
1 Thessalonians 5:17 - Pray Without Ceasing.

1 Thessalonians 5:17 (KJV) Pray without 

1 Thessalonians 5:17 (NLT) Never stop 


Spending time with God is not relegated to a 
fraction of your waking hours. Brother Lawrence 
suggests a continuous, open-ended conversation with 
God throughout your day. Sounds impossible, 
right? Not really, it's all about shifting your 
thought process and talking with him about the 
common task of life. In other words, turning 
everyday moments into prayer. How would your day be 
different if every waking moment was lived with an 
awareness of God's active involvement in your thoughts 
and actions? [The Practice of the Presence of 
God: 40 Day Devotional by Brother Lawrence/Alan 


   Prayer is an essential part of a healthy 
Christian life. Just as omitting an essential vitamin 
from our diet will make us physically weak, so a 
lack of prayer will make us spiritually anemic. 
The Bible says, "Pray without ceasing." It isn't 
enough to get out of bed in the morning, quickly 
bow our heads, and repeat a few sentences. 
Instead, we need to set aside specific times to be 
alone with God, speaking to Him in prayer and 
listening to Him speak through His Word. If you set 
aside special times for prayer, your unconscious 
mind will be saturated with prayer all day long. 
   For the overworked mother or other busy 
person this may seem impossible (although even a 
few minutes alone with God can reap rich 
rewards). But even when we are busy, we can "pray 
without ceasing" in our hearts and minds. We can 
pray anywhere, anytime - and God will hear us. 
Today let prayer saturate your life "without 
   Prayer is not an isolated activity; it is 
ongoing throughout the day.  When we seek to hear 
from God, we will find that He is always 
available and ever eager to speak to His children.  We 
pray with our words and find answers in His Word. 
 [Hope for Each Day by Billy Graham] 


   Jesus sits at the right hand of the 
Father in Heaven interceding in prayer for us 
(Hebrews 7:25). Through His prayers He empowers us to 
live for Him, all day, every day. 
   How quickly and carelessly, by contrast, 
we pray. Snatches of verses are hastily spoken 
in the morning, and then we say good-bye to God 
for the rest of the day until we rush through a 
few closing petitions at night. How little 
perseverance, persistence, praise, and pleading we show. 
   Some time ago I read about a man in 
Washington, DC, who had spent seventeen years securing 
favorable action on a claim of eighty-one thousand 
dollars against the government. Yet many people 
today will not pray seventeen minutes for the 
welfare of their immortal souls or for the salvation 
of other people. 
   "Pray without ceasing" (1 Thessalonians 
5:17) should be the motto of every follower of 
Jesus Christ. Never stop, no matter how hopeless 
it may seem. Ask the Lord to help you pray that 
all you ask may be for the glory of the Lord 
Jesus Christ. This is the power of prayer. 
   What does it look like to pray without 
ceasing? [Peace for Each Day by Billy Graham] 


   I found out that being able to pray on 
demand is an acquired skill. Growing up in church, 
we recited lovely prayers we had memorized but 
we never prayed using our own words. So when I 
found myself in a charismatic church's Bible 
study, holding hands with other believers in a 
circle and being asked to pray out loud, I 
marveled. Everyone seemed to be so eloquent with their 
prayers, as if they had rehearsed. Anxiety arose in 
my chest as my turn approached. I mumbled an 
okay prayer, I but didn't feel confident about 
it. I really wanted to know how these people 
prayed so powerfully. 
   As I got to know the believers at the 
Bible study, I found out they spent precious time 
in the Word of God, getting to know Jesus. 
Having developed intimate knowledge of Him and His 
character, they understood their relationship with 
Jesus enough to pray confidently out loud in front 
of others. I purposed in my heart to be able to 
pray like that and began studying the Word. If a 
verse "spoke" to me, I remembered it. Soon, I had 
a small arsenal of Scripture passages that I 
felt comfortable praying back to Jesus whenever 
needed. This came in handy recently when my husband 
had a minor medical procedure. We'd prayed 
before we left home, but right before he went 
under, he asked the nurses if some of them would 
pray, just to see how they'd respond. They were 
blindsided - no one in the room knew how! Thank Jesus, 
he was already covered in prayer by me. Pamela 
Toussaint Howard 
   Faith Step: Pick a Scripture verse you'd 
like to memorize and commit to do so today. 
[Mornings With Jesus 2019 Devotional by Guideposts and 


While engaged in our daily work, we should 
lift the soul to heaven in prayer. These silent 
petitions rise like incense before the throne of 
grace; and the enemy is baffled. The Christian 
whose heart is thus stayed upon God cannot be 
overcome. No evil arts can destroy his peace. All the 
promises of God's word, all the power of divine 
grace, all the resources of Jehovah, are pledged to 
secure his deliverance. It was thus that Enoch 
walked with God. And God was with him, a present 
help in every time of need Prayer is the 
breath of the soul. It is the secret of spiritual 
power. No other means of grace can be substituted, 
and the health of the soul be preserved. Prayer 
brings the heart into immediate contact with the 
Well-spring of life, and strengthens the sinew and 
muscle of the religious experience. Neglect the 
exercise of prayer, or engage in prayer 
spasmodically, now and then, as seems convenient, and you 
lose your hold on God. The spiritual faculties 
lose their vitality, the religious experience 
lacks health and vigor.  It is only at the altar 
of God that we can kindle our tapers with 
divine fire. {GW 254} 


Delightful Jesus,
   Help me to live in joyful dependence on 
You! I used to view dependence as a weakness, so 
I would strive to be as self-sufficient as 
possible. But I know this is not Your way for me. You 
designed me to need You continually - and even to 
rejoice in my neediness. I want to live in harmony 
with Your intentions for me, trusting that Your 
way is best. 
   The Bible exhorts me to be joyful always 
and pray continually. There is always Joy to be 
found in Your Presence! You have promised You will 
not leave me or forsake me, so I can speak to 
You at all times - knowing that You hear and You 
   Praying continually is a way of 
demonstrating my deliberate dependence on You. Another 
powerful way of relying on You is studying Your Word, 
asking You to use it to transform me according to 
Your will. These delightful disciplines keep me 
close to You - living in joyous reliance on You. 
As I delight myself in You more and more, You 
are glorified and I am blessed. 
   In Your wonderful Name, Amen (1 
Thessalonians 5:16-17; Deuteronomy 31:8 NKJV; Psalm 
119:11-12; Psalm 37:4) [Jesus Listens by Sarah Young] 


1 Thessalonians 5:17 - Pray Without Ceasing.


Luke 18:1 - Always Pray and Never Give Up.


