
Proverbs 18:10 - God Is A Strong Tower For The Righteous.

Proverbs 18:10 (NKJV) The name of the LORD 
is a strong tower; The righteous run to it and 
are safe.  

Proverbs 18:10 (NIV) The name of the LORD is 
a strong tower; the righteous run to it and 
are safe. 

Proverbs 18:10 (AMP) The name of the Lord is 
a strong tower; the [consistently] righteous 
man [upright and in right standing with God] 
runs into it and is safe, high [above evil] and 


The Name of the Lord
   Theological convocations are not usually 
scintillating. According to Dr. R. C. Sproul, they tend to 
be academic and sometimes tedious. But he will 
never forget one incredible speaker at a 
convocation at a prestigious seminary. The topic 
centered on Jesus Christ. The well-respected, elderly 
professor climbed the steps to the podium, cleared his 
throat, smiled, and then spent the entire 45 minutes 
slowly repeating by heart every name and title of 
Jesus Christ... 
   Rock of Ages... Redeemer... King of 
Kings... Bread of Heaven... Living Water... Son of 
God... our Sure Foundation... Good Shepherd... 
Fairest of Ten Thousand... Savior... Mediator... our 
Advocate... Alpha and Omega... the Stone the Builders 
Rejected... Beginning and End... Wonderful Counselor... 
Friend of Sinners... Great Physician... Anointed 
One... Healer of Broken Hearts... Lamb of God... 
Prince of Peace... Blessed Hope... our Atonement... 
Mighty Fortress... Shelter... the Narrow Gate... 
Lord of Grace... God of all Comfort... Word of 
Life... Rose of Sharon... Lily of the Valley... 
Bright and Morning Star... Glorious Lord... 
Immanuel... Living Word... Chief Cornerstone... 
Creator... Ancient of Days... the Eternal One... Author 
and Finisher of our Faith... First and the 
Last... Son of Man... Almighty God... Resurrection 
and the Life... the Way, the Truth and the 
Life... Everlasting Father... Captain of the Lord's 
   And that's just scratching the surface.
   At the end of the 45-minute litany of the 
names and titles of Jesus, the entire audience was 
reduced to quiet tears. This is what happens when we 
focus on Jesus and all that he has accomplished. 
This Sabbath, meditate on each of these names - 
and more, if you have a concordance - and 
express your appreciation to God for all that the 
Lord Christ achieved on your behalf. 
   Jesus, you are my all in all. You are 
everything to me. Thank you that I can hold fast to any 
of your precious names or titles and in them, 
find safety. For, indeed, the name of the Lord is 
a strong tower! [Joni Eareckson Tada Daily 


The Lord doesn't promise that Christians 
will have an easy time in this world.  On the 
contrary, we can expect to need a safe place to run to 
in times of opposition, struggle, or warfare.  
How wonderful it is of the Lord to provide us 
with constant and complete protection.  We have 
only to speak His name and His power is released 
like a mighty tower around us!  Have you found 
Him to be faithful to His Word?  Have you sensed 
His mighty power to protect?  If you have never 
trusted Jesus Christ with the crises of your life, 
begin today!  [In His Time; Walk With Wisdom] 


   In ancient times a wall was a safe place 
in an attack, but a fortified tower was even 
better. This proverb indicates that everyone has a 
place of ultimate security, a "fortification," 
something about which they say, "If I have that, I'll 
be safe." The wealthy, the powerful, the 
beautiful all think that these things are their 
   But the wise person runs into the name of 
the Lord. In the Bible, God's name is a way of 
speaking of his nature and attributes. To run into 
God's name is to deliberately rehearse and tell 
yourself who he is. Jesus asked his fearful disciples 
in the storm, "Where is your faith?" He 
chastised them for failing to remember all that they 
had seen him do (Luke 8:25). If you panic, you 
are failing to remember (to "run into") his 
power, his wisdom, his love for you. Self-control 
in any situation is the critical ability to 
both recognize and choose the important thing 
over the urgent thing. To honor, trust in, and 
please God is always the most important thing. 
   What are you facing right now that is 
difficult? What attribute of God might you be 
forgetting - and might help greatly if you remembered 
   Lord, the more you are on the periphery 
of my thoughts and feelings, the less 
self-control I have. The more you are in the center, 
vividly before the eyes of my heart and attention, 
the more I can control myself. Lord, grab and 
hold my attention, moment by moment, so I can 
live as I should. Amen. [Gods Wisdom for 
Navigating Life by Timothy Keller with Kathy Keller] 


   When my kids are hurting, I want them to 
know they can come to me, that they have a safe 
place to share their pain and disappointment. I 
want them to know our home is a place where we 
care about and respect one another, a shelter 
from the scary stuff that often happens in the 
world around us. 
   We all need such a place. And with news 
cycles now trumpeting tragic stories and doomsday 
headlines 24/7, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and 
afraid. Life happens at a crazy pace. Some 
relationships come and go, and new opportunities flash 
before you while other doors close. Even when we're 
connected with dozens of family and friends on social 
media, we can still end up feeling alone. 
   This is another reason we run to God in 
prayer. We can't survive without his rock-solid 
foundation of love, protection, and provision. God 
remains the same regardless of what the stock market 
does, who's elected to be our leaders, or if you 
lose your job. No matter what today might bring, 
you can rest in the knowledge that your 
relationship with your Father does not change. 
   I'm so grateful that you're always the 
same, Lord. The uncertainty of all that can change 
in my life sometimes scares me. But then I 
remember that you're in control. [Daily Power by 
Craig Groeschel] 


We cannot save ourselves from the 
tempters power; he has conquered humanity, and when 
we try to stand in our own strength, we shall 
become a prey to his devices; but the name of 
the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous 
runneth into it, and is safe. Proverbs 18:10. 
Satan trembles and flees before the weakest soul 
who finds refuge in that mighty name. DA 131 

Unceasing prayer is the unbroken union of 
the soul with God, so that life from God flows 
into our life; and from our life, purity and 
holiness flow back to God. There is necessity for 
diligence in prayer; let nothing hinder you. Make 
every effort to keep open the communion between 
Jesus and your own soul. Seek every opportunity to 
go where prayer is wont to be made. SC 98 


Proverbs 29:25 - Fear Man or Trust God?


2 Samuel 22:2 - A Solid Foundation.


Psalm 91:1, 2 - Four Pictures of God.


