
Luke 15:4 - He Can or Will Bring You Home.

Luke 15:4 (NKJV) "What man of you, having a 
hundred sheep, if he loses one of them, does not 
leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go 
after the one which is lost until he finds it? 


It may seem foolish for the shepherd to 
leave 99 sheep to go search for just one. But the 
shepherd knew that the 99 would be safe in the 
sheepfold, whereas the lost sheep was in danger. 
Because each sheep was of high value, the shepherd 
knew that it was worthwhile to search diligently 
for the lost one. God's love for the individual 
is so great that he seeks out each one and 
rejoices when he or she is found. Jesus associated 
with sinners because he wanted to bring the lost 
sheep -people considered beyond hope - the Good 
News of God's Kingdom. Before you were a 
believer, God sought you; and he is still seeking 
those who are yet lost. [Life Application SB] 


   Perhaps you at one time knew the joy and 
peace of being born into Gods family. You 
tasted the complete happiness and satisfaction of 
Christs presence with you, but you sinned. You went 
out from the presence of Christ, and you have 
found that it is night. Perhaps there is no 
loneliness quite so bitter as the loneliness of 
unrepentant sin.  
   There are thousands of lonely people who 
carry heavy burdens of grief, anxiety, pain, and 
disappointment; but the loneliest soul of all is the man 
whose life is steeped in sin.  
   I beg you, come to the foot of the cross 
and confess that you are a sinner; forsake your 
sins. Christ can give you power to overcome every 
sin and habit in your life. He can break the 
ropes, fetters, and chains of sin; but you must 
repent, confess, commit, and surrender yourself to 
Him first. Right now it can be settled, and you 
can know the peace, joy, and fellowship of 
   How can the Lord help heal your 
loneliness? [Peace for Each Day by Billy Graham] 


Dangerously Alone
   I think weve all felt this way at some 
point in our lives - whether its the result of 
circumstances beyond our control or isolation of our own 
   I remember an incredibly difficult season 
in my life when I found myself pulling back 
from everyone. Even my closest friend. She knew I 
was going through a really hard time, but she 
couldnt get me to talk about it. 
   I was slipping away from deep 
conversations, making everything way more shallow than it 
ever should have been between us. I texted 
instead of calling. I made excuses for why we 
couldnt connect. 
   And before I knew it, I woke up one day 
feeling more alone than Id ever felt in my life. 
I kept smiling and saying things like Im 
fine. Everything is good. Doing well. But while 
I was smiling on the outside, I was screaming 
on the inside, God, where are You? Probably a 
better question would have been, God, where have I 
wandered off to? 
   This makes me think of Jesus parable 
in Luke 15:1-7, where we find our key verse: 
Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one 
of them. Doesnt he leave the ninety-nine in 
the open country and go after the lost sheep 
until he finds it? (v. 4) 
   Have you ever wondered how that one sheep 
got lost? Was he willfully disobedient? Did he 
think, Man, I dont like the way this shepherd is 
leading us; he cant be trusted, so Im out of 
   I actually think it went more like this 
   He started eating some grass, and while 
eating thought, Wow, this grass is pretty good. The 
pleasure of immediately satisfying his desire got him 
off track, and he found himself not paying 
attention to the other sheep around him. And then 
suddenly he looked up, and he was alone. He probably 
had no idea he was off track. He may have been 
out of sync with the others for a while, but he 
really had no idea. 
   I have a feeling thats how we all get 
lost sometimes. We find ourselves a little 
discouraged or distracted, and we just start to subtly 
slide away. We start sitting on the back row. We 
miss a few weeks of church. We dont sign up 
for the next small group study. We make excuses, 
and then we find an exit. A way out. We take a 
step, then another step, and then before long we 
look up and wonder, How in the world did I get 
here? And, Where are all the other sheep? 
   Thats exactly where the enemy wants us 
- alone. Alone with our own tangled thoughts. 
Alone with his whispered lies that start to sound 
more and more like truths. Separated from the 
very people who could speak courage into our deep 
places, flirting with discouragement and defeat. 
Separated from friends who could let us stand on their 
faith when our own gets a little shaky. 
   The enemy knows if he can isolate us, he 
can intimidate us. Confuse us. Deceive us. And 
ultimately, make us believe the safer paths in life are 
ones apart from God and our friends who serve 
   Its such a dangerous place for us to 
   Thats why Im so grateful God used 
an unexpected conversation with a woman I 
barely knew to reach me during that season. As she 
shared her own faith journey, my heart was deeply 
convicted. Id been so focused on my desires and 
strategies for fixing things that Id lost sight of 
my Good Shepherd with a good plan. 
   He gently reminded me, Lysa, I am 
good. And My plan is good. Trust Me. Follow Me. 
And reconnect with your friend who can speak My 
good truth over you and your struggles. 
   After that, I didnt just get deeply 
honest with my one friend I had pushed away. I 
circled up with several trusted companions, and I 
let truth build bridges to keep us connected in 
the midst of the disappointments and heartbreaks 
we were all facing. 
   Maybe youve found yourself completely 
alone. Maybe youve wandered off course - 
willfully, or slowly and steadily without even 
realizing it. 
   Cry out to the Lord.
   The Good Shepherd will come and find us 
no matter how we get lost or how far we wander. 
In the midst of our wilderness He pursues us, 
calls out to us, brings us back to the fold and 
lovingly takes back the lead in the journey. Because 
He never intended for us to do this life 
   Dear Jesus, help me recognize when Im 
starting to stray. I want to turn from the choices 
that get me off course and follow You fully once 
again. I need Your help. I need Your guidance. Hold 
me close. Guide me. Im choosing today to 
trust how You lead me. In Jesus Name, Amen. by 
Lysa Terkeurst https://lysaterkeurst.com/ 


   I get lost. A lot. Even when I use my 
GPS, I often manage to take a wrong turn. My most 
recent adventure landed me on a dirt logging road 
blocked by a fallen tree, not quite sure where I 
went wrong. And as I listened to Madam GPS, her 
voice sounded the tiniest bit frustrated, as she 
said, Recalculating.  
   There are times I get lost in my personal 
life as well. Last month, I failed to follow 
Jesuss directions on loving others, and as a 
result, I almost allowed a friendship to die from 
lack of attention. Without meaning to, Id hurt 
someone and disappointed the Lord. Like my driving 
blunders, it wasnt something Id set out to do. 
Id just taken a wrong turn and wound up where I 
shouldnt have.  
   The regret I felt was tremendous. But as 
He carries me back to the fold, Im certain 
that whatever sin Ive committed, whether 
accidental or intentional, is forgiven. The moment I 
repent, He erases it. As I sigh, grateful for the 
Good Shepherds patience and love, I imagine 
His relief in finding me. Hes as happy to 
welcome me back as I am to return to the flock.  
   The longer I live in faith, the deeper 
this understanding is driven into my heart. When 
I walk close beside my Shepherd, Im less 
likely to stray and become lost. But those times 
when I do stray, Im so glad I can depend on 
Jesus. by Heidi Gaul  
   Faith Step: Purchase a Bible and leave it 
somewhere you think a lost soul might find it. Help 
the Good Shepherd add another sheep to His 
flock. [Mornings With Jesus 2020 Devotional by 
Guideposts and Zondervan] 


Christianity is essentially a rescue 
religion; it is the announcement of the good news that 
God has come in the Person of His Son to save us 
from the power of sin, the penalty of sin, and 
one day in the future, the presence of sin. 
[Every Day With Jesus Bible with Selwyn Hughes 



