
Proverbs 23:7 - What You Think - - You Are!

Proverbs 23:7 (NKJV) For as he thinks in his 
heart, so is he. "Eat and drink!" he says to you, 
But his heart is not with you.  


We Become What We Say
   Why is the tongue so important? Because 
the expression of a thing deepens the 
impression. A word uttered becomes a word made flesh - 
in us. We become the incarnation of what we 
express. Jesus said, "For by your words you will be 
acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned" (Mt 
12:37). After I saw that a person becomes what he 
says, I have looked at this verse in a different 
light. If you tell a lie, you become a lie. The 
deepest punishment of a lie is to be the one who 
tells the lie. That person has to live with 
someone he cannot trust.  
   Now look at what I am saying from the 
opposite perspective. When we express good things, 
positive things, loving things, scriptural things, 
these things go deeper into us. Clear expression 
deepens impression. A brilliant young physicist 
tells how he often discusses complex issues 
relating to physics with his wife who doesn't know 
the first thing about the subject. He told a 
friend, "I describe in detail what I am doing and 
she doesn't understand a word. But sometimes 
when I'm through - I do."  
   If it is true - and I believe it is - 
that we become the incarnation of what we 
express, then how careful we ought to be to ensure 
that what we say is guarded and governed by 
truth, integrity, and kindness. Always remember: 
every word you utter becomes flesh - in you.  
   O Father, how awesome is this thought - I 
become the incarnation of what I express. Cleanse 
me deep within so that I may be pure in soul as 
well as speech. I would be a clarified person. 
Grant it please, dear Father. In Jesus' name. 
Amen. What should our thoughts be focused on? 
[Every Day With Jesus Bible with Selwyn Hughes 
devotional re Pro. 15:2] 


   How can we control our thoughts?  Good or 
evil actions begin with good or evil thoughts 
(Pro.23:7).  We are all aware that the hardest battle in 
life is the struggle to think straight.  People 
who want to give up smoking have great 
difficulty keeping their thoughts off cigarettes.  
Alcoholics think constantly about drink, and lustful 
persons keep thinking about sex.  Proud people focus 
on themselves, and dishonest people manufacture 
crooked schemes. 
   Most people will admit that there are 
some modes of thought that, of themselves, they 
cannot overcome, even though they recognize them as 
counterproductive.  Mind training has some value, the exercise 
of the will achieves results, but the problem 
persists: the mind it not completely controllable in 
respect to some attractive objects. 
   Is there a solution to this dilemma?  Can 
our thoughts ever be brought under control?  The 
answer is the Holy Spirit!  [Adult SS quarterly 


Proverbs 23:7a - What You Think - - You Are!




Proverbs 4:23 - GUARD YOUR HEART!!!


2 Corinthians 3:18 - More and More Like 


