
Romans 8:5-6 - Spirit Living.

Romans 8:5-6 (NIV) Those who live according 
to the flesh have their minds set on what the 
flesh desires; but those who live in accordance 
with the Spirit have their minds set on what the 
Spirit desires. 6 The mind governed by the flesh is 
death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life 
and peace.  

Romans 8:5-6 (NLT) Those who are dominated 
by the sinful nature think about sinful things, 
but those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit 
think about things that please the Spirit. 6 So 
letting your sinful nature control your mind leads 
to death. But letting the Spirit control your 
mind leads to life and peace.  


Paul divides people into two categories - 
those who let themselves be controlled by their 
sinful natures, and those who follow after the Holy 
Spirit. All of us would be in the first category if 
Jesus hadnt offered us a way out. Once we have 
said yes to Jesus, we will want to continue 
following him, because his way brings life and peace. 
Daily we must consciously choose to center our 
lives on God. Use the Bible to discover Gods 
guidelines, and then follow them. In every perplexing 
situation ask yourself, What would Jesus want me to 
do? When the Holy Spirit points out what is 
right, do it eagerly. For more on our sinful 
natures versus our new life in Christ, see Romans 
6:6-8, Ephes. 4:22-24; Col. 3:3-15. [Life 
Application SB]  


Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life
   You havent been sentenced to a life of 
frustration and stress. You dont have to be stuck in 
your hurts, habits, and hang-ups. God has 
something far better for you.  
   We all want peace and freedom - and the 
good news is it may be closer than you think. 
   The Bible teaches that, for those who 
follow Jesus, peace is a mindset. If youre not 
at peace, its your choice. 
   In the next few months, the economy more 
than likely wont change. Your work situation 
wont change. Your broken relationships may not 
get healed. 
   But your mindset can change. That will be 
the difference between a life of 
self-destruction and a life of peace. 
   The Bible says in Romans 8:5-6, Those 
who live according to the flesh have their minds 
set on what the flesh desires; but those who 
live in accordance with the Spirit have their 
minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind 
governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed 
by the Spirit is life and peace (NIV). 
   Ask the Holy Spirit to give you better 
thoughts - thoughts that bring peace, not 
frustration. You need to look at your situation 
differently: in the Holy Spirit way.  
   Will you look at your life the way 
youve always looked at it, or will you look at it 
the way God does? Remember, the mind governed 
by the flesh is death. Choosing to look at 
your situation through your own lens is 
   Ask the Holy Spirit to replace the 
self-destructive thoughts with his own. When youve got 
something negative in your life, dont resist it. 
Replace it.  
   If you turn on the TV, and theres 
something on that you dont want to watch or you 
shouldnt watch, you cant just sit there and tell 
yourself you shouldnt be watching it. You have to 
change the channel. You replace it - immediately.  
   You choose what you dwell on. Ask the 
Holy Spirit to give you the thoughts you need to 
focus on. Hell do it! He will change your 
perspective. And that will change your life. [Daily 
Devotional by Rick Warren: 


   It is impossible for us, of ourselves, to 
escape from the pit of sin in which we are sunken. 
Our hearts are evil, and we cannot change them. 
"Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? 
not one." "The carnal mind is enmity against 
God: for it is not subject to the law of God, 
neither indeed can be." Job 14:4; Romans 8:7. 
Education, culture, the exercise of the will, human 
effort, all have their proper sphere, but here they 
are powerless. They may produce an outward 
correctness of behavior, but they cannot change the 
heart; they cannot purify the springs of life. 
There must be a power working from within, a new 
life from above, before men can be changed from 
sin to holiness. That power is Christ. His grace 
alone can quicken the lifeless faculties of the 
soul, and attract it to God, to holiness.  {SC 
   The Saviour said, "Except a man be born 
from above," unless he shall receive a new heart, 
new desires, purposes, and motives, leading to a 
new life, "he cannot see the kingdom of God." 
John 3:3, margin. The idea that it is necessary 
only to develop the good that exists in man by 
nature, is a fatal deception. "The natural man 
receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for 
they are foolishness unto him: neither can he 
know them, because they are spiritually 
discerned." "Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must 
be born again." 1 Corinthians 2:14; John 3:7. 
Of Christ it is written, "In Him was life; and 
the life was the light of men" - the only "name 
under heaven given among men, whereby we must be 
saved." John 1:4; Acts 4:12.  {SC 18.2} 


He that findeth his life shall lose it: and 
he that loseth his life for my sake shall find 
it. Matthew 10:39 
   Here is a paradox - a seemingly 
contradictory statement. But Jesus wasn't just playing 
with words. He knew that real life - life in the 
Spirit on earth, life forever in heaven - comes 
only when people surrender everything to Him. "I 
am the way, the truth, and the life," Jesus 
said (John 14:6). His new life (1 Corinthians 
15:22) is better than anything we could lose! 
[Daily Bible Promise Book By Barbour Publishing] 


Romans 8:6 - HOLY SPIRIT LIVING!!!




Romans 8:5, 6 - Spirit Living.


Romans 8:8 - Live In The Spirit And Not The 


