Our Burdens.

Galatians 6:2 (NLT) Share each others 
burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.  


   When my husband, David, suffered a 
life-threatening accident, I reeled beneath the weight of it. 
His injuries left him physically debilitated and 
mentally fragile. The hours slipped past as I juggled 
his medicines, prepared meals, and helped with 
his personal hygiene. During his naps, I 
converted our home to be handicapped accessible. I 
plotted my time like an emergency room doctor, 
making the most of every second, each moment a 
testimony of both my love and my self-perceived 
capability under duress. By the time night fell, I'd 
collapse into bed, overtired and unable to sleep. I 
was overwhelmed. 
   Then reality crept in. I couldn't do 
everything all the time. I dearly loved my husband, but 
I broke under the burden of caring for him. 
   Enter my loved ones. Each of them reached 
out to help in their unique way, with cards, 
calls, gifts, or meals. My favorite blessings were 
those special friends and family members who sat 
with Dave so I could have a few hours of "me" 
   Jesus carried His cross without 
complaint, until he couldn't take another step. At that 
point, Simon of Cyrene picked it up and carried it 
for Him (Matthew 27:32). All of us have crosses 
to bear during our faith journeys. Those 
challenges teach us about ourselves - our needs, our 
strengths, and our weaknesses. 
   With the help of Jesus and my loved ones 
who helped carry my burden, I stretched my 
understanding of love in the form of helping. I'm grateful 
to friends, family, and Jesus, who lightened my 
load. Heidi Gaul 
   Faith Step: Consider the burdens your 
dear ones carry. How can you lighten their load 
today? [Mornings With Jesus 2023 Devotional by 
Guideposts and Zondervan] 


You must be good before you can do good. You 
cannot exert an influence that will transform 
others until your own heart has been humbled and 
refined and made tender by the grace of Christ. When 
this change has been wrought in you, it will be 
as natural for you to live to bless others as 
it is for the rosebush to yield its fragrant 
bloom or the vine its purple clusters. If Christ 
is in you the hope of glory, you will 
have no disposition to watch others, to expose 
their errors. Instead of seeking to accuse and 
condemn, it will be your object to help, to bless, 
and to save. MB128 


Galatians 6:2 - Sharing Our Burdens.



Galatians 6:1, 2 - Burden Bearing.


