
Romans 12:10 - Honor One Another Above Yourselves.

Romans 12:10 (NKJV) Be kindly affectionate 
to one another with brotherly love, in honor 
giving preference to one another;  

Romans 12:10 (NIV) Be devoted to one another 
in brotherly love. Honor one another above 

Romans 12:10 (AMP) Love one another with 
brotherly affection [as members of one family], giving 
precedence and showing honor to one another.  

Romans 12:10 (MSG) Be good friends who love 
deeply; practice playing second fiddle.  


We can honor others in one of two ways. One 
involves ulterior motives. We honor our bosses so 
they will reward us, our employees so they will 
work harder, the wealthy so they will contribute 
to our cause, the powerful so they will use 
their power for us and not against us. God's way 
involves love. As Christians, we honor people because 
they have been created in God's image, because 
they are our brothers and sisters in Christ, and 
because they have a unique contribution to make to 
Christ's church. Does God's way of honoring others 
sound too difficult for your competitive nature? 
Why not try to outdo one another in showing 
honor? Put others first! [Life Application SB] 


Random Acts Of Kindness
   Years ago, photographs of a similar theme 
popped up in my Facebook feed. Each picture 
displayed flat, palm-sized rocks painted white then 
decorated with a cute angel dressed in blue with a 
yellow halo. Some anonymous artist had been 
sneaking around our community depositing angels at 
different homes. 
   As people posted pictures of an angel 
that had appeared on a stump near their back 
porch or in the corner of a windowsill, they often 
shared how much they needed a blessing that very 
day. Even those of us who had not received an 
angel were encouraged by the random act of 
kindness and had fun trying to figure out who the 
mysterious gift giver could be. 
   One day, my husband and I pulled into our 
drive and there, propped against the garage door, 
was an angel for us! We had returned from a 
routine oncology appointment where Russ had received 
his first "normal" lab report since his leukemia 
battle began two years earlier. What a perfect 
   Unexpectedly, I discovered the angel 
artist is a friend of mine. Of course! She always 
does kind things for others, quietly, expecting 
nothing in return. Not only does she place her 
painted rocks locally, but she also takes some with 
her when she travels. She places an angel in a 
public place and then returns a few hours later to 
see if it has been taken. The angel is always 
   Her simple gift spreads so much joy in a 
community and across cultures, yet she wants no 
recognition. What an angel! Karen Sargent 
   Faith Step: Who can you be an angel to? 
Buy a stranger's coffee. Leave flowers on a 
neighbor's doorstep. Surprise someone with kindness 
today. [Mornings With Jesus 2024 Devotional by 
Guideposts and Zondervan] 


John 13:34, 35 - The New Command - Love As 
Jesus Did. 


Matthew 7:12 - The Golden Rule.


Philippians 2:3 - Humility Builds 


