
Isaiah 40:29 - God Is All-Powerful With Strength For Those Who Rely On Him.

Isaiah 40:29 (NIV) He gives strength to the 
weary and increases the power of the weak. 


We can depend on God as our source of 
strength. Even the strongest people get tired at 
times, but Gods power and strength never 
diminish. He is never too tired or too busy to help 
and listen. When you feel all of life crushing 
you, and you cannot go another step, remember 
that You Can Call Upon God To Renew Your 
Strength. Hoping In The Lord Means Expecting That His 
Promise Of Strength Will Help Us To Rise Above 
Lifes Distractions And Difficulties. It Also Means 
Trusting God To Fulfill This Promise found in his 
Word. [Life Application SB] 


Godly Adrenaline
   When adrenaline floods the body, heart 
rate and blood pressure increase, carrying more 
blood to the brain and muscles. Mental 
concentration increases, while sensitivity to pain 
decreases. By design, the adrenaline response gives the 
body a short-term boost to face a dangerous 
situation. And while adrenaline is hard on the body 
long-term, increasing nervousness and the risk of heart 
disease, it can also be the agent behind such 
miraculous feats as fighting off a bear or lifting a 
   Similar to adrenaline, God's power 
miraculously increases our strength. There Is, However, A 
Prerequisite To This Promise: It Is "Those Who Wait On 
The Lord" (Isaiah 40:31) Who Will Be Given God's 
Strength. To Wait On God Means To Acknowledge Your Own 
Weakness And Recognize The Need For External Strength 
(Isaiah 30:18, 19; Lamentations 3:25). That Is, You 
Need To Ask For God's Help. 
   God's strength isn't primarily relegated 
to the physical. Look to the examples in the 
biblical accounts: The heroes of faith in Hebrews 11 
were given strength of will, courage, and 
conviction because they "out of weakness were made 
strong" (v. 34). God gave them spiritual strength to 
show that through Him alone, we can defeat the 
forces of darkness. 
   The apostle Paul also knew that "[God's] 
strength is made perfect in weakness" (2 Corinthians 
12:9). In fact, he seems almost to brag about his 
weaknesses (v. 10), not with any arrogance but only to 
glorify God (10:17). God gives His power also to 
illustrate His lovingkindness to the human race. 
   Unlike adrenaline, God's power is 
available in a limitless supply. If you feel your own 
weakness, then you're in the perfect posture to claim 
God's promise. 
   Mighty Lord, I admit that I am weak 
without You and ask for help, that I may be a 
witness to others of Your victorious power. [The 
Most Amazing Bible Promises by Amazing Facts] 


He Gives Power To The Weak
   From the stars that in their trackless 
courses through space follow from age to age their 
appointed path, down to the minutest atom, the things 
of nature obey the Creators will. And God 
cares for everything and sustains everything that 
He has created. He who upholds the unnumbered 
worlds throughout immensity, at the same time cares 
for the wants of the little brown sparrow that 
sings its humble song without fear. When men go 
forth to their daily toil, as when they engage in 
prayer; when they lie down at night, and when they 
rise in the morning; when the rich man feasts in 
his palace, or when the poor man gathers his 
children about the scanty board, each is tenderly 
watched by the heavenly Father. No tears are shed 
that God does not notice. There is no smile that 
He does not mark. 
   If we would but fully believe this, all 
undue anxieties would be dismissed. Our lives 
would not be so filled with disappointment as now; 
for everything, whether great or small, would be 
Left In The Hands Of God, who is not perplexed by 
the multiplicity of cares, or overwhelmed by 
their weight. We should then enjoy a rest of soul 
to which many have long been strangers. SC86 
[Remnant SB re vvs. 26-29] 

He giveth power.
   The God who faints not imparts strength 
to fainting hearts. Whatever mans needs may 
be, God is able to supply them all (see Ps. 
104:27; 145:15). Those who in meekness and lowliness 
of spirit realize their own frailties and 
shortcomings are the most certain of having their needs 
supplied (Isa. 57:15; Matt. 5:3"6). Gods ear is 
always attuned to the cry of those who feel 
themselves insufficient for the tasks at hand and who 
desire the help of Heaven. It is in the weakness of 
humanity that Gods strength is made perfect (2 
Cor. 12:9). This fact has been proved in the 
lives of countless thousands. [SDA Bible 

   Here is your God The first time I 
traveled in the western America, I couldnt believe 
the sky. It seemed so big. I had to keep looking 
to the left and right to take it all in. 
   This is something like Isaiahs 
treatment here of God. He is so big, Isaiah has us 
look to the left and the right to try to take Him 
in. Looking left, Isaiah described a God 
enthroned above the circle of the earth to whom the 
nations seem like a drop in a bucket (vv. 
6"26). Looking left, we are simply overwhelmed by 
the awesome greatness of Gods power and 
mighty strength. 
   Then Isaiah has us look right, and we see 
the Creator stoop down to touch the individual, 
and give strength to the weary. Because 
ours is a God who not only creates but who also 
cares, Those Who Hope In The LORD Will Renew 
Their Strength. They will soar on wings like 
eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will 
walk and not be faint (vv. 27"31). [The 
365-Day Devotional Commentary re vvs. Isa. 

Rely on Gods Power, Not Your Own
   The worst times of life exhaust and drain 
you. When the roof of your life is falling in, 
you might look up in despair and say, What 
now? What next? I cant handle one more 
   In 2 Corinthians 1:8, Paul tells of 
having similar thoughts. He says, We were really 
crushed and overwhelmed, and feared we would never 
live through it (TLB). 
   It sounds like Paul was about ready to 
give up. But see what happens next: We felt we 
were doomed to die and saw how powerless we were 
to help ourselves; but that was good, for then 
we Put Everything Into The Hands Of God, Who 
Alone Could Save us, for he can even raise the 
dead. And he did help us and saved us from a 
terrible death; yes, and we expect him to do it again 
and again (2 Corinthians 1:9-10 TLB). 
   Paul knew that, since God can raise the 
dead, he certainly could help him. And thats 
true for you, too. That same power that raised 
Jesus is available to you. 
   Jesus resurrection means no situation 
is hopeless and no problem is too difficult. If 
God can raise a dead man, he can resurrect your 
health or a dead marriage. He can infuse new life 
into your career. 
   How can you receive that kind of power? 
You Receive It When God Fills Your Life With The 
Holy Spirit. 
   The Bible says, For the Spirit that 
God has given us does not make us timid; 
instead, his Spirit fills us with power, love, and 
self-control (2 Timothy 1:7 GNT). 
   When Gods Spirit fills your life, you 
have true self-control for the first time in your 
life. You no longer are bashed back and forth by 
circumstances. With Christ as your Master, you can master 
your situation. Youre no longer relying on 
your own power to hold all the strings of your 
life together. Youre Depending On Gods 
   He never grows tired or weary  He 
strengthens those who are weak and tired  those who 
trust in the LORD for help will find their 
strength renewed (Isaiah 40:28-31). 
   God is faithful. No matter what youre 
facing, he will carry you through it. [Daily 
Devotional by Rick Warren: 
https://pastorrick.com/devotional/ re vvs. 28-31] 


God is able to deliver and restore his 
distressed people if they will Wait In Faith For Him To 
Act. They are to Trust In Him And Draw Strength 
From Him. [NIV SB] 

He gives power to those who Wait On And Hope 
In Him. [Ryrie SB] 


   Addiction can affect anyone, even those 
who come from loving, faith-filled homes. My 
mother-in-law, Nereida, raised her nine children with love 
and took them to church every Sunday; yet three 
of her children became involved with drugs. In 
addition, her husband, a Korean War veteran and 
hardworking man, battled alcoholism. 
   When her oldest son was in his early 
teenage years, Nereida worried he was using drugs 
due to his erratic behavior, but she wasn't 
certain. One afternoon while praying for an answer, 
she sensed God was directing her to search a 
specific spot in the apartment, and when she did, she 
found drug paraphernalia. This revealed what she 
feared most. It was the beginning of a long journey 
as others in her family soon followed in his 
   Though times were hard, Nereida never 
lost her faith or stopped loving, praying, and 
caring for each member of her family. She turned to 
prayer and found strength and hope in God's 
promises and her church community. And when she lost 
her husband and three of her children to 
addiction-related causes, she stayed strong in her faith and 
leaned on her church family for support. 
   Eventually, one of her children was able 
to break free from drugs and alcohol. He is now 
a deacon at his church and a witness that God 
answers prayers. Today, at eighty-eight years old, 
Nereida is grateful to God for her loving, drug-free 
family. When talking to others who are in a similar 
situation to what she went through, she tells them, 
"Never give up. Keep your faith in God. Find 
   Lord, deliver those who battle addiction 
and strengthen their loved ones. Pablo Diaz 
[Walking in Grace 2021 Devotional by Guideposts and 


   Come to Me with empty hands and an open 
heart, ready to receive abundant blessings. I know 
the depth and breadth of your neediness. Your 
life-path has been difficult, draining you of 
strength. Come to Me for nurture. Let Me fill you up 
with My Presence: I in you, and you in Me.  
   My Power Flows Most Freely Into Weak Ones 
Aware Of Their Need For Me. Faltering steps of 
dependence are not lack of faith; they are links to My 
Presence. (John 17:20-23; Isa. 40:29-31) [Jesus 
Calling by Sarah Young] 

   I give strength to the weary and increase 
the power of the weak. So do not be discouraged 
by your weakness. There Are Many Kinds Of 
Weaknesses, And No One Is Exempt From All Of Them. I Use 
Them To Keep My Loved Ones Humble And To Train 
Them To Wait On Me In Trusting Dependence. I have 
promised that those who wait on Me will gain new 
   This waiting is not meant to be practiced 
only sometimes. I designed you to look to Me 
continually, knowing Me as the Living One who sees you 
always. Waiting on Me is closely related to trusting 
Me. The more time you spend focusing on Me, the 
more you will trust Me. And the more you trust 
Me, the more you will want to spend time with 
Me. Waiting On Me In The Midst Of Your Moments 
Also Increases Your Hope In Me. This Hope Blesses 
You In Countless Ways - Lifting You Above Your 
Circumstances, enabling you to praise Me for the help of My 
Presence. (Isa. 40:29; 40:30, 31; Gen. 16:4; Psa. 
42:5) [Jesus Always by Sarah Young] 

Grow strong in your weakness. Some of My 
children I've gifted with abundant strength and 
stamina. Others, like you, have received the humble 
gift of frailty. Your fragility is not a 
punishment, nor does it indicate lack of faith. On the 
contrary, weak ones like you must live by faith, 
depending on Me to get you through the day. I am 
developing your ability to trust Me, to lean on Me 
rather than on your understanding. Your natural 
preference is to plan out your day, knowing what will 
happen when. My Preference Is For You To Depend On 
Me Continually, Trusting Me To Guide You And 
Strengthen You As Needed. This is how you grow strong 
in your weakness. (James 4:13-15; Proverbs 3:5 
AMP; Isaiah 40:28-31) [Jesus Calling by Sarah 


Isaiah 40:29 - God Is All-Powerful With 
Strength For Those Who Rely On Him. 


Isaiah 41:10 - Fear Not!


2 Corinthians 12:9, 10 - Gods Amazing Grace.


Philippians 4:13 - Christ; The Key To Doing 
All Things. 


Psalm 138:3 - And He Touched Me.


1 Corinthians 1:26, 27 - God Is Seeking 
People Who Will Walk In His Strength. 


Psalm 29:11 (NKJV) The LORD will give 
strength to His people; The LORD will bless His 
people with peace.  
Devotional pending.

