2 Corinthians 4:16-18 - Focus on What Will Last Forever.
2 Corinthians 4:16-18 (NIV) Therefore we do
not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting
away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by
day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are
achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs
them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is
seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is
temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
2 Corinthians 4:16-18 (Phillips) This is the
reason why we never lose heart. The outward man
does indeed suffer wear and tear, but every day
the inward man receives fresh strength. 17 These
little troubles (which really are so transitory)
are winning for us a permanent, glorious and
solid reward out of all proportion to our pain. 18
For we are looking all the time not at the
visible things but at the invisible. The visible
things are transitory: it is the invisible things
that are really permanent.
Giving up often causes us to miss the best
God has to offer. It is easy to lose heart and
quit. We all have faced problems in our
relationships or in our work that have caused us to want
to think about laying down the tools and
walking away. Rather than giving up when persecution
wore him down, Paul concentrated on experiencing
the inner strength from the Holy Spirit (Ephes.
3:16). Don't let fatigue, pain, or criticism force
you off the job. Renew your commitment to
serving Christ. Don't forsake your eternal reward
because of the intensity of today's pain. Your very
weakness allows the resurrection power of Christ to
strengthen you moment by moment. [Life Application
Our minds take the level of the things on
which our thoughts dwell, and if we think upon
earthly things, we shall fail to take the impress of
that which is heavenly. We would be greatly
benefited by contemplating the mercy, goodness, and
love of God; but we sustain great loss by
dwelling upon those things which are earthly and
temporal. We allow sorrow and care and perplexity to
attract our minds to earth, and we magnify a
molehill into a mountain.
Temporal things are not to engage our
whole attention, or engross our minds until our
thoughts are entirely of the earth and the earthly.
We are to train, discipline, and educate the
mind so that we may think in a heavenly channel,
that we may dwell on things unseen and eternal,
which will be discerned by spiritual vision. It is
by seeing Him who is invisible that we may
obtain strength of mind and vigor of spirit (ST
Jan. 9, 1893). 6BC1099-1100
We are to "look not at the things which
are seen, but at the things which are not seen:
for the things which are seen are temporal; but
the things which are not seen are eternal." 2
Corinthians 4:18. The exchange we make in the denial of
selfish desires and inclinations is an exchange of
the worthless and transitory for the precious
and enduring. This is not sacrifice, but
infinite gain.
"Something better" is the watchword of
education, the law of all true living. Whatever Christ
asks us to renounce, He offers in its stead
something better. Often the youth cherish objects,
pursuits, and pleasures that may not appear to be
evil, but that fall short of the highest good.
They divert the life from its noblest aim.
Arbitrary measures or direct denunciation may not
avail in leading these youth to relinquish that
which they hold dear. Let them be directed to
something better than display, ambition, or
self-indulgence. Bring them in contact with truer beauty,
with loftier principles, and with nobler lives.
Lead them to behold the One "altogether lovely."
When once the gaze is fixed upon Him, the life
finds its center. The enthusiasm, the generous
devotion, the passionate ardor, of the youth find here
their true object. Duty becomes a delight and
sacrifice a pleasure. To honor Christ, to become like
Him, to work for Him, is the life's highest
ambition and its greatest joy. ED296,7
Have you heard the expression "fake it
till you make it"? The idea is to act as if you
feel a certain way until you actually do. For
instance, acting confident at a new job or pretending
to love an unlovable person in your life. By
imitating the qualities you want, the slogan implies,
eventually those traits will be achieved.
It's a handy tool, but I've found a
better one: "faith it till you make it." Rather
than relying on my feeble, non-Academy Award
acting abilities by behaving as an imposter or
brainwashing myself to do the opposite, I simply trust
Jesus with whatever circumstances or difficulties
come my way.
"Faith it till you make it" is a deeper
and more powerful eternal approach to navigating
the challenges of life. It's not some voodoo
faith that conjures miraculous solutions,
supernatural protection, or extraordinary favor in the
face of disaster. It's fixating my attention on
an eternity with Jesus, who is Master of all
things and who loves me unconditionally. It is
trusting that no matter what happens, even
consequences of my own bad choices or those of someone
else, in Jesus, I will transcend it.
I can't always fake it till I make it,
but faith it till I make it? That's something I
can do! Isabella Campolattaro
Faith Step: Reflect on how your current,
temporary troubles may be achieving a greater glory.
What do you need to do in order to faith it
till you make it"? [Mornings With Jesus 2024
Devotional by Guideposts and Zondervan]
I felt exhausted after a busy day of
numerous appointments with my kids. As I thought
about what to make for dinner, a renewed energy
sizzled within me. I remembered that my husband,
John, and I had planned a date. I'd order pizza
for the kids and babysitter, while we enjoyed a
meal out.
Dating my spouse has become a beloved
activity. Sometimes we go to a restaurant to share the
experience of delicious food we don't normally eat in
our kid-friendly kitchen. Or we might go on a
walk along a nature trail to drink in the beauty
of nature while having uninterrupted
conversations. Other times, we take in a movie and enjoy
popcorn. But the point isn't the food, the
entertainment, or a serene setting. The point of our date
is to connect with each other - to share my
heart and to hear his.
I find the same type of renewed energy
when I take time with Jesus. When I sit down with
a cup of tea and my Bible, I'm able to forget
about the world pressing in and focus on Him.
Spending time together, I feel His love for me.
Reading His Word, I understand His heart. I feel
peace and joy being alone in His presence. Whether
a biweekly date night with John or taking time
with Jesus, I want to remember to save the date!
Time alone always enhances a relationship. Tricia
Faith Step: Plan a date with Jesus. Pick
a special place for your time alone with Him
or schedule a different time of day. Spice up
your relationship with Him as you connect anew.
[Mornings With Jesus 2023 Devotional by Guideposts and
In all ages Satan has persecuted the people
of God. He has tortured them and put them to
death, but in dying they became conquerors. They
revealed in their steadfast faith a mightier One than
Satan. Satan could torture and kill the body, but
he could not touch the life that was hid with
Christ in God. He could incarcerate in prison
walls, but he could not bind the spirit. They could
look beyond the gloom to the glory, MB29,30
These trials of life are God's workmen to
remove the impurities, infirmities, and roughness
from our characters, and fit us for the society
of pure, heavenly angels in glory. But as we
pass through these trials, as the fires of
affliction kindle upon us, we must not keep the eye on
the fire which is seen, but let the eye of faith
fasten upon the things unseen, the eternal
inheritance, the immortal life, the eternal weight of
glory; and while we do this the fire will not
consume us, but only remove the dross, and we shall
come forth seven times purified, bearing the
impress of the Divine. 1T705-7
2 Corinthians 4:16 - A Resolution to Keep.
2 Corinthians 4:17 - Look Beyond The Gloom
To The Glory!
2 Corinthians 4:18 - Focus on What Will Last