
Joshua 1:9 - The Command to be Courageous.

Joshua 1:9 (NIV) Have I not commanded you? 
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do 
not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will 
be with you wherever you go. 

Joshua 1:9 (NLT) This is my command - be 
strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or 
discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever 
you go.  


Wherever You Go
   It is remarkable how many times in the 
pages of Scripture God told his people not to 
fear. We are prone to it! Instead of trying to run 
from our fears, let's face them with God by our 
side. Courage is having the strength to keep going 
even when it feels hard. God did not promise us a 
mess-free life, but he certainly did promise to be 
with us through it all wherever we go! 
   Directly before this verse in Joshua, the 
Lord gave Joshua some practical advice: "Keep 
this Book of the Law always on your lips; 
meditate on it day and night, so that you may be 
careful to do everything written in it." We have 
even more than Joshua had then - we have the Holy 
Spirit within us to help us. Let's meditate on his 
Word and cultivate his presence in our lives. 
   Whatever you are facing today, take the 
advice of the Lord and meditate on his Word and 
trust he is with you wherever you go! [365 Days of 
Courage by Sara Perry of Broadstreet Pub] 


Never Alone
   Medical alert systems can save lives. 
They are typically made for people who live alone 
and need to call for help in an emergency 
because they can't help themselves. Such systems not 
only provide a way for seniors to maintain an 
independent lifestyle, but they also give families peace 
of mind. The number-one cause of injury-related 
death among older adults is a fall. The first hour 
after a fall is the "golden hour," when medical 
attention is most needed. At the push of a button, 
help can quickly be on the way. 
   When Joshua became the leader in Israel 
after Moses died, he felt overwhelmed filling his 
predecessor's sandals. The new commander wasn't afraid of 
falling; it was simply an overwhelming job to be 
leading more than a million people from the 
wilderness into the Promised Land. That's when Joshua 
was reminded of his heavenly alert system. 
   God promised this humble military 
commander that He must be careful to not look to self 
but, instead, to listen and follow his Senior 
Commander. "Have I not commanded you?" he was reminded. 
"Be strong and of good courage; do not be 
afraid, nor be dismayed" There was no situation in 
which Joshua would be left alone. "For the Lord 
your God is with you wherever you go This was the 
third time God reminded Joshua of His presence. 
   Have you ever felt alone, weak, or 
afraid? God commands you to be strong and of good 
courage, to not be afraid. Be a good soldier and obey 
your heavenly Leader. He is always with you. You 
can immediately call Him for help at anytime and 
from anywhere. And when you fall, He will help 
you get back up. 
   Heavenly Commander, I choose to be strong 
in Your strength, to be courageous because I 
know that You are always with me. Thank You! [The 
Most Amazing Bible Promises by Amazing Facts] 


Joshua 1:9 - Courage That Counts.


Joshua 1:9 - Courage in Calamity: The 


