1 John 5:13 - How To Know You Have Eternal Life.
1 John 5:13 (NIV) I write these things to
you who believe in the name of the Son of God so
that you may know that you have eternal life.
Some people hope that they will receive
eternal life. John says we can know we have it. Our
certainty is based on God's promise that he has given
us eternal life through his Son. This is true
whether you feel close to God or far away from him.
Eternal life is not based on feelings but on facts.
You can know that you have eternal life if you
believe God's truth. If you aren't sure that you are
a Christian, ask yourself: Have I honestly
committed my life to him as my Savior and Lord? If so,
you know by faith that you are indeed a child of
God. [Life Application SB]
How To Be Sure
Some years ago a great preacher said, "We
must so educate and train our youth in the
Christian way of life that they will never know when
they were not Christians." Much of the philosophy
of religious education has been based upon this
premise, and perhaps many have missed the essence of
Christian experience because nothing more than
religious training took its place. No change took
place in the heart.
At the turn of the century, Professor
Starbuck, a leading thinker in the field of
psychology, observed that Christian workers generally
were recruited from the ranks of those who had
had a vital experience of conversion. He also
observed that those who had a clear concept of what
it means to be converted were mainly those who
had come out of rural areas where in the early
days they had had either little or no carefully
planned religious training.
This is not a criticism of religious
training, but it may be taken as a warning of the
dangers involved in improper use of religious
training that becomes a substitute for the experience
of the new birth. You must be born again to be
sure of salvation.
When were you saved? [Peace for Each Day
by Billy Graham]
John 20:31 - The Power of Gods Word and
Eternal Life.
1 John 5:11, 12 - ETERNAL LIFE IS A