
Psalm 16:7 - Keeping In Tune With The Lord.

Psalm 16:7 (NLV) I will praise the Lord who 
counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me.  


It is human nature to make our own plans and 
then ask God to bless them. Instead, we should 
seek God's will first. By constantly thinking 
about the Lord and his way of living, we will gain 
insights that will help us make right decisions and 
live the way God desires. Communicating with God 
allows him to counsel us and give us wisdom. [Life 
Application SB] 


Many have an idea that they must do some 
part of the work alone. They have trusted in 
Christ for the forgiveness of sin, but now they 
seek by their own efforts to live aright. But 
every such effort must fail. Jesus says, 
Without Me ye can do nothing. Our growth in 
grace, our joy, our usefulness,"all depend upon 
our union with Christ. It is by communion with 
Him, daily, hourly,"by abiding in Him,"that 
we are to grow in grace. He is not only the 
Author, but the Finisher of our faith. It is Christ 
first and last and always. He is to be with us, 
not only at the beginning and the end of our 
course, but at every step of the way. SC69 


   Teaching a teen to drive may be the 
reason ibuprofen was invented. Each teen driver in 
our family brought his or her own set of 
curiosities to the process. One feared nothing. One 
feared everything. One was a natural. Six were 
   The most recent new driver in the family 
"invited" me to ride with her as she logged hours 
behind the wheel. She prefaced the invitation with, 
"I don't like anyone trying to teach me 
something while I drive. Don't give me instructions 
unless someone's life is in danger, okay?" 
   She might have meant it sincerely, but as 
I climbed into the passenger seat, my 
conclusion was that my life probably would be in danger 
at some point during our drive. 
   How can an inexperienced driver learn 
without instruction? She'd read the manual. I guess 
she thought that qualified her as an expert 
behind the wheel. Maybe she thought she merely 
needed an adult to witness her driving and not an 
experienced authority to guide and help her get better. 
   And then I gulped. Have I ever treated 
Jesus like that? Have I assumed that because I 
frequently glance at the Bible, the manual, I don't 
need His help? That I can take it from here? Have 
I acted as if I am perfectly capable of 
navigating the roadways of life without the voice of 
Jesus in my ear telling me to slow down, speed up, 
swerve, brake, pull over? 
   A song comes to mind: "I Need Thee Every 
Hour." And I'm not ashamed to admit that I do, 
especially while riding with a teen driver. Cynthia 
   Faith Step: Consider this prayer for your 
day: Jesus, I'm awaiting Your instructions. Amen. 
[Mornings With Jesus 2023 Devotional by Guideposts and 


Psalm 16:8 - Keep The Lord Always Before You.


Proverbs 4:23 - Pick What You Ponder.


