
Mark 11:22-24 - The Prayer of Faith.

Mark 11:22-24 (NKJV) So Jesus answered and 
said to them, "Have faith in God. 23 For 
assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 
'Be removed and be cast into the sea,' and does 
not doubt in his heart, but believes that those 
things he says will be done, he will have whatever 
he says. 24 Therefore I say to you, whatever 
things you ask when you pray, believe that you 
receive them, and you will have them. 


Jesus Himself never moved literal mountains, 
nor did He intend His followers to contemplate 
any necessity of doing so themselves. Jesus here 
is speaking of figurative mountains of 
difficulty. [SDA Commentary] 

There are few spiritual occasions which 
demand the removal of a geographical mountain. 
Jesus is merely making the point that God in His 
omnipotence is able to do anything. [Believes SB] 


Your Faith Can Move Mountains
   Faith opens the door to miracles. If you 
study the Bible and history, youll find that 
every time God moves on earth and does a miracle, 
its because somebody believes.  
   Jesus said in Mark 11:22-24, Have 
faith in God! If you have faith in God and dont 
doubt, you can tell this mountain to get up and 
jump into the sea, and it will. Everything you 
ask for in prayer will be yours, if you only 
have faith (CEV).  
   Faith can move mountains!
   God has set up the universe in a 
hierarchy of laws. The law of faith is actually higher 
than the laws of nature. Thats where miracles 
come in. When someone has faith, the law of faith 
goes into practice and can actually do more than 
the laws of nature. The law of faith makes 
miracles happen. 
   Does God still perform miracles today? Of 
course he does. Every time you stretch your faith, 
God does miracles - every single time.  
   You might think that, of all the places 
Jesus went, the people in his hometown would be 
most open to him and his power. But Matthew 13:58 
says, [Jesus] did not do many miracles there 
because of their lack of faith (NIV). Jesus may 
have wanted to do the most amazing things there. 
But because they were offended, not moved to 
faith, they didnt get to see the miracle. 
   What mountain in your life needs to be 
moved? Whats the thing that seems like it can 
never change? Maybe God wants your faith to 
supersede the laws of nature to move that mountain.  
   God is in the mountain-moving business. 
He has moved them in the past. He is moving 
them today all around the world. Do not doubt or 
underestimate what he wants to do in your life too.  
   You might say, I dont see many 
miracles in my life. Are you looking with eyes of 
fear, or are you looking with eyes of faith?  
   Let this be the year when you see faith 
open the door to miracles. [Daily Devotional by 
Rick Warren: https://pastorrick.com/devotional/] 


Expect a Surprise
   A fig tree never flowers. Instead, its 
fruit contains tiny flowers inside. These internal 
blossoms produce the fig's tiny seeds and fibrous 
consistency. This structure means that most figs must be 
pollinated by tiny wasps that crawl inside. All in all, 
the fig is a surprising fruit! 
   When Jesus cursed a fig tree, the 
disciples must have been surprised. Why would Jesus 
curse a tree for not having fruit? It wasn't even 
fig season! When they passed the tree later and 
saw it withered down to its roots, their 
surprise grew. "Rabbi, look!" Peter told Jesus, "The 
fig tree which You cursed has withered away" 
(Mark 11:21). 
   Jesus used the disciples' astonishment 
for a teaching moment. "Have faith in God," He 
instructed them (v. 22). To an infinite Creator God, 
nothing is impossible; indeed, God's people should 
expect surprising things to happen! In fact, Jesus 
told them that even bigger things were possible. 
A mountain will even be thrown into the ocean 
for a person who "does not doubt in his heart, 
but believes that those things he says will be 
done" (v. 23). 
   Then Jesus turned the disciples' 
attention to their own prayers with a powerful 
promise: "Whatever things you ask when you pray, 
believe that you receive them, and you will have 
them" There aren't any limits on God's power to 
act. Whether your request is big, small, likely, 
or surprising, God is able to answer - so 
believe that He will! 
   Do you struggle to believe? Focus your 
attention on the evidence of God's power and pray the 
doubter's prayer, "Lord, I believe; help my unbelief" 
(Mark 9:24). God is ready for you to expect His 
   Dear Lord, I believe; please help my 
unbelief! [The Most Amazing Bible Promises by Amazing 


It would seem impossible to move a mountain 
into the sea, so Jesus used that picture to say 
that God can do anything. God will answer your 
prayers, but not as a result of your positive mental 
attitude. Other conditions must be met: (1) you must 
be a believer; (2) you must not hold a grudge 
against another person; (3) you must not pray with 
selfish motives; (4) your request must be for the 
good of God's kingdom. To pray effectively, you 
need faith in God, not faith in the object of 
your request. [Life Application SB] 

Jesus, our example for prayer, prayed, 
"Everything is possible for you. Yet not what I will, 
but what you will" (14:36). Our prayers are 
often motivated by our own interests and desires. 
We like to hear that we can have anything. But 
Jesus prayed with 'God's' interests in mind. When 
we pray, we should express our desires, but 
want his will above ours. Check yourself to see 
if your prayers focus on your interests or 
God's. [Life Application SB] 

Have Faith In God.
   Faith is a necessary way of life in the 
Kingdom of God. We have to have it in order to 
function the way God wants us to. And we always feel 
like we need more. But does that mean we try to 
muster it up by convincing ourselves of what we 
want to believe?  
   We can certainly do things to persuade 
our hearts of truth: dwell on God's promises, 
remember His past works, cultivate hope, and so on. 
But ultimately, faith is a gift of God 
(Ephesians 2:8).We get it from the work of His Spirit 
within us. When we cultivate His Presence, we 
develop faith. It comes from Him.  
   Greek scholars from a variety of 
theological perspectives suggest that this verse is 
better translated "have the faith of God." There 
are plenty of places in Scripture that speak of 
believing in God - clearly He's the object of our 
faith. But it only makes sense that if the Spirit 
of Jesus dwells within us, and Jesus lived with 
the kind of faith we're supposed to have, then 
He imparts faith to us. The more His Presence 
is allowed to move us, the more faith we'll 
   That's the way it is with all fruits of 
the Spirit and godly attributes. We don't muster 
them up. He has them, and He dwells in us. We get 
them by focusing on Him, communing with Him, and 
yielding to Him. The more we let Him have His way in 
us, the more we have the character and 
attributes we need to have. In your quest for greater, 
deeper, purer faith, ask for God's. He will give you 
the spiritual tenacity to hold on to His 
promises regardless of what you see. That's the kind 
of faith that can move mountains.  
   Lord, I need faith. Mine is weak and 
wavering, but I do believe. Help my unbelief. Please 
give me the faith that comes from Your Spirit. 
[The One Year Experiencing Gods Presence 
Devotional by Chris Tiegreen] 

There is a condition to this promise - that 
we pray according to the will of God. But it is 
the will of God to cleanse us from sin, to make 
us His children, and to enable us to live a 
holy life. So we may ask for these blessings, and 
believe that we receive them, and thank God that we 
have received them. SC51 

   He makes it plain that our asking must be 
according to God's will; we must ask for the things 
that He has promised, and whatever we receive 
must be used in doing His will. The conditions 
met, the promise is unequivocal.  
   For the pardon of sin, for the Holy 
Spirit, for a Christlike temper, for wisdom and 
strength to do His work, for any gift He has 
promised, we may ask; then we are to believe that we 
receive, and return thanks to God that we have 
   We need look for no outward evidence of 
the blessing. The gift is in the promise, and we 
may go about our work assured that what God has 
promised He is able to perform, and that the gift, 
which we already possess, will be realized when we 
need it most.  ED257,8 

We must not only pray in Christ's name, but 
by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. 

Jesus reminds us that we must have faith and 
forgiveness when we pray, or God will not answer. [see 
next vs regarding forgiveness] [Chapter by 
Chapter Bible Commentary by Warren Wiersbe] 

   Hope and courage are essential to perfect 
service for God. These are the fruit of faith.  
   Despondency is sinful and unreasonable. 
God is able and willing "more abundantly" 
(Hebrews 6:17) to bestow upon His servants the 
strength they need for test and trial. The plans of 
the enemies of His work may seem to be well laid 
and firmly established, but God can overthrow 
the strongest of these. And this He does in His 
own time and way, when He sees that the faith of 
His servants has been sufficiently tested.  
   For the disheartened there is a sure 
remedy - faith, prayer, work. Faith and activity 
will impart assurance and satisfaction that will 
increase day by day. PK163,4 

   When our prayers seem not to be answered, 
we are to cling to the promise; for the time of 
answering will surely come, and we shall receive the 
blessing we need most. But to claim that prayer will 
always be answered in the very way and for the 
particular thing that we desire, is presumption. God is 
too wise to err, and too good to withhold any 
good thing from them that walk uprightly.  
   If we take counsel with our doubts and 
fears, or try to solve everything that we cannot 
see clearly, before we have faith, perplexities 
will only increase and deepen. But if we come to 
God, feeling helpless and dependent, as we really 
are, and in humble, trusting faith make known our 
wants to Him whose knowledge is infinite, who sees 
everything in creation, and who governs everything by 
His will and word, He can and will attend to our 
cry, and will let light shine into our hearts. 

Help Is on the Way
   I was praying over some prayer requests 
when I saw this one: "Dear Lord: Give me the 
patience to wait on your timing ... and also please 
hurry up!" It was actually comforting to me to 
learn that I'm not the only one who sometimes 
thinks like this. I constantly have to remind 
myself that God is not working on my timetable.  
   One of the most difficult lessons I've 
had to put into practice is "one day at a time." 
It seems simple enough, but it's tough. I 
recently received an answer to a prayer I've been 
praying for more than two years. I came close to 
giving up a number of times. Since the prayer 
hadn't been answered on my timetable, I figured the 
answer was no.  
   Looking back, I can see that had God 
answered in the way I wanted him to, things probably 
would not have gone as well. God worked things out 
better than I expected. What a surprise! Right? I 
know that God always answers my prayers, but I've 
learned that his answers can be yes, no, later, or 
even greater. His timing is always perfect. My 
timing can never be compared to his.  
   Father, thank you for looking past my 
impatience and doing your good work in my life. Thank 
you for always answering my prayers. In Jesus' 
name, Amen. [Celebrate Recovery Daily Devotional 
by John & Johnny Baker] 


   In college, I was on the tennis team, the 
only American among a rowdy group of Australians. 
After I became a Christian, I was always looking 
for ways to be a positive influence on my 
teammates and get them to take God seriously. 
   Once we were at a tournament and noticed 
a high-jump bar set up near the tennis courts. 
They started trying to jump and could barely 
clear more than three or four feet. So I set the 
bar at six feet and said, "If I pray and ask God 
to help me clear this and I make it, will you 
guys come to church with me and give your lives 
to Christ?" 
   They laughed, thinking there was no way I 
could clear such a height, and agreed. I prayed, 
they sort of mock-prayed, and I began counting 
off my steps. These guys didn't know that in 
high school I had been a high jumper! A six-foot 
jump was almost automatic for me. 
   Only this time I didn't clear it. I 
almost made it, but at the last second, my trailing 
foot slightly clipped the bar. 
   I didn't understand - why didn't God 
answer my prayer? I was pretty sure I could make 
the jump, even without God's help. Since then, 
many other prayers, including much more important 
ones, have also gone unanswered. But I've learned 
to trust God's plan even when I can't see what 
he's up to. So I pray for him to act, but I 
surrender to his will, not mine. 
   Prayer reminds us we are not in control, 
while keeping us close to the one who is.  
   Lord, today I yield to your will. You 
know my needs and concerns, and I trust you to 
meet them in your perfect way at the perfect 
time. [Daily Power by Craig Groeschel] 

   A pastor once asked his church to pray 
that God would shut down a strip club in their 
neighborhood. The whole church gathered for an evening 
prayer meeting, pleading with God to rid their 
community of the evils of this place. The next week, 
lightning struck the club and it burned to the 
   Hearing about the church's prayer 
crusade, the club owner promptly sued the church. 
When the court date arrived, the owner argued 
that it was the church members' prayers that 
caused him to lose his valuable business. The 
pastor dismissed these accusations by admitting 
that no one actually believed their prayers would 
do any good. 
   "Let me get this straight," the judge 
said. "I've got a strip club owner who believes in 
the power of prayer and a pastor who doesn't.' 
   Sometimes we struggle to grow in our 
faith, not because we're not praying but because 
we're not believing. Prayer should be like talking 
to a close friend with whom you can share your 
heart. Even when God doesn't seem to be answering 
your prayers the way you want, it doesn't mean he 
isn't listening. 
   God's responsibility is the outcome. Our 
responsibility is faithful obedience. Trust him today to 
answer your prayers. 
   Thank you for hearing my prayers, Lord, 
and providing for all my needs. Give me patience 
when I have to wait on your perfect timing. 
[Daily Power by Craig Groeschel] 


Mark 11:22-24 - The Prayer of Faith


Matthew 7:7, 8 - In Prayer We Ask, Seek and 
Knock to Receive, Find and Open. 


Luke 17:5, 6 - Lord, Show Us How To Increase 
Our Faith. 


