Proverbs 9:17, 18 - The Walking Dead.
Proverbs 9:17, 18 (NIV) "Stolen water is
sweet; food eaten in secret is delicious!" 18 But
little do they know that the dead are there, that
her guests are in the depths of the grave.
Proverbs 9:17, 18 (MSG) Steal off with me,
I'll show you a good time! No one will ever know
- I'll give you the time of your life." 18 But
they don't know about all the skeletons in her
closet, that all her guests end up in hell.
Something is hypnotic and intoxicating about
wickedness. One sin leads to another; sinful behavior
seems more exciting than the Christian life. That
is why many people put aside all thought of
Wisdom's sumptuous banquet (9:1-5) in order to eat
the stolen food of Folly. Don't be deceived -
sin is dangerous. Before reaching for forbidden
fruit, take a long look at what happens to those
who eat it. (See the chart in chapters 21-22,
pp. 1040-1041.) [Life Application SB]
Proverbs tells us righteousness brings
life while wickedness leads to death. This may be
literally true. Many of the behaviors promoted in
Proverbs - marriage, work, prudence, emotional
self-control - are associated with longer life spans.
Accept what I say, and the years of your life will
be many" (4:10). However, usually "life" and
"death" refer not to length but to quality of life.
Sometimes "to live" refers to having loving
relationships (15:27) or to the psychological well-being
of a "heart of peace" (14:30). And sometimes it
means the spiritual life that is fellowship with
God (21:21).
To miss out on true life, then, is to
enter the realm of death before your physical life
on earth is ended. To live a life cut off from
God, with ever-increasing spiritual blindness,
brittleness, and hardness, is to becomes spiritual
corpse. Folly's guests reside deep in the realm of
the dead. So we must choose life (Deuteronomy
Have you really grasped that having
biblical wisdom is a matter of life or death?
Father, before I put faith in Jesus I was
outwardly alive but inwardly dead in sin (Ephesians
2:1). Now, though physically I weaken, inwardly
I'm becoming more and more alive (2 Corinthians
4:16). I need to remember what true life and true
death are, especially when I face the inevitable
challenges of sickness, injury, and age. Amen. [Gods
Wisdom for Navigating Life by Timothy Keller with
Kathy Keller]
2 Corinthians 4:16-18 - Focus on What Will
Last Forever.
2 Corinthians 4:16-18 - We Never Lose Heart
Looking Beyond the Gloom to The Glory.