
Psalm 34:18 - The LORD Is Close to The Brokenhearted.

Psalm 34:18 (NIV) The LORD is close to the 
brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. 


A truly Contrite Heart. Real sorrow for sin 
is the result of the working of the Holy 
Spirit. The Spirit reveals the ingratitude of the 
heart that has slighted and grieved the Saviour, 
and brings us in contrition to the foot of the 
cross. By every sin Jesus is wounded afresh; and as 
we look upon Him whom we have pierced, we mourn 
for the sins that have brought anguish upon Him. 
Such mourning will lead to the renunciation of 
sin.  DA 300  


Gods presence is often experienced in 
difficult times. We often wish we could escape 
troubles - the pain of grief, loss, sorrow, and 
failure; or even the small daily frustrations that 
constantly wear us down. God promises to be close to 
those whose hearts are breaking, to be our 
source of power, courage, and wisdom, and to help 
us through our problems. Sometimes he chooses 
to deliver us from those problems. When trouble 
strikes, dont get frustrated with God. Instead, 
admit that you need Gods help and thank him for 
being by your side. [Life Application SB] 


   We lost him, Pat. The text from my 
classmate Janie shocked and crushed me. Janie's grown 
son Stephen had been battling pneumonia in a 
hospital. Many class members were praying for 
Stephen's recovery. I was certain he would be all 
right and had told Janie that often. Jesus, please 
help me comfort my friend. 
   Over thirty years ago when my 
three-year-old son Blake died, there was nothing anyone 
could say to comfort me. My grief paralyzed me. I 
was lost. Then one day, several months after 
Blake died, I read in the newspaper about a car 
accident that had taken the life of the teenaged 
daughter of a man who'd been a football star at my 
high school. Jesus led me to set aside my sorrow 
and sit down and write a note to Billy, telling 
him that I, too, had lost a child and that if he 
ever needed to talk, I was here. I never heard 
from Billy, but this was the first step in my 
healing - reaching out to another brokenhearted 
   Over the years, I've written notes to 
many people whose children have died. In the 
note, after telling the parents how sorry I am for 
their loss, that I understand because I've been 
there, that I am available to talk, I write 
something such as, "Let me offer you hope. It does get 
better. Your life will never be quite the same and 
you will never stop missing your child, but you 
can find joy again." At the time I lost Blake, 
what I needed more than anything was hope. I 
found that hope the nearer I drew to Jesus. Pat 
Butler Dyson 
   Faith Step: Write a note to someone with 
a broken heart. [Mornings With Jesus 2021 
Devotional by Guideposts and Zondervan] 


Those who have not humbled their souls 
before God in acknowledging their guilt, have not 
yet fulfilled the first condition of acceptance. 
If we have not experienced that repentance 
which is not to be repented of, and have not with 
true humiliation of soul and brokenness of spirit 
confessed our sins, abhorring our iniquity, we have 
never truly sought for the forgiveness of sin; and 
if we have never sought, we have never found 
the peace of God. The only reason why we do not 
have remission of sins that are past is that we 
are not willing to humble our hearts and comply 
with the conditions of the word of truth. 
Explicit instruction is given concerning this matter. 
Confession of sin, whether public or private, should be 
heartfelt and freely expressed. It is not to be urged 
from the sinner. It is not to be made in a 
flippant and careless way, or forced from those who 
have no realizing sense of the abhorrent 
character of sin. The confession that is the 
outpouring of the inmost soul finds its way to the God 
of infinite pity. The psalmist says, "The Lord 
is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; 
and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit." 
Psalm 34:18. SC 37, 38 

   Christ's first words to the people on the 
mount were words of blessing. Happy are they, He 
said, who recognize their spiritual poverty, and 
feel their need of redemption. The gospel is to 
be preached to the poor. Not to the spiritually 
proud, those who claim to be rich and in need of 
nothing, is it revealed, but to those who are humble 
and contrite. One fountain only has been opened 
for sin, a fountain for the poor in spirit.  
   The proud heart strives to earn 
salvation; but both our title to heaven and our fitness 
for it are found in the righteousness of Christ. 
The Lord can do nothing toward the recovery of 
man until, convinced of his own weakness, and 
stripped of all self-sufficiency, he yields himself 
to the control of God. Then he can receive the 
gift that God is waiting to bestow. From the soul 
that feels his need, nothing is withheld. He has 
unrestricted access to Him in whom all fullness dwells. 
"For thus saith the high and lofty One that 
inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the 
high and holy place, with him also that is of a 
contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of 
the humble, and to revive the heart of the 
contrite ones." Isa. 57:15. DA 299, 300 

The Burdens of a Broken Heart
   Rejection hurts. A broken heart, whether 
from losing a loved one, suffering depression, or 
breaking up with a sweetheart, can literally feel 
like a heart attack. People across many cultures 
know exactly what you mean when you say, "My 
heart is breaking." It's more than a metaphor. 
While our brains process the experience, we can 
physically feel pain in our chests. 
   Physiology aside, we've all experienced 
the hurt from loss. It's part of living in our 
fallen world - friends let us down, loved ones die, 
spouses are unfaithful. And at the peak of our 
grief, depression, or traumatic experience, our 
heart can feel like it's breaking apart. 
   Today's Bible promise gives us the 
assurance of God's presence during these painful 
experiences. The Lord isn't distracted by running the 
universe; He is near to those whose hearts are broken. 
And if there is ever a time we really need a 
sense of God's closeness, it's when we are bearing 
the burdens of a broken heart. 
   Even in the best of hours, it's so 
comforting to experience the closeness of God. How much 
more so in times of grief and sorrow? And 
sometimes it is the grief and sorrow themselves that 
open us up to the reality of God's presence. It's 
often the suffering that humbles us, that gives us 
the "contrite spirit" which is so essential to 
knowing God and His salvation. 
   It has been said that Jesus died of a 
broken heart. What does that mean? We know, based 
on David's inspired words, that the Lord truly 
knows how to comfort those who have experienced 
excruciating loss because of what Jesus experienced for 
us on Calvary. 
   Lord Jesus, help me sense Your nearness 
amid the brokenness of my heart. [The Most 
Amazing Bible Promises by Amazing Facts] 

The Lessons of Loss
   A teenage daughter of a friend of our 
ministry reflected on watching her grandfather die at 
home. She said with tears in her eyes, "I'll never 
forget the loving care Papa received from my 
grandmother. It taught me to care for the sick and dying. 
More than that, it taught me about living bravely 
in the midst of difficulties." 
   There is much the young can learn from 
those who have traveled the distance. Likewise, 
the elderly would be wise to consider the 
contribution the young make even to our own lives. They 
will see our mistakes, and they will see our 
triumphs. We will hopefully recognize their struggles 
and accomplishments and encourage them as they 
face the unknown future. The Bible says, "To 
everything there is a season, a time for every purpose 
 a time to gain, and a time to lose" 
(Ecclesiastes 3:1, 6). In times of loss there are lessons 
to be gained. Let's not miss the purposes of 
God even in times of sorrow and disappointment, 
for He is always with us on our journey. 
   What have you learned from someone in a 
different stage of life than yours? [Peace for Each 
Day by Billy Graham] 

Where Is God When Youre in Pain?
   God shares the pain of every single 
person - including you. When youre hurting, he 
isnt distant, aloof, or unfeeling. He is aware of 
your pain, and he cares. And he even shares the 
pain with you. 
   God the Father shares your pain so 
naturally because he created you. The Bible says, 
The one who formed their hearts understands 
everything they do (Psalm 33:15 GW). In other words, 
God is never shocked by your emotions or your 
thoughts. He understands why you do what you do better 
than even you understand. He is more than capable 
to share your pain. 
   Jesus, Gods Son, shares your pain 
because he suffered it on Earth. Hebrews 4:15 says: 
Jesus understands every weakness of ours, because 
he was tempted in every way that we are 
   He understands emotional pain, like 
abandonment, loneliness, criticism, discrimination, 
rejection, and betrayal. Jesus also understands 
physical pain. Can you imagine being on the cross and 
carrying the guilt of every evil thing done 
throughout history? His death on the cross was the 
worst kind of physical pain. 
   The Holy Spirit also shares your pain. 
How? When you don't know how to pray, the Holy 
Spirit is praying for you. The Bible promises, 
The moment we get tired in the waiting, Gods 
Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we 
dont know how or what to pray, it doesnt 
matter. He does our praying in and for us, making 
prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching 
groans (Romans 8:26 The Message). 
   Where is God when youre in pain? He's 
grieving with you. He's standing by you. He knows 
what its like to suffer, and he has compassion 
for you. 
   He's not some aloof God who says, Oh, 
I'm sorry you're hurt. Thats sympathy. 
Empathy says, I hurt with you. But compassion 
says, I'll do anything I can to stop your 
hurt. That's what Jesus did. His compassion took 
him all the way to the cross. 
   If you are in pain this Christmas, 
remember Psalm 34:18: The LORD is near to the 
brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit (ESV). 
   You're never closer to God than when you 
have a broken heart. He is there, he cares, and 
he shares your pain. [Daily Devotional by Rick 
Warren: https://pastorrick.com/devotional/] 

Brokenhearted? The Lord Is Close
   Weve all had our hearts broken in some 
way, maybe by disappointment, fear, shame, 
rejection, or ridicule. I say to you, as your friend, 
Im sorry. I really am. I care about the hurt 
you have gone through, and God cares about it 
too. He hurts with you.  
   What was God doing when you were weeping? 
He was weeping too. In fact, it is in your pain 
that God is closest to you, whether or not you 
realize it. 
   The Bible says in Psalm 34:18, The 
Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves 
those who are crushed in spirit (NIV). How does 
he do that? He saves you by giving you a heart 
transplant. Its his specialty, in fact. 
   Its as if God says, For the heart 
thats guilty, Ill give you a heart thats 
forgiven. For the heart thats resentful, Ill 
give you a heart thats full of peace. For the 
heart thats anxious, Ill give you a heart 
thats confident. For the heart thats lonely, 
Ill give you a heart full of love. The heart 
that has been bitter and angry? Ill give you a 
heart that is forgiving, loving, and generous 
instead. Let me do a heart transplant in you. I will 
set you free.  
   Why do you need freedom? Because, without 
Christ, youre enslaved. Youre a slave to the 
expectations of other people. Youre a slave to past 
memories. Youre a slave to future fears. Youre a 
slave to current pressure. Youre a slave to the 
opinions of society, and on and on and on. 
   But all you have to do is open your heart 
to Jesus Christ and give him give him all of 
it. Like David in Psalm 119:32, you can say to 
God, I run in the path of your commands, for 
you have broadened my understanding (NIV). 
   Your heart may have been broken, but it 
doesnt have to stay that way. Decide today to stop 
limiting God! He wants to do so much with your life - 
more than you can even imagine. Open your heart 
to God, and let him transplant your heart for 
his own. [Daily Devotional by Rick Warren: 

Six Ways God Helps You Grieve
   Every one of us will experience loss in 
life, so how does God heal a broken heart? You 
dont get over a loss. You cant go under it; 
you cant go around it. Youve got to go 
through the grief. And if youre scared to express 
emotion and refuse to go through it, thats where 
you get stuck. 
   But how do you get unstuck? You let God 
help you. Here are six ways God blesses a broken 
   1. God draws you close to himself.
   Psalm 34:18 says, The Lord is close to 
the brokenhearted, and he saves those whose 
spirits have been crushed (NCV). When you grieve, 
you may feel like God is a million miles away. 
But what you feel and whats real are not 
always the same thing. God isnt a million miles 
away. In fact, hes never been any closer. 
   2. God grieves with you.
   The Bible tells us that Jesus was a 
man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief 
(Isaiah 53:3 NLT). When you come to Jesus with your 
grief, he knows what youre talking about, and he 
understands your pain. God is a sympathetic. Hes not 
aloof. Hes not apathetic. Hes not standing on 
the sidelines. He grieves with you. 
   3. God gives you a church family for 
   Were meant to grieve in community. 
Healing comes in groups. Healing comes in the 
church. Healing comes in community. Were better 
   In Christ we, though many, form one 
body, and each member belongs to all the others 
 Be devoted to each other like a loving 
family  Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn 
with those who mourn (Romans 12:5, 10, 15 
   4. God uses grief to help you grow.
   God uses grief and even pain to help you 
become more like Christ, and he does it in three 
   God uses pain to get your attention 
(Proverbs 20:30), he brings good out of bad (Romans 
8:28), and he prepares you for eternity (2 
Corinthians 4:17-18). 
   5. God gives you the hope of heaven.
   There are many people who grieve without 
hope. Your life on this earth is short, but if you 
believe in Jesus Christ and trust him for your 
salvation, then you have the hope of spending eternity 
in heaven with God, and that hope will sustain 
you through your time of loss. The Bible says in 
1 Thessalonians 4:13, We dont want you 
to be ignorant about those who have died. We 
dont want you to grieve like other people who 
have no hope (GW). 
   6. God uses your pain to help others.
   This is called redemptive pain; it is the 
highest and best use of the pain you go through. God 
does not want you to waste a hurt. [God] 
comforts us in all our troubles so that we can 
comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be 
able to give them the same comfort God has given 
us (2 Corinthians 1:4 NLT). [Daily Devotional 
by Rick Warren: 

Caring for the Crushed in Spirit
   The church today still sings the 
powerful, beautiful songs of the British poet and hymn 
writer William Cowper. Although he penned the words 
of hymns like There Is a Fountain and 
God Moves in a Mysterious Way, he was a 
depressed man. 
   Cowpers mother died when he was very 
young. Afterward, his father sent him to boarding 
school and really had nothing to do with him. 
Cowper struggled so mightily that he even made a 
number of suicide attempts. 
   His father then committed him to an 
asylum. There a doctor shared the gospel with him, 
and William Cowper came to Christ. 
   After his release, John Newton, the 
former captain of a slave ship, befriended him. 
Newton wrote hymns as well, including Amazing 
Grace. But Cowper still battled with depression, so 
Newton took him under his wing. He looked after him 
and helped him through life. 
   We too need to be the kind of friend that 
John Newton was to William Cowper. When we see 
someone whos hurting, we need to engage them in 
conversation and offer to pray for them. 
   It reminds me of an experience my friend 
and I had in a restaurant awhile back. When the 
server walked up, my friend said to him, How can 
we pray for you? 
   I thought, I dont know if this is 
going to work. 
   But then the server started pouring out 
his heart. It wasnt long before we were 
praying for him. 
   The English theologian Joseph Parker 
said, Speak to the suffering, and you will 
never lack an audience. 
   Psalm 34:18 gives us this promise: The 
Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues 
those whose spirits are crushed (NLT). There 
are so many hurting people in our world. So, pay 
attention. Ask God to help you be that caring person 
for someone else. [Greg Laurie from Harvest 
Ministries; https://www.harvestdaily.com] 

When Someone You Love Leaves
   While growing up, my mother taught me 
many valuable truths: every situation has a 
positive side; everyone has a right to their opinion, 
and too much talk can keep a problem stirred up. 
But there is one thing she didnt teach me 
that I had to learn the hard way: Sometimes 
people you love will leave. This is one of those 
difficult lessons most of us come face to face with in 
   Sometimes people leave because they can't 
love; sometimes they leave because they feel 
guilty about themselves, sometimes because they are 
afraid of intimacy, sometimes God has another plan 
for you, and they can't go where you are going, 
sometimes because relationships have their seasons, 
and sometimes because God removes them from your 
life. (Thats His love and protection!) There 
are numerous reasons why people leave, but no 
matter why they leave, its important to remember 
that God loves you and their departure doesnt 
have to mean the end of your joy. Jesus never 
stops doing good for his kids.  
   I remain confident of this: I will see 
the goodness of the LORD in the land of the 
living (Psalm 27:13)  
   There will always be people to love, and 
new people who need your love. The key is 
keeping your heart open, free from unforgiveness, 
bitterness, or self-hatred, and that you dont become 
negative about people or cynical about love. Its 
tragic how we wound ourselves by making unhealthy 
vows not to love or trust again because someone 
abandoned us.  
   In his book The Four Loves, CS Lewis 
writes: To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love 
anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly 
broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it 
intact you must give it to no one, not even an 
animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and 
little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it 
up safe in the casket or coffin of your 
selfishness. But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, 
airless, it will change. It will not be broken; it 
will become unbreakable, impenetrable, 
irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable.  
   In the aftermath of the disappointment of 
desertion, guard against hardness of heart and ask God 
to give you His perspective about your loss. 
Keep your heart open so you can continue to love 
well. It will mean the difference between internal 
life and death.  
   He heals the brokenhearted and binds 
up their wounds. (Psalm 147:3)  
   Lord, help me to trust you with my 
heartbreak. Help me to remember that I dont need to 
resort to being overly self-protective or cynical 
about people or relationships. You are my 
protector. Amen. By Shana Schutte [Wisdom Hunters 


Depression: Jesus Understands Deep Sorrow
   I was thirteen, working on some homework 
at the kitchen table when the yellow crank-dial 
phone that hung on the wall rang. My mom was 
washing dishes at the time, and I remember her 
gently drying off her hands before she answered 
   Oh no! was her response. I watched 
as her shoulders sank and her hand moved to 
cover her open mouth. Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! 
she repeated, shaking her head. Whoever she was 
talking to and whatever she was talking about 
wasnt good. 
   A few minutes later, she slowly hung up 
the phone and turned to me with tears in her 
   Sam took his own life, she said.
   My good friend " the right fielder on 
our summer baseball team, the boy with a quick 
wit " got off the bus, ate a snack, then made 
his way to the basement of his house where he 
ended his life. 
   No note. No explanation. Nothing but 
   I remember going to the funeral home with 
classmates. As I sat near the back of the room, the 
quiet was interrupted by the sound of an 
occasional sniffle. Everyone watched as Sams mom 
leaned on the casket, her legs buckling under the 
emotional weight of it. 
   Forty thousand people will take their own 
lives this year in our country. Another three 
million people will try but fail. Suicide is the 
tenth leading cause of death among adults, the 
second leading cause of death for ages 10"24, and 
sadly, the third leading cause of death among 
college students. One in every twelve college 
students will attempt to end their life.1 
   Why do people commit suicide? my 
daughter asked me recently. 
   Some people do it because they are 
committed to a cause, I explained. I told her about 
the followers of Heavens Gate, the Branch 
Davidians, the 913 followers of Jim Jones, as well as 
suicide bombers committed to sacrificing their lives 
for jihad. For others, I continued, 
its a long, painful battle with a chronic 
illness. After years of aches and pains, lying on 
their back or being confined to a wheelchair, they 
throw in the towel. 
   For many senior adults, loneliness leads 
them to take their life. A loved one has passed 
on, and they cant stomach the thought of 
spending another holiday isolated in their house or 
in a nursing home. 
   For some teenagers, its a cry for 
attention. The music they listen to and the movies they 
watch may glamorize suicide, lionizing the person 
who takes their own life. 
   The list of reasons is long. But the 
reality is that depression is the leading cause of 
suicide in the United States. Ninety percent of all 
suicides are depression related. 
   Hope deferred makes the heart sick. " 
Proverbs 13:12 
   We all deal with sadness in our lives 
from time to time; we all battle mood swings, and 
we all have our weak moments. But not all of us 
have a chemical imbalance in our bodies that 
causes us to believe there is no light at the end 
of the tunnel, no reason to get out of bed. 
Sadly, many people dont know about the great 
combination of prayer and pills to help them deal with 
the hopeless feeling that the sun is never going 
to shine again. 
   Add to the misery a very real enemy who 
attacks and taunts and accuses and whispers, You 
wont be missed. No one cares about you. No one 
loves you. 
   Jesus said of Satan,
   The thief does not come except to steal, 
and to kill, and to destroy. " John 10:10 
   Satan has only one purpose, which is to 
steal, kill, and destroy you and me. He will steal 
our sense of value and convince us that life is 
pointless. He will kill us by confusing us to the point 
that we die emotionally long before we grab a 
bottle of pills or a handgun. 
   And destroy " isnt that what 
suicide does? It destroys hope for those who take 
their lives, and for the family members left 
   He was a murderer from the 
beginning, Jesus also said of Satan, not holding to 
the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he 
lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a 
liar and the father of lies (John 8:44 NIV). 
   Satan convinces people that dying is 
better than living, when in reality suicide 
doesnt solve or simplify the problem. It only 
complicates and compounds the problem. 
   Our enemy is real and subtle, and 
unfortunately he has impeccable timing. He knows what to 
say, when to say it, and most importantly, to 
whom to say it. 
   Larry was one of those people. Satan had 
his ear and his undivided attention. 
   I had to tell Larrys middle school" 
and his high school"aged sons that their dad 
had ended his life. They walked into the living 
room after football practice, and the minute they 
saw me sitting on the couch, one of them ran 
outside. The other son shook his head and said, He 
finally did it, didnt he? They knew. 
   Their dad had lost his job months 
earlier, and theyd watched him spiral into a deep, 
dark pit of despair. His identity as a man was 
defined by his job and the paycheck it provided, so 
when the job was taken away, his reason for 
living went with it. 
   The morning after breaking the news to 
them, I found myself sitting in the bedroom of the 
youngest son. A picture of his baseball team sat 
nearby. His dad had been his coach. 
   Is my dad in heaven or hell? he 
asked me. His voice was barely audible. 
   I dont get to decide that. Thats 
between God and your dad, I said. 
   Someone told my mom that suicide is 
unforgivable. Is that true? he asked. 
   The Bible doesnt say that, I 
responded. Im sorry someone said that to your 
   Suicide is sinful. The Bible clearly 
teaches that God has numbered our days, and when we 
cut those days short, we circumvent the plan of 
God. To commit suicide is to murder oneself, 
violating the sixth commandment in the process. 
   Its my life! some say. I can 
do what I want! 
   You are not your own; you were bought at 
a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. 
" 1 Corinthians 6:19"20 NIV 
   Suicide limits the power of God. When a 
person takes their own life, they are boldly 
declaring, My problem is bigger than Gods 
power. And that is never true. 
   Like all sin, suicide breaks the heart of 
God. But is it unforgivable? Lets explore 
   There are six suicides mentioned in the 
pages of the Bible, but none of them is referred 
to as an unforgivable sin. The most 
infamous suicide in the Bible is that of Judas. When 
talking about his betrayal, Jesus said of Judas, 
It would have been good for that man if he had 
not been born (Matthew 26:24). Ive been in 
church services and funerals where that one verse 
is used to declare that all who commit suicide 
go immediately to hell. 
   But Jesus didnt say that.
   Could it be that Jesus was looking ahead, 
knowing full well that Judas would not repent, that 
Judas would die without salvation, and that in 
going to hell, it wouldve been better if he had 
not been born in the first place? Could it be 
that Jesus actually made this statement with 
heartache in his voice? 
   Anything else would be inconsistent with 
the ministry of Jesus, the teaching of Jesus, 
and the salvation that Jesus came to freely give 
to all people. 
   Maybe Judas didnt go to hell because 
he committed suicide. Maybe he committed 
suicide because he was going to hell. 
   God doesnt judge us based on the worst 
decision we make in life, but on the best decision we 
make in life. And that is to let Jesus save us. 
And what does Jesus save us from? 
   Sin. All sin. Including suicide.
   For I am convinced that neither death nor 
life, neither angels nor demons, neither the 
present nor the future, nor any powers, neither 
height nor depth, nor anything else in all 
creation, will be able to separate us from the love of 
God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. " Romans 
8:38"39 NIV, emphasis mine 
   Jesus experienced an emotional low in His 
life and reached the conclusion in the Garden of 
Gethsemane that dying would be better than living, 
   My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the 
point of death. " Matthew 26:38 NIV 
   That is a sadness Ive never 
experienced in my life. 
   The apostle Paul found the bottom of the 
barrel as well. He wrote, 
   We were under great pressure, far beyond 
our ability to endure, so that we despaired of 
life itself. " 2 Corinthians 1:8 NIV 
   But neither of them committed suicide. 
Paul and Jesus reached the same conclusion: 
   Suicide doesnt eliminate pain. Suicide 
creates more pain. 
   I can validate that, as a person left 
behind to deal with the family members of those who 
take their lives and the questions and the 
confusion suicide creates. So if you or someone you 
know is struggling with loneliness, sadness, 
depression, or thoughts of suicide, I want you to know 
that help and hope are available. 
   Is anyone crying for help? God is 
listening, ready to rescue you. If your heart is 
broken, youll find God right there; if youre 
kicked in the gut, Hell help you catch your 
breath. " Psalm 34:17"18 MSG 
   You can run to God.
   God is our refuge and strength, a very 
present help in trouble. " Psalm 46:1 
   Suicidal thoughts might provide the 
greatest me too opportunity for us to love 
people where they are and as they are. God wants us 
to lighten peoples emotional loads: 
   Bear one anothers burdens, and so 
fulfill the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2 
   Shared joy is double joy, but shared pain 
is half pain. 
   In the aftermath of my friends 
suicide, I wish I knew what I know now. No one knew 
what to say at his funeral or to his parents. I 
would want Mrs. Reily to know that God is a dad 
who understands moms. 
   He feels your pain. from Me Too by Jon 
   May is Mental Health Awareness Month. If 
you are living today without hope, or if someone 
whom you love is suffering from mental illness, 
can we pray for you today? We hope that today's 
blog is an encouragement to you and we invite you 
to share your prayer requests or comments on 
our blog! 
   Also, beloved Christian author Kay 
Warren, who lost her son Matthew to suicide three 
years ago and has suffered from depression almost 
her entire life, is offering prayers, stories 
and Scriptures of hope all month long on her 
Facebook page for Mental Health Awareness Month. If 
this is near and dear to your heart we encourage 
you to follow her on Facebook for daily 
encouragement. You are not alone. ~ Devotionals Daily  


Gaither - Through It All


Psalm 34:18-19 - The Blessings of Adversity.


Acts 14:22b - Tribulation for Entrance to 
the Kingdom. 


1 Peter 1:6 - For a Little While.


