
Mark 4:37-39 - Even in Storms There is Peace in Jesus!

Mark 4:37-39 (NRSV) A great windstorm arose, 
and the waves beat into the boat, so that the 
boat was already being swamped. But [Jesus] was 
in the stern, asleep on the cushion; and they 
woke him up and said to him, Teacher, do you 
not care that we are perishing? He woke up 
and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, 
Peace! Be still!  


Problems occur in every area of life. The 
disciples needed rest, but they encountered a terrible 
storm. The Christian life may have more stormy 
weather than calm seas. As Christ's follower, be 
prepared for the storms that will surely come. Do not 
surrender to the stress, but remain resilient and 
recover from setbacks. With faith in Christ, you can 
pray, trust, and move ahead. When a squall 
approaches, lean into the wind and trust God. [Life 
Application SB] 


Safe In The Storm
   A colleague who traveled frequently 
throughout the Middle East was in a car with some 
missionaries driving through the Jordanian desert, along 
the King's Highway, when a sandstorm blew up. 
They were on a mountain pass with low visibility. 
Though an experienced traveler, my friend said his 
knuckles were white until one of the missionaries 
said, "Don't worry. I've been this way before." 
They pulled off in a safe place and enjoyed a 
peaceful visit until the storm passed. That's what 
peace with God is like. 
   Even the birds know peace: though the 
thunder and lightning rage, the little bird can 
sleep in the crevice of the rock, its head tucked 
serenely under its wing, sound asleep through the 
   Jesus was asleep in a boat when a storm 
like that arose. The disciples were terrified and 
woke Him: "Lord, we will perish; save us!" 
   Jesus "said to the sea, 'Peace, be 
still!' And the wind ceased" (Mark 4:3 9). 
   In Christ, we can be at peace in the 
midst of the confusions, bewilderments, and 
perplexities of this life. The storm rages, but our 
hearts are at rest. 
What safe place has the Lord provided you in 
the past? [Peace for Each Day by Billy Graham] 


   The storm ceases. The billows sink to 
rest. The clouds roll away, and the stars shine 
forth. The boat rests upon a quiet sea. Then 
turning to His disciples, Jesus asks sorrowfully, 
"Why are ye fearful? Have ye not yet faith?"[1 
   When Jesus was awakened to meet the 
storm, He was in perfect peace. There was no trace 
of fear in word or look, for no fear was in His 
heart. But He rested not in the possession of 
almighty power. It was not as the "Master of earth 
and sea and sky" that He reposed in quiet. That 
power He had laid down, and He says, "I can of 
Mine own self do nothing."[1 JOHN 5:30.] He 
trusted in the Father's might. It was in 
faith--faith in God's love and care--that Jesus rested, 
and the power of that word which stilled the 
storm was the power of God. 
   As Jesus rested by faith in the Father's 
care, so we are to rest in the care of our 
Saviour. If the disciples had trusted in Him, they 
would have been kept in peace. Their fear in the 
time of danger revealed their unbelief. In their 
efforts to save themselves, they forgot Jesus; and 
it was only when, in despair of 
self-dependence, they turned to Him, that He could give them 
   How often the disciple's experience is 
ours! When the tempests of temptation gather, and 
the fierce lightnings flash, and the waves sweep 
over us, we battle with the storm alone, 
forgetting that there is One who can help us. We trust 
to our own strength till our hope is lost, and 
we are ready to perish. Then we remember Jesus, 
and if we call upon Him to save us, we shall not 
cry in vain. Though He sorrowfully reproves our 
unbelief and self-confidence, He never fails to give 
us the help we need. Whether on the land or on 
the sea, if we have the Saviour in our hearts, 
there is no need of fear. Living faith in the 
Redeemer will smooth the sea of life, and will 
deliver us from danger in the way that He knows to 
be best. DA333-7  

There is another spiritual lesson in this 
miracle of the stilling of the tempest. Every man's 
experience testifies to the truth of the words of 
Scripture, "The wicked are like the troubled sea, when 
it cannot rest  There is no peace, saith my 
God, to the wicked."[2 Isa. 57:20, 21.] Sin has 
destroyed our peace. While self is unsubdued, we can 
find no rest. The masterful passions of the heart 
no human power can control. We are as helpless 
here as were the disciples to quiet the raging 
storm. But He who spoke peace to the billows of 
Galilee, has spoken the word of peace for every soul. 
However fierce the tempest, those who turn to Jesus 
with the cry, "Lord, save us," will find 
deliverance. His grace, that reconciles the soul to God, 
quiets the strife of human passion, and in His love 
the heart is at rest. "He maketh the storm a 
calm, so that the waves thereof are still. Then 
are they glad because they be quiet; so He 
bringeth them unto their desired haven."[1 Ps. 
107:29, 30.] "Being justified by faith, we have 
peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ," 
"The work of righteousness shall be peace, and 
the effect of righteousness quietness and 
assurance forever."[2 Rom. 5:1; Isa. 32:17.]  DA333-7 


   A terrible storm hit the area last night. 
Boards were ripped from fences and branches sheared 
off trees. As I assessed the damage to our yard, 
I noticed our old camellia shrub. It had been 
in full bloom when the gale passed through. Now 
the ground below it was deep with sodden petals. 
Only a few flowers remained on the tree, their 
ragged edges revealing the violence they'd 
encountered. I stared at those three blooms for a long 
time. They were beautiful. They were survivors. 
Just like me. 
   I'm mourning a loss right now, grappling 
with a hard lesson - one I'm not yet able to make 
sense of. Why are some of us plucked from life 
while others are left broken, struggling just to 
hang on? Though I don't know the answer to that 
question, I am learning to accept the situation. Like 
that trio of flowers remaining on the tree, I'm 
not alone. Loved ones are riding out this storm 
with me, talking, listening, praying, and crying. 
Sometimes even laughing. 
   That trio of camellia flowers is also a 
reminder of the trinity that holds firmly onto me. 
Throughout all the storms in my life, Jesus is the very 
tree I cling to. He's always with me, protecting 
me. And just as He settled last night's wind, 
He'll calm the storm inside of me too. Heidi Gaul 
   Faith Step: Place a damaged flower where 
you can see it often during the day. Consider 
your trials and understand that Jesus is there 
for you always. [Mornings With Jesus 2023 
Devotional by Guideposts and Zondervan] 


Mark 4:37-39 - Even in Storms There is Peace 
in Jesus! 


Matthew 8:26 - Growing Faith that Works!


