
Ephesians 6:10-13 - Christian Warfare.

Ephesians 6:10-13 (NLT) A final word: Be 
strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put 
on all of Gods armor so that you will be 
able to stand firm against all strategies of the 
devil. 12 For we are not fighting against 
flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and 
authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers 
in this dark world, and against evil spirits in 
the heavenly places. 13 Therefore, put on every 
piece of Gods armor so you will be able to 
resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after 
the battle you will still be standing firm.  


The enemy is unseen, but the struggle is 
personal. Jesus gives us weapons to use against evil. 
Satans forces are supernatural. These enemies who 
are not flesh and blood are demons over 
whom Satan has control. They are not mere 
fantasies - they are very real. We face a powerful 
army whose goal is to defeat Christs church. 
When we believe in Christ, these beings become 
our enemies, and they try every device to turn 
us away from him and back to sin. Although we 
are assured of victory, we must engage in the 
struggle until Christ returns because Satan is 
constantly battling against all who are on the Lords 
side. We need supernatural power to defeat Satan, 
and God has provided this by giving us his Holy 
Spirit within us and his armor surrounding us. If 
you feel discouraged, remember Jesus words to 
Peter: On this rock I will build my church, and 
the gates of Hades will not overcome it 
(Matthew 16:18). [Life Application SB] 

Prepare For Battle
   Soldiers know better than to saunter onto 
the battlefield wearing nothing but shorts and 
sandals. They take care to prepare. They take every 
weapon into the conflict. 
   So must we! Every conflict is a contest 
with Satan and his forces. For that reason 
"though we walk in the flesh, we do not war 
according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare 
are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling 
down strongholds" (2 Corinthians 10:3-4 NKJV). 
What are these weapons? Prayer, worship, and 
Scripture. When we pray, we engage the power of God 
against the devil. When we worship, we do what Satan 
himself did not do: we place God on the throne. When 
we pick up the sword of Scripture, we do what 
Jesus did in the wilderness. He responded to Satan 
by proclaiming truth. And since Satan has a 
severe allergy to truth, he left Jesus alone. 
   Satan will not linger long where God is 
praised and prayers are offered. [You Can Count On 
God by Max Lucado] 


Prepare Yourself
   May you take the time to refresh your 
understanding of the armor of God today, reading through 
the sixth chapter of Ephesians. God provides you 
with all you need to be protected as you stand 
firm in the knowledge of Christ. You don't have 
to do anything by figuring it out on your own. 
He has offered you everything you need by his 
Spirit who lives in you. 
   Although it is not by your strength alone 
that you stand, you can take steps to prepare 
yourself according to God's Word. Don't neglect the 
part you play! Just as you would not expect 
others to dress you when you are able to do so 
yourself, there are things you can do in preparing 
yourself spiritually. With intention, follow-through, 
and plenty of grace, you will stand firm on the 
foundation of Christ's incomparable mercy. 
   Take ownership of what is yours to do 
today and rejoice in the help you receive when you 
ask for it! [365 Days of Courage by Sara Perry 
of Broadstreet Pub] 

Lean In
   This statement comes at the end of Paul's 
letter to the Ephesians. When you've done the good 
you ought to out of love, when you've done all 
else, stand "strong in the Lord and in the 
strength of his might." What a good reminder it is 
that you don't have to be strong in yourself. You 
don't have to trust your own abilities at the end 
of the day. You get to lean into the power of 
the Lord and to stand in his strength, which he 
readily shares with you. 
   Second Corinthians 12:9 says, "My grace 
is sufficient for you, for my power is made 
perfect in weakness." No matter how ill-equipped you 
feel today to face what is ahead of you, know 
that God's grace is more than enough to empower 
you in his strength. Lean in and trust him. 
   Every time you feel weak today, ask for 
more grace to persevere in God's strength. [365 
Days of Courage by Sara Perry of Broadstreet 


Prone to Wander
   When he was little, my son had a habit of 
wandering. One day, we were in a hotel and came to an 
elevator. He ran ahead to push the button. I told him, 
"If the elevator comes, wait until Dad gets 
there." Just as I arrived at the elevator, the doors 
were closing, and he was inside. He was gone! 
   I frantically pushed the button for the 
other elevator and waited for what seemed like an 
eternity. Finally, the doors opened, and I jumped in. 
I went down to the lobby. He wasn't there. I 
ran back to the elevator, pushed every button 
for every floor, and as the doors opened, I 
would scream out his name. I didn't care about 
decorum. I wanted to find my son. And I found him, 
about three floors up, wandering around. But you 
know what? After that experience, he didn't 
wander anymore. He got separated from his father, 
and it was scary for him. He learned how 
important it was to stay close to me. 
   As Christians, we should want to stay as 
close to our Heavenly Father as possible. The 
Devil is a powerful adversary, and we are no match 
for him in our own strength. We don't want to 
venture out in this life in our own abilities and 
suffer spiritual defeat. I have a healthy respect 
for the Devil's ability. For that reason, I want 
to stay as close to the Lord as possible. I 
want to be strong in Him. 
   If ever there was a time to be walking 
closely with the Lord, it is now. This is not the 
time to be playing games with God. This is not 
the time to wander away. [Every Day with Jesus 
by Greg Laurie] 

Call for Backup
   Just as police officers call for backup 
when they sense that danger may be imminent, the 
first thing we must realize about spiritual battle 
is that in our own strength, we are no match 
for the Devil. I think a healthy respect of our 
adversary is in order for believers today. We don't 
want to underestimate him, nor do we want to 
overestimate him. We want to accurately assess who he is 
and what his abilities are. We need to recognize 
that he is powerful, and we don't want to take 
him on in our own strength. 
   When I hear some preachers on television 
or the radio calling the Devil silly little 
names, laughing at him, or making jokes about him, 
I remember what Jude 9 says: "Yet Michael the 
archangel, in contending with the Devil, when he 
disputed about the body of Moses, dared not bring 
against him a reviling accusation, but said, 'The 
Lord rebuke you!" Even the high-ranking archangel 
Michael didn't dare to mock or condemn the Devil. He 
simply said, "The Lord rebuke you!" There was a 
respect for the enemy. 
   The reason we need to "be strong in the 
Lord and in the power of His might" is because 
Satan wants to remove us from that very resource! 
Why? Because it is our power base. He wants to 
separate us from God because the moment he gets us 
away from Him, we are open prey. For this reason, 
the Devil wants to put a wedge between God and 
   The only power that can effectively drive 
out Satan is the power of Jesus Christ. Be 
strong in the Lord. Stay close to Him. Don't let 
anything come between you and God. [Greg Laurie from 
Harvest Ministries; https://www.harvestdaily.com] 

A Dangerous Lesson
   Some people think they can take on the 
Devil. Maybe youve even seen some TV preachers 
mocking the Devil and calling him names. 
   Yet the Bible tells us, Michael the 
archangel, in contending with the devil, when he 
disputed about the body of Moses, dared not bring 
against him a reviling accusation, but said, The 
Lord rebuke you! (Jude 1:9 NKJV). 
   If someone as powerful as the archangel 
Michael would not engage with the Devil, then how 
much more should we keep our distance from him? 
James tells us, Resist the devil and he will 
flee from you (4:7 NKJV). 
   In the book of Acts, we find a story 
about some men called the sons of Sceva who 
thought they were exorcists. By the way, there are 
people today who say they have the ministry of 
exorcism, but theres no such ministry in the Bible. 
We find examples of demons being cast out, but 
no one was called to be an exorcist. In fact, 
the Bibles only mention of exorcists refers 
to people who werent even believers to begin 
   Heres the trouble that the sons of 
Sceva got themselves into. They found a man who 
was demon possessed and told him, We exorcise 
you by the Jesus whom Paul preaches (Acts 
19:13 NKJV).  
   The evil spirit replied, Jesus I know, 
and Paul I know; but who are you? (verse 15 
NKJV). Then the man attacked them and almost killed 
   We need to keep our distance from the 
Devil. Hes a lot more powerful than we may 
think. Dont play around with sin, and dont 
play around with Satan. 
   Instead, heres what we need to do: 
Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His 
might (Ephesians 6:10 NKJV). Before it says 
anything about putting on the armor of God, the Bible 
tells us to stand in the Lord and in His strength. 
It tells us to stand in His might. [Greg Laurie 
from Harvest Ministries; 


Satan Is Real
   You have an enemy - and it may not be who 
you think it is. Its not the person youre 
competing against at work. Its not the difficult 
neighbor. Its not your ex-spouse. 
   Your enemy isnt human at all.
   For our struggle is not against flesh 
and blood, but against the rulers, against the 
authorities, against the powers of this dark world and 
against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly 
realms (Ephesians 6:12 NIV). 
   Your battle is with Satan. 
   One of the reasons we so often walk 
around in discouragement and defeat is because we 
dont really understand who were battling. We 
dont understand who our real enemy is. We blame 
the economy, a political party, a segment of 
people, or the person we cant stand down the 
   We blame everyone but the one the Bible 
calls a thief and a liar, who is out to destroy 
anyone who loves and follows Jesus. 
   To find victory in your life over 
whats dragging you down, youve got to start by 
attacking the right enemy.  
   When you do, keep these truths in mind as 
you battle against your true enemy, Satan. 
   First, youre no match for Satan. 
Its like trying to shoot a rubber band at a 
battleship. Outside of Jesus, you have no hope of 
defeating Satans influence over your life. 
   Second, everyone gets used by Satan. 
Satan will put thoughts in the minds of Christians 
and non-Christians alike. At times we can all be 
a pawn of Satan. You need to protect yourself 
with the armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-17). 
   Third, not everything that is spiritual 
is good. Theres spiritual light and 
spiritual darkness. Dont fall for the lie that all 
roads to God are equal. Jesus said, I am the 
way and the truth and the life. No one comes to 
the Father except through me (John 14:6 
   Finally, Satan doesnt fight fair. 
Satan cant slug you, so instead he puts 
discouraging and depressing ideas into your mind. 
Youve got to catch him in the act, let him know 
you know where the idea comes from, and ask the 
Holy Spirit for help. 
   Satan is real. Hes the enemy who has 
been disrupting your life - but he doesnt have 
a chance against Gods power in your life 
when you call on Jesus name.  [Daily 
Devotional by Rick Warren: 


Ephesians 6:10-13 - Christian Armor; 
Introduction and Overview. 


Ephesians 6:10-13 - Christian Warfare.


Ephesians 6:10-13 - Christian Warfare [with 
focus on vs 12]. 


Romans 7:24, 25 - The Sinful Nature Is 
Conquered in Christ! 


