
Psalm 32:5 - Confession and Guilt.

Psalm 32:5 (NLT) Finally, I confessed all my 
sins to you and stopped trying to hide my guilt. 
I said to myself, I will confess my 
rebellion to the LORD. And you forgave me! All my 
guilt is gone. Interlude  


What is confession? To confess our sin is to 
agree with God, acknowledging that he is right to 
declare what we have done as sinful and that we are 
wrong to desire or to do it. It means affirming 
our intention of forsaking that sin in order to 
follow God more faithfully. [Life Application SB] 


Coming Clean
   Years ago, a talk show segment featured 
the story of a little dog named Mugsy who had 
been hit by a car and was presumed dead by his 
owners. His grieving family buried him in a corner 
of their yard. But the next morning at 5:30, 
there was scratching at their back door. 
   Much to the familys surprise, it was 
their beloved Mugsy. Apparently, he wasnt dead 
after all. The persistent pup dug himself out of 
his grave. 
   That is what unconfessed sin is like. We 
may think weve buried it, but it will be 
back. There is only one way to get rid of our sin, 
and its at the cross of Jesus Christ. We 
cant cover it. We cant hide it. And we cant 
run from it. It will stay with us until we 
confess it. 
   After his sin of adultery and murder, 
David eventually admitted to God that he had 
sinned. Later he wrote about it in Psalm 32: When 
I refused to confess my sin, my body wasted 
away, and I groaned all day long (verse 3 
   David continued, Finally, I confessed 
all my sins to you and stopped trying to hide my 
guilt. I said to myself, I will confess my 
rebellion to the Lord. And you forgave me! All my 
guilt is gone (verse 5 NLT). 
   He didnt try to blame someone else for 
his sin. He didnt try to hide it at this 
point. Rather, David called it what it was, and he 
dealt with it in a straightforward way. 
   We always want to blame others for our 
sin and say that it isnt our fault. 
   Do you need to own up to something 
youve done? Or, are you playing the blame game? 
There must come a point in your life when you say, 
Ive sinned. Ive committed this iniquity. The 
problem is me. And that is when things will 
change for you. [Greg Laurie from Harvest 
Ministries; https://www.harvestdaily.com]  


Unresolved Guilt
   What kind of person does unresolved guilt 
create? An anxious one, forever hiding, running, 
denying, or pretending. As one man admitted, I was 
always living a lie for fear someone might see me 
for who I really was and think less of me. I hid 
behind my super spirituality but this lie was 
exhausting and anxiety producing. 
   Unresolved guilt will turn you into a 
miserable, weary, angry, fretful mess. In a psalm David 
probably wrote after his affair with Bathsheba, the 
king said, When I refused to confess my sin, 
my body wasted away, and I groaned all day 
long. Day and night your hand of discipline was 
heavy on me. My strength evaporated like water in 
the summer heat (Psalms 32:3-4 NLT). 
   As the apostle Paul told Titus, Gods 
grace is the fertile soil out of which courage 
sprouts! Gods readiness to give and forgive is 
now public. Salvation is available for 
everyone! (Titus 2:11,15 MSG). From Anxious for 
Nothing [Max Lucado Daily Devotional at 

Hiding from God
   In the garden of Eden, after Adam and Eve 
disobeyed God and committed the first sin, their 
response was to hide from God. Of course they 
couldn't, but they tried. There have been times in my 
life when I have tried to hide my sins and 
mistakes from God and others. I have to say, it's 
   Many of us have a picture of God as 
someone who wants to punish us for our mistakes, so 
we hide from him. We act like children who are 
afraid of being spanked. But the fact is, we have a 
God who wants to forgive our sins. There may be 
consequences associated with our actions, but we don't 
have to carry around the shame and fear of 
   Instead, we can confess what we have 
done, the mistakes we've made, the bad choices we 
have made, the sins that separate us from God. 
When we seek him, he promises that we will find 
him. When we ask to be forgiven, he forgives us. 
It's as simple as that. Any time we are ready to 
freely surrender our sins, he is ready to love us, 
forgive us, and show us a better way. 
   Yes, Lord, I don't ever again want to 
have to hide from you. Thank you for inviting me 
to come before you, sins and all, and ask for 
forgiveness. In Jesus' name, Amen. [Celebrate Recovery 
Daily Devotional by John & Johnny Baker] 

Davids repentance was sincere and deep. 
There was no effort to palliate his crime. No 
desire to escape the judgments threatened, inspired 
his prayer. But he saw the enormity of his 
transgression against God; he saw the defilement of his 
soul; he loathed his sin. It was not for pardon 
only that he prayed, but for purity of heart. 
David did not in despair give over the struggle. 
In the promises of God to repentant sinners he 
saw the evidence of his pardon and acceptance. 

   Do you acknowledge your sin and ask for 
forgiveness but still continue to feel guilty? If so, 
perhaps you don't understand how complete and 
amazing God's forgiveness is. He not only forgives 
us, but He forgets our sin (see Isaiah 43:25). I 
suggest you stop talking to God over and over about 
things He has forgotten. If you have truly 
repented, then your sins are definitely forgiven from 
God's standpoint, but maybe you need to receive 
the forgiveness and forgive yourself. Remember, 
Jesus took your punishment, so you don't have to 
punish yourself by feeling guilty and condemned. 
   God's forgiveness is total and 
complete... receive it! 
   When I sin, I immediately acknowledge my 
sin, I repent, and receive God's complete and 
total forgiveness. [My Time with God by Joyce 


1 John 1:9 - Confession Brings Forgiveness 
and Cleansing. 


Deuteronomy 30:19 - Choose Life!


