
Luke 19:10 - Christ Came to Seek and Save the Lost.

Luke 19:10 (NLT) For the Son of Man came to 
seek and save those who are lost. 


A person is not saved because of a good 
heritage or condemned by a bad one; faith is more 
important than genealogy. Jesus came to save all the 
lost, regardless of their background or previous 
way of life. Through faith, the lost can be 
forgiven and made new. [Life Application SB] 


   While watching the news one night, I 
heard a story about the shortage of blood across 
the country. A plea was issued for donors. It 
had been a while since I had donated, so I 
promptly made an appointment. 
   Upon entering the donor center, I found 
every chair filled with people hooked up to 
machines that were pumping the life-giving fluid into 
bags. When it was my turn, I took a seat. After 
about thirty minutes, I was done. On my way out, 
one of the center's employees thanked me and 
pointed to a table. Navy-blue T-shirts were free to 
donors. I grabbed one. 
   Back home, I looked at the shirt. Bold 
white letters proclaimed: Just Here to Save. While 
I knew the slogan was meant to let people know 
I was a blood donor and aimed to inspire 
others to give, I felt uneasy about wearing those 
words. Yes, I'd given blood with the hope of 
helping someone, but I didn't feel comfortable 
taking credit for saving a life. Instead, I thought 
about Jesus. He truly came to save me - and others 
who are lost, trying to find their way in this 
dark world. 
   I still haven't worn that T-shirt. But 
every time I see it in my drawer, I'm reminded 
that Jesus is the One who has the real power to 
change and save lives with the donation of His 
blood. Barbranda Lumpkins Walls 
   Faith Step: Think about how Jesus's 
sacrifice on the cross has saved your life. [Mornings 
With Jesus 2024 Devotional by Guideposts and 


How Do I Redeem Myself?
   A troubled young girl asked a question to 
anyone who would listen: "How can I redeem myself 
for what I've done? I'm not religious, and I've 
done a lot of bad things that I can't apologize 
   Someone answered back, "You should do 
good things in your life, help other people when 
you can, and you'll set things right for 
   Another person said, "Seek forgiveness of 
those you hurt and forgive yourself." 
   These things will never win eternal life 
in Heaven with Jesus Christ. Only He can 
forgive and set us free. Good deeds will not bring 
comfort to the soul because the bad and hurtful 
things we do to others are ultimately done against 
the One who created our souls. 
   Your soul belongs to God. He is the only 
One who can redeem your soul. 
   God made your soul. The Lord Jesus died 
to redeem your soul. And the Holy Spirit can 
fill your soul with God's love and guide you 
through life. 
   This is the way to have victory over sin.
   Who brings peace to your soul? [Peace for 
Each Day by Billy Graham] 


Search And Rescue
   Jesus' time on earth was a 
search-and-rescue mission. He rescued a woman hiding in 
Samaria. Five husbands had dumped her like the 
morning garbage. The sixth wouldn't marry her. 
Christ went out of his way to help her. 
   He rescued a demoniac in the caves. Evil 
spirits had driven the man to mutilate himself, 
slashing himself with stones. One word from Christ 
stopped the hurting. 
   He spotted pint-size Zacchaeus in 
Jericho. The tax collector had swindled enough people 
to stockpile his retirement. Yet he would have 
given it all for a clean conscience and a good 
friend. One lunch with Jesus and he found both. 
   Jesus' ministry went on like this for 
three years. He changed person after person; no 
one quite knew how to respond to this carpenter 
who commanded the dead. Just when he seemed 
poised for a crown, he died on a cross. 
   All so that he could search for and 
rescue you. [You Can Count On God by Max Lucado] 


Luke 19:10 - Christ Came to Seek and Save 
the Lost. 


Luke 15:4 - He Can or Will Bring You Home.


