
2 Corinthians 12:9-10 - Gods Amazing Grace.

2 Corinthians 12:9-10 (NIV) But he said to 
me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my 
power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I 
will boast all the more gladly about my 
weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. 10 
That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in 
weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, 
in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am 


We must rely on God for our effectiveness 
rather than simply on our own energy, effort, or 
talent When we are strong in abilities or 
resources, we are tempted to do God's work on our own, 
and that can lead to pride. When we are weak, 
allowing God to fill us with 'his' power, then we are 
stronger than we could ever be on our own we must 
depend on God. Only his power will make us 
effective for him and will help us do work that has 
lasting value. [Life Application SB] 


   The trail bisected a cool, dark section 
of forest. The scent of loamy soil and spicy 
cedar mingled with the fragrance of the evergreens 
to create a lovely perfume. Just ahead, the 
trees opened to a small meadow, a natural 
cathedral of sorts. At the base of one of the stately 
trees, I spotted a solitary wildflower, its leaves 
spread wide, its white petals open to the sun. 
   That evening as I settled into bed, my 
mind replayed all the beauty I'd encountered on 
the hike. My thoughts returned again and again 
to that petite flower. How could something so 
small have such an impact? Shouldn't the deep 
woods have dominated my attention instead? Yet, 
the very vulnerability of that blossom somehow 
multiplied the forest's magnificence. 
   I sensed my resemblance to that tiny 
bloom resting safe at the foot of the giant fir. 
Living my life in the shadow of Jesus's protection 
and love, I can lift others' spirits. In a world 
that can sometimes seem dark, I will spread joy 
and hope. Even those times when I feel afraid, 
or small, or weak. 
   Jesus is always with me. I feel His 
strength. As I stretch myself to fit His will, I 
remember that with Him, anything is possible (Matthew 
19:26), no matter how small I am. Heidi Gaul 
   Faith Step: Find a single flower or other 
small object and keep it near the place you spend 
your mornings with Jesus. Let it remind you that 
no matter how small you feel, Jesus is always 
with you. Spend a few minutes reflecting on the 
impact something so tiny can make in this world. 
[Mornings With Jesus 2024 Devotional by Guideposts and 


Pavement for His Feet
   The apostle Paul, who had the incredible 
experience of being caught up into Heaven and seeing 
things that he couldnt even describe, said that 
he was given a thorn in the flesh, a messenger 
of Satan to torment him. 
   Three times he asked God to take it away. 
But here was Gods response: My grace is 
all you need. My power works best in 
   Paul then concluded, So now I am glad 
to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power 
of Christ can work through me (2 Corinthians 
12:9 NLT). 
   Trials are part of the Christian life. 
Jesus said, I have told you all this so that 
you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will 
have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, 
because I have overcome the world (John 16:33 
   Of course, we all cringe when we come to 
the mouth of some long valley that seems to loom 
endlessly before us. Yet it is during hardships that 
we can experience Gods presence and power in 
a unique and special way. God will reveal 
Himself in the valleys, in the difficulties of 
   On one occasion when Jesus sent the 
disciples across the Sea of Galilee, a horrendous 
storm whipped up. They were afraid the waves would 
overtake them and drown them. It was so bad that they 
despaired of life. Then suddenly they saw Jesus 
walking to them on the water. 
   Commenting on this story, the great Bible 
teacher G. Campbell Morgan said, He is coming 
over the very waves you are most afraid of. The 
very waves that threaten to buffet and break you 
to pieces are the pavement for His blessed 
   Sometimes the very things we fear the 
most are the tools that God will use in our lives 
to bring us closer to Him. [Greg Laurie from 
Harvest Ministries; https://www.harvestdaily.com] 

Peace On Earth
   Every generation witnesses terrifying 
world events. The twenty-first century was 
inaugurated with the horrific 9/11 tragedy that set the 
whole world on edge. Today nations are in turmoil 
as governments struggle with how to defeat 
global terrorism. People are frantic, searching for 
   There is only one solution, and it is 
found in the righteous ruler; the Man of peace. 
Jesus holds the key to man's problems, which are 
bound up in one little word - sin. 
   I have talked with people from all walks 
of life about how they deal with their fears. 
Some turn to alcohol; others turn to mystic 
religions and amusement. I say to them, "Come to 
Christ; He will overcome your fears. He will 
strengthen you to stand strong in the face of trials 
and disappointments." In the midst of 
cataclysmic events, there is peace that passes 
   People think they want peace in the 
world, but what they really need is peace in their 
hearts. If that happened, there would be peace in 
the world as well. 
   What is the only hope for peace on earth? 
[Peace for Each Day by Billy Graham] 


If you will seek the Lord and be converted 
every day; if you will of your own spiritual 
choice be free and joyous in God; if with gladsome 
consent of heart to His gracious call you come 
wearing the yoke of Christ, - the yoke of obedience 
and service, - all your murmurings will be 
stilled, all your difficulties will be removed, all 
the perplexing problems that now confront you 
will be solved.  MB101 


2 Corinthians 12:9-10 - Gods Amazing Grace.



