
1 Chronicles 22:13 - God's Blessings and Conditions.

1 Chronicles 22:13 (NLT) For if you 
carefully obey the laws and regulations that the LORD 
gave to Israel through Moses, you will be 
successful. Be strong and courageous; do not be afraid 
or lose heart! 

1 Chronicles 22:13 (CWR) If you obey Him and 
observe the ordinance that the Lord gave us through 
Moses, then the Lord can bless you and youll be 
successful in everything you do.  So be confident and 
full of courage.  Dont let anything make you 


David learned that it takes total dedication 
to please God - obeying with "every fiber of 
your being" (22:19).  This requires both right 
decisions (good judgment), and right attitudes 
(strength, courage, and enthusiasm).  It isn't enough 
just to understand what God wants; your heart 
must be totally dedicated to him.  Jesus said, 
"Anyone who lets himself be distracted from the work 
I plan for him is not fit for the Kingdom of 
God" (Luke 9:62).  Remove the distractions that 
pull you away from God and serve him 
wholeheartedly.  [Life Application SB] 


Successful Partnership
   A couple of verses before David made this 
statement to his son, Solomon, he said, "My son, the 
Lord be with you, so that you may succeed in 
building the house of the Lord your God." Success is 
more than achievement. It is partnership with 
God. It is through God's help we are able to do 
what he has called us to do. This remains as true 
today as it did then. 
   Following the Lord is much more than 
abiding by rules and regulations. It is knowing him, 
befriending him, and reflecting him. Nothing is 
impossible with God. No matter what we are called to, 
we are able to do it with the help of God as 
our partner! Let's be sure to make our 
relationship with him a priority. We know what to do when 
we listen to the one who walks with us! 
   Ask the Lord to lead you in your 
decisions today, and partner with his character, even 
if you struggle to hear his voice. [365 Days of 
Courage by Sara Perry of Broadstreet Pub] 


   God Blesses Those Who Cherish Principle. 
- Did the Lord make a mistake in placing 
Solomon in a position of so great responsibility? 
Nay. God prepared him to bear these 
responsibilities and promised him grace and strength on 
condition of obedience. [1 Chron. 22:13 quoted.] 
   The Lord sets men in responsible places, 
not to act out their own wills, but His will. So 
long as they cherish His pure principles of 
government, He will bless and strengthen them, 
recognizing them as His instrumentalities. God never 
forsakes the one who is true to principle (MS 164, 
1902). [SDA Bible Commentary] 


1 Chronicles 22:12,13 - God Blessings and 


Deuteronomy 31:6 - Courage in Calamity.


Joshua 1:9 - The Command to be Courageous.


