
Proverbs 15:25 - The LORD Will Destroy The House Of The Proud.

Proverbs 15:25 (NKJV) The LORD will destroy 
the house of the proud, But He will establish 
the boundary of the widow.  

Proverbs 15:25 (ESV) The LORD tears down the 
house of the proud but maintains the widows 


15:25"33 These proverbs are framed by a 
contrast: the LORD opposes the proud (v. 25a), but is 
near those who act in humility born out of the 
fear of the LORD (v. 33; cf. v. 25a). Verses 
24"32 expand on this by illustrating the pride of 
the wicked as represented in their: thoughts (v. 
26a), greed for unjust gain (v. 27a), harmful 
speech (v. 28b), and refusal to listen to reproof 
(v. 32a). These are the opposite of the way of 
the righteous represented in: gracious words 
(vv. 26b, 28a), maintaining justice (v. 27b), and 
heeding instruction (vv. 31, 32b). At the center of 
this section is the further reminder that the 
Lord is far from the wicked, but hears the prayer 
of the righteous (v. 29). [ESV SB 2008]  


The proud think that they are 
self-sufficient. [NLT SB 2008]  


   Pride not only looks down on others; it 
also fails to look upward. It refuses to let God 
take his proper role in our lives. The Hebrew 
word for proud (15:25) is ge'eli. Applied to God 
it means supreme majesty, so to use it for a 
human being is ironic but also very telling. We 
want to be our own saviors and lords. We want to 
run our own lives, to earn our own self-worth, 
to decide what is right and wrong for us. 
   Lewis Smedes writes: "Pride in the 
religious sense is refusal to let God be God. It's to 
grab God's status for one's self  Pride is 
turning down God's invitation to [be] a creature in 
his garden and wishing instead to be the 
Creator, independent, reliant on your own resources 
 Pride is the grand delusion, the fantasy of 
all fantasies, the cosmic put-on." Because pride 
makes us overconfident and out of touch with 
reality, it makes us foolish. [Gods Wisdom for 
Navigating Life by Timothy Keller with Kathy Keller] 


Proverbs 14:11 (NKJV) The house of the 
wicked will be overthrown, But the tent of the 
upright will flourish.  
Devotional pending.

Proverbs 29:23 (ESV) Ones pride will 
bring him low, but he who is lowly in spirit will 
obtain honor.  
Devotional pending.

Matthew 7:24 - Build Your Life on Christ and 
His Word. 


James 4:6 - Proud or Humble Living?


1 Peter 5:5, 6 - Humility; Avenue of Grace.


