
Ezekiel 36:27 - I Will Give You A New Heart And Put A New Spirit In You.

Ezekiel 36:27 (NIV) And I will put my Spirit 
in you and move you to follow my decrees and be 
careful to keep my laws. 

Ezekiel 36:27 (MSG) I'll put my Spirit in 
you and make it possible for you to do what I 
tell you and live by my commands. 


God promised to restore Israel not only 
physically, but spiritually. To accomplish this, God 
would give them a new heart for following him and 
put his Spirit within them (see 11:19, 20; Psalm 
51:7-11) to transform them and empower them to do his 
will. Again the new covenant was promised 
(16:61-63; 34:23-25), ultimately to be fulfilled in 
Christ. No matter how impure your life is right now, 
God offers you a fresh start. You can have your 
sins washed away, receive a new heart for God, 
and have his Spirit within you--if you accept 
God's promise. Why try to patch up your old life 
when you can have a new one? [Life Application 


   In the mid-1960s, Black & Decker 
developed cordless power tools for NASA: a zero-impact 
wrench to spin bolts in zero gravity and a rotary 
hammer drill to extract samples from the moon's 
surface. But not until 1978 did Makita take "one 
small step for man" by making a cordless drill for 
people on Earth. Today, a variety of cordless tools 
frees us to perform several tasks without being 
tethered to an electrical outlet - thanks to a device 
that converts chemical energy into electrical 
   The battery pack in a cordless tool is 
like the Holy Spirit in a born-again heart. A 
distinct intercessor from Christ (Romans 8:26, 34), 
He empowers us to "be spiritually minded" (v. 
6) and to "put to death the deeds of the body" 
(v. 13). He also "bears witness with our spirit" 
that we've been adopted by God (v. 16). The 
Spirit does all this by dwelling in us (v. 9), like 
a battery pack in a cordless drill. 
   More specifically, as today's promise 
says, He causes us to walk in God's "statutes" and 
"judgments" - ordinances that explain not the 
sacrificial laws, but the Ten Commandments. For example, 
the purity statutes in Leviticus 18, forbidding 
a person to uncover the nakedness of anyone 
besides a spouse, shed light on "You shall not 
commit adultery" (Exodus 20:14). 
   While we may avoid the appearance of 
indecency, we can never avoid lusting for something 
indecent - that is, without the Holy Spirit's 
electricity. He is the battery pack that the Father longs 
to bestow. Truly, the Father wants to give us 
the Holy Spirit more than earthly parents want 
to give their children a meal (Luke 11:13). All 
we need to do is ask! 
   Heavenly Father, please put Your Spirit 
within me so I can deny my flesh and keep all Your 
commandments. [The Most Amazing Bible Promises by Amazing 


Ezekiel wrote that God will "take out your 
stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, 
responsive heart" (Ezekiel 36:26). You received a heart 
transplant when you became a believer. You had to, 
because you can't live the Christian life in your 
own strength. God never expected that. Instead, 
he wants to live the Christian life through 
you. When you realize that, you begin to catch a 
glimpse of the awesome love of a God who wants to 
keep your personality, your character traits, 
your gifts, your likes and dislikes, and yet make 
you holy through his presence in you. [The One 
Year Bible for New Believers] 

   Natural and acquired endowments are all 
gifts of God and need to be constantly held under 
the control of His Spirit, of His divine, 
sanctifying power. You need to feel most deeply your 
lack of experience in this work and put forth 
earnest endeavor to acquire needed knowledge and 
wisdom, that you may use every faculty of body and 
mind in such a way as to glorify God.  
   "A new heart also will I give you." 
Christ must dwell in your hearts, as the blood is 
in the body, and circulate there as a 
vitalizing power. On this subject we cannot be too 
urgent. 7T 189-190 


Ezekiel 36:26 - I Will Give You A New Heart 
And Put A New Spirit In You. 





