
Psalm 4:8 - Peaceful Sleep.

Psalm 4:8 (NLT) I will lie down in peace and 
sleep, for you alone, O LORD, will keep me safe. 

Psalm 4:8 (CWR) At night I will sleep in 
peace because the Lord watches over me and keeps 
me safe. 


Rest for Your Souls
   Have you heard about Randy Gardner, who, 
in 1963, broke the world record for not 
sleeping? His time of 11 days and 25 minutes without 
sleep remains on the books to this day. Can you 
imagine it? For most of us, just missing a single 
night's sleep would be enough to test our sanity! 
   Even after decades of research, sleep 
remains a big mystery to scientists. But we do know 
that sleep is as fundamental to the human 
experience as eating and breathing. We need regular 
rest to live well, or at all. Yet, getting good 
sleep seems to be much harder in our day. We have 
anxiety over piles of unpaid bills, work troubles, 
poor health, and the endless train of world 
crises trumpeted on the news - a seemingly endless 
list that keeps us up at night. 
   That's why today's Bible text should help 
us get our much-needed rest. There is a 
contingency of society who experiences no nightly 
terrors or bleary-eyed mornings: those to whom "the 
name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous 
run to it and are safe" (Proverbs 18:10). 
There's no need to lay awake at night counting sheep 
when God's promise of safety ensures a peaceful 
   Living every day in obedience to the Word 
of the Lord is like dwelling atop "a strong 
tower" or within the well-fortified walls of a 
fortress. When we dwell, or abide, in God, only then 
can we, as the prophet says, "find rest for 
[our] souls" (Jeremiah 6:16). We can sleep easily 
because we know what the future brings. Even though 
the world is crumbling around us, we know that 
our eternal life is secure in the hands of God, 
our Protector. 
   My Refuge and Shield, You are the only 
solution to insomnia. May I rest peacefully in the 
promises of Your Word. [The Most Amazing Bible 
Promises by Amazing Facts] 


Sweet Slumber
   By any measure drug and alcohol 
dependence has become one of our greatest social 
problems. The issue isn't just illegal drugs; many 
depend on alcohol or over-the-counter or 
prescription drugs just to face each day or to get to 
sleep at night. 
   I'm not a doctor, of course, and I fully 
realize some drugs have a legitimate place under 
careful medical supervision. But in my experience 
far too many people turn first to drugs or 
alcohol instead of to God. Rather than face their 
problems and deal with them (with God's help), they 
use drugs or alcohol to escape. 
   But such solutions" never work, and in 
fact only make things worse. No wonder the book 
of Proverbs warns that alcohol "at the last  
bites like a serpent, and stings like a viper" 
(Prov. 23:32). 
   Don't let anything substitute for God. He 
loves you, and He wants to give you peace - the 
peace that comes from knowing Him. Jesus' promise 
to His followers is true: "I will give you 
rest" (Matt. 11:28). 
   No place, product, or person can bring us 
the peace and safety our soul desire.  Only 
Jesus can satisfy our deepest longings. [Hope for 
Each Day by Billy Graham] 


   Each morning when my husband, Jeff, and I 
wake up, we say the same three words to each 
other - and they aren't "Good morning, darling!" 
Nope. We say, "Did you sleep?" Sleep is an elusive 
prize in the Dyson household. 
   Jeff has trouble sleeping because of 
aches and pains in his feet, knees, and legs from 
old football injuries and forty years of 
tramping across concrete floors at his family's 
hardware store. My aches and pains start a bit higher 
up - in my head. 
   The minute I turn out the light and close 
my eyes, I'm treated to an instant replay of 
all the ways I messed up during the day. Next, 
my mind transports me to all that can 
potentially go wrong the following day. And when I 
finish with that, I worry about my family, all 
sixteen of them, one by one. By then, it's time to 
get up. 
   "Have you ever thought about turning your 
worries over to Jesus?" my friend Sue suggested. 
   Of course I'd thought about it. Easier 
said than done. 
   Nonetheless, I decided it was worth a 
try. I knelt by my bed and asked Jesus if I could 
cast my cares on Him. I felt His assent. He led 
me to read Psalm 4:8. I've memorized that 
verse, and when I turn out the light, I repeat 
those soothing words as I drift off to sleep and 
rest peacefully with Jesus. Pat Butler Dyson 
   Faith Step: If worry keeps you up at 
night, memorize Psalm 4:8. Then imagine resting 
peacefully beside Jesus. [Mornings With Jesus 2024 
Devotional by Guideposts and Zondervan] 

   I have trouble falling asleep sometimes, 
probably because in the quiet darkness, I often start 
thinking about troubling things. Recently, I started 
doing something different that's helping. 
   No spiritual rocket science here. I just 
practice gratitude, in bed, in the dark. 
   Here's my routine: I usually read a 
little before turning out the light and getting 
comfy under the comforter. (I love that its 
called a "comforter.") Then I begin a quick review 
of the goodness that surrounds me at that 
moment and in my day that is ending. 
   Like last night, my first thankful 
thought was for my husband, who was peacefully 
asleep next to me. Then for the feel and smell of 
the clean sheets I put on our bed that day. 
   Next, I remembered a moment in church 
that morning when I looked around and saw so many 
people I know and feel known by. I know their 
stories; they know mine, which brings such comfort. 
   I also saw people I didn't yet know whose 
stories will stretch me and bring new life into our 
   Finally, I thought of the fresh ripe red 
strawberries in our refrigerator. They are in season now 
and I love how they look and how they tasted 
   These are ordinary things and ordinary 
moments that might easily be taken for granted but 
they become sacred and comforting when I 
recognize God's presence in all that is good. I thank 
Him, which is a good way to end the day. 
   Then I fall asleep filled with gratitude 
rather than worries. 
   Lord, acknowledging You as the faithful 
Giver of all goodness in my days helps me sleep 
peacefully. Carol Kuykendall [Walking in Grace 2021 
Devotional by Guideposts and Zondervan] 

   When my kids were little, I loved holding 
them as they fell asleep in my arms. We would be 
at some event, a school program or concert, and 
they would inevitably beg to be held. Next thing 
I knew, they'd nestle into my shoulder, close 
their eyes, and cling to my neck as they drifted 
off. I like to think they fell asleep so easily 
in those moments because they felt safe. They 
knew that I would hold them, protect them, and 
keep them safe from anything or anyone who might 
try to harm them. 
   We can rest in the security of our 
Father's arms the same way. There's nothing we have 
to fear because he's never going to leave us. 
He will hold us close and protect us. 
   God always has your back. When you feel 
overwhelmed and anxious, remember that you can 
experience his peace simply by praying and sensing his 
Spirit within you. As you lie awake at night, your 
mind spinning through all the demands and 
struggles of your day, you can let go. No matter how 
big, scary, or intimidating the circumstance, 
he's got you. 
   Let yourself relax today and give God 
thanks for being such a loving Father, one who 
holds you close and reassures you of his presence 
no matter what you're facing. 
   Dear God, I'm so grateful for your peace 
when life's worries begin to overwhelm me. Thank 
you for holding me close as your beloved child. 
[Daily Power by Craig Groeschel] 


Stop Seeking Happiness
   Many people say, "Who will show us better 
times?" Let your face smile on us, LORD. You have 
given me greater joy than those who have abundant 
harvests of grain and new wine. In peace I will lie 
down and sleep, for you alone, O LORD, will keep 
me safe.  
(Psalm 4:6-8, NLT)
   Only humanity has a longing for meaning 
in life. I can assure you that my dog doesn't 
sit around pondering the reason for his 
existence. He won't be looking back on his life and 
saying, "You know, I tried it all as a dog. I chased 
cats. I drank toilet water. I tried bones. But 
deep inside of me, there was a void." Dogs don't 
think that way. They mainly think, Food  
   Dogs, you see, aren't made in the image 
of God. But you and I have been created in His 
image. We are living souls, designed to know God 
and to live above this mundane existence that we 
news is there is no hangover in the morning. 
There is no guilt that accompanies it. As Psalm 
16:11 says, "In Your presence is fullness of joy; 
at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore." 
There is pleasure in knowing God, not in chasing 
after happiness. 
   I have discovered that I never will find 
happiness by chasing it. But what we will find is that 
as we chase God, if we will, as we pursue God 
and walk with Him, then one day we will realize 
we became happy people. Happiness doesn't come 
through actively seeking it but by getting our lives 
into proper balance. Happiness and joy are the 
byproducts of that balance. 
   It's like the Lord Jesus said. If you 
seek God and His plan first, everything else in 
life - including happiness and peace - will fall 
into place. [Every Day with Jesus by Greg Laurie] 


3 Psalms to Read When You Cant Sleep
   Some nights I'm left looking at my 
ceiling or my iPhone wondering why I can't seem to 
go to sleep. I have, however, found ways to 
help myself relax, making it easier to fall 
asleep. One of which is to read the Bible, 
specifically the Psalms. The beautiful poetry of the 
Psalms mixed with the power of God's Word almost 
always puts my nerves to rest so I can get some 
   If youre like me and sometimes need 
help getting to sleep, I want to share with you 
my favorite psalms to read to help me surrender 
to rest: 
   1. Psalm 116
   Return to your rest, my soul, for the 
LORD has been good to you. - Psalm 116:7 NIV 
   Psalm 116:7 is a Psalm I memorized almost 
10 years ago. It is my first go-to scripture to 
say over and over to myself on a sleepless 
night. I say it slow to really think about the 
words. I'm reminded that my soul can rest, because 
the Lord is good and I have so much evidence of 
His goodness in my life. I then start to think 
about all the good the Lord is doing and has done 
for me. This scripture reminds me that God is 
with me and that gives me a peace that relaxes my 
mind, body and soul. 
   2. Psalm 4:8
   In peace I will lie down and sleep, for 
you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety. - 
Psalm 4:8 NIV 
   After a super busy day you would think 
the only thing my body would want to do is 
quickly fall asleep. Nope! I've realized a busy day 
usually leads to more difficulties falling asleep. 
My mind races with everything that happened 
that day and what might happen tomorrow. 
   What will happen tomorrow?
   What will happen next year?
   What if something bad happens to me? My 
husband? My children? 
   There is nothing worse than trying to 
fall asleep on anxious thoughts. It's during 
these times I love to pull out Psalm 4. It always 
reminds me God is in control, He is my protection, 
and I can trust Him. Now that's some truth I can 
sleep on. 
   3. Psalm 91
   Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most 
High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. You 
will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow 
that flies by day. For he will command his angels 
concerning you to guard you in all your ways. - Psalm 
   During the day, I'm not thinking about 
scary thoughts. But as soon as I hit the pillow 
they all want to attack. And fear is the enemy of 
sleep. Which is why I absolutely adore Psalm 91. 
I've only listed a few verse from the Psalm above 
but, if you have time, or find yourself losing 
sleep due to fear, I highly suggest you read this 
Psalm in its entirety. It reminds me God will not 
only protect me, but He will defend me as well. 
Psalm 91 reveals that my fearful thoughts don't 
even come close to the power my God has to 
overcome them. 
   I have yet to face a battle that the Lord 
has not addressed in His Word. This includes my 
struggle to fall asleep some nights. It is the Word 
of God that helps me to let go of the worries 
of this world and grasp how trustworthy our God 
is. And leaning on His truths, even on sleepless 
nights, feels like God Himself is rocking me to 
sleep. So the next time you have trouble falling 
asleep go ahead and give these Psalms a try. It is 
my prayer that the truth of God's word produces 
a peace in your soul that leads to many nights 
of good sweet sleep. 
   Editors Note: This devotional was 
adapted from Christina Pattersons 3 Psalms to 
Read When You Cant Sleep. You can read that 
piece in full here. By Christina Patterson at 


Psalm 4:8 - Peaceful Sleep.


Psalm 127:1, 2 - Leave God Out Of The 
Picture And Suffer The Consequences! 


Proverbs 3:21-26 - SEEKING SECURITY


Psalm 91:1 - Promises with a Prerequisite.


Psalm 91:11 - God has angels watching over 


Psalm 116:7 (NIV) Be at rest once more, O my 
soul, for the LORD has been good to you.  
Devotional pending.

